Class PredicateQueryItem

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    TaggableItem, Cloneable

    public class PredicateQueryItem
    extends SimpleTaggableItem
    A PredicateQueryItem is a collection of feature/value-pairs that are used to query predicate fields, which contains boolean constraints. If the feature/value-pairs from the PredicateQueryItem satisfies the boolean constraints, the document is a match.
    Magnar Nedland
    • Constructor Detail

      • PredicateQueryItem

        public PredicateQueryItem()
    • Method Detail

      • setIndexName

        public void setIndexName​(String index)
        Sets the name of the index (field) to be used for the predicates.
        Specified by:
        setIndexName in class Item
      • getIndexName

        public String getIndexName()
        Returns the name of the index (field) used for the predicates.
      • addFeature

        public void addFeature​(String key,
                               String value)
        Adds a feature/value-pair to the predicate query. This feature is applied to all sub queries.
        key - name of the feature to be set in this query
        value - value of the feature
      • addFeature

        public void addFeature​(String key,
                               String value,
                               long subQueryBitmap)
        Adds a feature/value-pair to the predicate query.
        key - name of the feature to be set in this query
        value - value of the feature
        subQueryBitmap - bitmap specifying which sub queries this feature applies to
      • addFeature

        public void addFeature​(PredicateQueryItem.Entry entry)
        Adds a feature/value-pair to the predicate query.
        entry - the feature to add
      • addRangeFeature

        public void addRangeFeature​(String key,
                                    long value)
        Adds a range feature with a given value to the predicate query. This feature is applied to all sub queries.
        key - name of the feature to be set in this query
        value - value of the feature
      • addRangeFeature

        public void addRangeFeature​(String key,
                                    long value,
                                    long subQueryBitmap)
        Adds a range feature with a given value to the predicate query.
        key - name of the feature to be set in this query
        value - value of the feature
        subQueryBitmap - bitmap specifying which sub queries this feature applies to
      • addRangeFeature

        public void addRangeFeature​(PredicateQueryItem.RangeEntry entry)
        Adds a range feature with a given value to the predicate query.
        entry - the feature to add
      • getItemType

        public Item.ItemType getItemType()
        Description copied from class: Item
        Return the enumerated type of this item.
        Specified by:
        getItemType in class Item
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from class: Item
        Returns the name of this item
        Specified by:
        getName in class Item
      • getTermCount

        public int getTermCount()
        Specified by:
        getTermCount in class Item
      • appendBodyString

        protected void appendBodyString​(StringBuilder buffer)
        Description copied from class: Item
        Override to append the item body in the canonical query language of this item. An item is usually represented by the string
         ([itemName] [body])
        The body must be appended appended by this method.
        Specified by:
        appendBodyString in class Item
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Description copied from class: Item
        Returns whether this item is of the same class and contains the same state as the given item.
        equals in class Item
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Item