Class Defaults

  • public class Defaults
    extends Object
    The defaults of basic Vespa configuration variables. Use Defaults.getDefaults() to access the defaults of this runtime environment.
    arnej27959, bratseth
    • Method Detail

      • vespaUser

        public String vespaUser()
        Get the username to own directories, files and processes
        the vespa user name
      • vespaHostname

        public String vespaHostname()
        Compute the host name that identifies myself. Detection of the hostname is now done before starting any Vespa programs and provided in the environment variable VESPA_HOSTNAME; if that variable isn't set a default of "localhost" is always returned.
        the vespa host name
      • temporaryApplicationStorage

        public String temporaryApplicationStorage()
        Returns the path where a Vespa application can store arbitrary files on the node. This path is persistent during the lifetime of this node. The application must be able to recreate required files on its own (e.g. by downloading them from a remote source) if missing.
        the local application storage path
      • vespaHome

        public String vespaHome()
        Returns the path to the root under which Vespa should read and write files. Will not end with a "/".
        the vespa home directory
      • underVespaHome

        public String underVespaHome​(String path)
        Returns an absolute path produced by prepending vespaHome to the argument if it is relative. If the path starts by "/" (absolute) or "./" (explicitly relative - useful for tests), it is returned as-is.
        path - the path to prepend vespaHome to unless it is absolute
        the given path string with the root path given from vespaHome() prepended, unless the given path is absolute, in which case it is be returned as-is
      • vespaWebServicePort

        public int vespaWebServicePort()
        Returns the port number where Vespa web services should be available.
        the vespa webservice port
      • vespaPortBase

        public int vespaPortBase()
        Returns the base for port numbers where the Vespa services should listen.
        the vespa base number for ports
      • vespaConfigServerRpcPort

        public int vespaConfigServerRpcPort()
        port number used by cloud config server (for its RPC protocol)
      • vespaConfigServerHttpPort

        public int vespaConfigServerHttpPort()
        port number used by cloud config server (REST api on HTTP)
      • vespaConfigProxyRpcPort

        public int vespaConfigProxyRpcPort()
        port number used by config proxy server (RPC protocol)
      • getDefaults

        public static Defaults getDefaults()
        Returns the defaults of this runtime environment