Class BucketGroupId<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • BucketGroupId

        public BucketGroupId​(String type,
                             T from,
                             T to)
        Constructs a new instance of this class.
        type - The type of this id's value.
        from - The inclusive-from of the range.
        to - The exclusive-to of the range.
      • BucketGroupId

        public BucketGroupId​(String type,
                             T from,
                             String fromImage,
                             T to,
                             String toImage)
        Constructs a new instance of this class.
        type - The type of this id's value.
        from - The inclusive-from of the range.
        fromImage - The String representation of the from argument.
        to - The exclusive-to of the range.
        toImage - The String representation of the to argument.
    • Method Detail

      • getFrom

        public T getFrom()
        Returns the inclusive-from of the value range.
        The from-value.
      • getTo

        public T getTo()
        Returns the exclusive-to of the value range.
        The to-value.