Class CallStack

  • public class CallStack
    extends Object
    A stack of the processors to call next in this processing. To push which processor to call next, call addNext, to get and remove the next processor, call pop. This is not thread safe.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CallStack

        public CallStack()
      • CallStack

        public CallStack​(String name)
      • CallStack

        public CallStack​( statistics,
        Creates an empty stack
      • CallStack

        public CallStack​(String name,
        Creates an empty stack with a name
      • CallStack

        public CallStack​(CallStack stackToCopy)
        Creates a stack from another stack (starting at the next of the given callstack) This does a deep copy of the stack.
      • CallStack

        public CallStack​(String name,
                         Collection<DocumentProcessor> docprocs,
        Creates a stack (with a given name) based on a collection of document processors, which are added to the stack in the iteration order of the collection.
        name - the name of the stack
        docprocs - the document processors to call
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name of this stack, or null if it is not named
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Sets the name of this stack
      • addNext

        public CallStack addNext​(Call call)
        Push an element as the next element on this stack
        this for convenience
      • addNext

        public CallStack addNext​(DocumentProcessor processor)
        Push an element as the next element on this stack
        this for convenience
      • addNext

        public CallStack addNext​(CallStack callStack)
        Push multiple elements as the next elements on this stack
        this for convenience
      • addLast

        public CallStack addLast​(Call call)
        Adds an element as the last element on this stack
        this for convenience
      • addLast

        public CallStack addLast​(DocumentProcessor processor)
        Adds an element as the last element on this stack
        this for convenience
      • addLast

        public CallStack addLast​(CallStack callStack)
        Adds multiple elements as the last elements on this stack
        this for convenience
      • addBefore

        public CallStack addBefore​(Call before,
                                   Call call)
        Adds an element just before the first occurence of some other element on the stack. This can not be called during an iteration.
        before - the call to add this before. If this call is not present (the same object instance), new processor is added as the last element
        call - the call to add
        this for convenience
      • addBefore

        public CallStack addBefore​(Call before,
                                   DocumentProcessor processor)
        Adds an element just before the first occurence of some element on the stack. This can not be called during an iteration.
        before - the call to add this before. If this call is not present (the same object instance), the new processor is added as the last element
        processor - the processor to add
        this for convenience
      • addBefore

        public CallStack addBefore​(Call before,
                                   CallStack callStack)
        Adds multiple elements just before the first occurence of some element on the stack. This can not be called during an iteration.
        before - the call to add this before. If this call is not present (the same object instance), the new processor is added as the last element
        callStack - the calls to add
        this for convenience
      • addAfter

        public CallStack addAfter​(Call after,
                                  Call call)
        Adds an element just after the first occurence of some other element on the stack. This can not be called during an iteration.
        after - the call to add this before. If this call is not present, (the same object instance), the new processor is added as the last element
        call - the call to add
        this for convenience
      • addAfter

        public CallStack addAfter​(Call after,
                                  DocumentProcessor processor)
        Adds an element just after the first occurence of some other element on the stack. This can not be called during an iteration.
        after - the call to add this after. If this call is not present, (the same object instance), the new processor is added as the last element
        processor - the processor to add
        this for convenience
      • addAfter

        public CallStack addAfter​(Call after,
                                  CallStack callStack)
        Adds multiple elements just after another given element on the stack. This can not be called during an iteration.
        after - the call to add this before. If this call is not present, (the same object instance), the new processor is added as the last element
        callStack - the calls to add
        this for convenience
      • remove

        public CallStack remove​(Call call)
        Removes the given call. Does nothing if the call is not present.
        call - the call to remove
        this for convenience
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(Call call)
        Returns whether this stack has this call (left)
        call - the call to check
        true if the call is present, false otherwise
      • findCall

        public Call findCall​( processorId)
        Returns the next call to this processor id, or null if no such calls are left
      • findCall

        public Call findCall​(DocumentProcessor processor)
        Returns the next call to this processor, or null if no such calls are left
      • pop

        public Call pop()
        Returns and removes the next element, or null if there are no more elements
      • peek

        public Call peek()
        Returns the next element without removing it, or null if there are no more elements
      • getLastPopped

        public Call getLastPopped()
        Returns the element that was last popped from this stack, or null if none have been popped or the stack is empty
      • clear

        public void clear()
      • iterator

        public ListIterator<Call> iterator()
        Returns a modifiable ListIterator over all the remaining elements of this stack, starting by the next element
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the number of remaining elements in this stack
      • getStatistics

        public getStatistics()
      • getMetric

        public getMetric()