Class Execution


public class Execution extends

An execution of a search chain. This keeps track of the call state for an execution (in the calling thread) of the searchers of a search chain.

To execute a search chain, simply do

     Result result = new Execution(mySearchChain, execution.context()).search(query)

See also AsyncExecution, which performs an execution in a separate thread than the caller.

Execution instances should not be reused for multiple separate executions.

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
    The execution context is the search chain's current view of the indexes, search chain registrys, etc.

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class<COMPONENT extends>,
  • Constructor Summary

    Execution(<? extends Searcher> searchChain, Execution.Context context)
    The usually best way of creating a new execution for a search chain.
    Execution(Execution execution)
    Creates an execution from another.
    Creates an which executes nothing
    Execution(Searcher searcher, Execution.Context context)
    Creates an execution from a single searcher
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the context of this execution, which contains various objects which are looked up through a memory barrier at the point this is created and which is guaranteed to be frozen during the execution of this query.
    defaultResponse( request)
    The default response returned from this kind of execution when there are not further processors - an empty Result
    fill(Result result)
    Fill hit properties with data using the default summary class, possibly overridden with the 'summary' request parameter.
    fill(Result result, String summaryClass)
    Calls fill on the next searcher in this chain.
    use fill(Result, String)
    protected void
    protected void
    onReturning( request, processor, response)
    ping(Ping ping)
    Calls ping on the next search in this chain.
    protected void
    process( request)
    Does return search(((Query)request)
    search(Query query)
    Calls search on the next searcher in this chain.
    Returns the search chain registry to use with this execution.

    Methods inherited from class

    chain, createRoot, createRoot, environment, next, nextIndex, onInvoking, toString, trace

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Execution

      public Execution(Execution execution)

      Creates an execution from another. This execution will start at the current next searcher in the given execution, rather than at the start.

      The relevant state of the given execution is copied before this method returns - the argument execution can then be reused for any other purpose.

    • Execution

      public Execution(Execution.Context context)
      Creates an which executes nothing
    • Execution

      public Execution(<? extends Searcher> searchChain, Execution.Context context)
      The usually best way of creating a new execution for a search chain. This is the one suitable for a production environment. It is safe to use the incoming context from the search directly:
       public Result search(Query query, Execution execution) {
           SearchChain searchChain = fancyChainSelectionRoutine(query);
           if (searchChain != null) {
               return new Execution(searchChain, execution.context());
           else {
      searchChain - the search chain to execute
      context - the execution context from which this is populated (the given context is not changed nor retained by this), or null to not populate from a context
      IllegalArgumentException - if searchChain is null
    • Execution

      public Execution(Searcher searcher, Execution.Context context)
      Creates an execution from a single searcher
  • Method Details

    • process

      public final process( request)
      Does return search(((Query)request)
      process in class
    • search

      public Result search(Query query)
      Calls search on the next searcher in this chain. If there is no next, an empty result is returned.
    • defaultResponse

      protected defaultResponse( request)
      The default response returned from this kind of execution when there are not further processors - an empty Result
      defaultResponse in class
    • fillAttributes

      @Deprecated public void fillAttributes(Result result)
      use fill(Result, String)
      Fill hit properties with values from some in-memory attributes. Not all attributes are included, and *which* attributes are subject to change depending on what Vespa needs internally. Applications should prefer to define their own summary class with only the in-memory attributes they need, and call fill(result, "foo") with the name of their own summary class instead of "foo".
      result - the result to fill
    • fill

      public void fill(Result result)
      Fill hit properties with data using the default summary class, possibly overridden with the 'summary' request parameter.

      Fill must be called before any property (accessed by getProperty/getField) is accessed on the hit. It should be done as late as possible for performance reasons.

      Calling this on already filled results has no cost.

      result - the result to fill
    • fill

      public void fill(Result result, String summaryClass)
      Calls fill on the next searcher in this chain. If there is no next, nothing is done.
    • ping

      public Pong ping(Ping ping)
      Calls ping on the next search in this chain. If there is no next, a Pong is created and returned.
    • onReturning

      protected void onReturning( request, processor, response)
      onReturning in class
    • previousProcessor

      protected void previousProcessor()
      previousProcessor in class
    • nextProcessor

      protected void nextProcessor()
      nextProcessor in class
    • searchChainRegistry

      public SearchChainRegistry searchChainRegistry()
      Returns the search chain registry to use with this execution. This is a snapshot taken at creation of this execution if available.
    • context

      public Execution.Context context()
      Returns the context of this execution, which contains various objects which are looked up through a memory barrier at the point this is created and which is guaranteed to be frozen during the execution of this query.

      Note that the context itself can be changed. Such changes will be visible to downstream searchers, but not after returning from the modifying searcher. In other words, a change in the context will not be visible to the preceding searchers when the result is returned from the searcher which modified the context.

    • timer

      public TimeTracker timer()
      the TimeTracker instance associated with this Execution