Class StringFieldValue

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Cloneable, Comparable<FieldValue>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class StringFieldValue
    extends FieldValue
    A StringFieldValue is a wrapper class that holds a String in Documents and other FieldValues. String fields can only contain text characters, as defined by Text.isTextCharacter(int)
    Einar M R Rosenvinge
    • Field Detail

      • classId

        public static final int classId
    • Constructor Detail

      • StringFieldValue

        public StringFieldValue()
        Creates a new StringFieldValue holding an empty String.
      • StringFieldValue

        public StringFieldValue​(String value)
        Creates a new StringFieldValue with the given value.
        value - the value to wrap.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the string contains non-text characters as defined by Text.isTextCharacter(int)
    • Method Detail

      • clone

        public StringFieldValue clone()
        Clones this StringFieldValue and its span trees.
        clone in class FieldValue
        a new deep-copied StringFieldValue
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Sets the wrapped String to be an empty String, and clears all span trees.
        Specified by:
        clear in class FieldValue
      • assign

        public void assign​(Object o)
        Sets a new value for this StringFieldValue. NOTE that doing so will clear all span trees from this value, since they most certainly will not make sense for a new string value.
        Specified by:
        assign in class FieldValue
        o - the new String to assign to this. An argument of null is equal to calling clear().
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given argument is a string containing non-text characters as defined by Text.isTextCharacter(int)
      • getSpanTrees

        public Collection<SpanTree> getSpanTrees()
        Returns an unmodifiable Collection of the span trees with annotations over this String, if any.
        an unmodifiable Collection of the span trees with annotations over this String, or an empty Collection
      • getSpanTreeMap

        public final Map<String,​SpanTree> getSpanTreeMap()
        Returns the map of spantrees. Might be null.
      • getSpanTree

        public SpanTree getSpanTree​(String name)
        Returns the span tree associated with the given name, or null if this does not exist.
        name - the name of the span tree to return
        the span tree associated with the given name, or null if this does not exist.
      • setSpanTree

        public SpanTree setSpanTree​(SpanTree spanTree)
        Sets the span tree with annotations over this String.
        spanTree - the span tree with annotations over this String
        the input spanTree for chaining
        IllegalArgumentException - if a span tree with the given name already exists.
      • removeSpanTree

        public SpanTree removeSpanTree​(String name)
        Removes the span tree associated with the given name.
        name - the name of the span tree to remove
        the span tree previously associated with the given name, or null if it did not exist
      • getString

        public String getString()
        Returns the String value wrapped by this StringFieldValue
      • getWrappedValue

        public Object getWrappedValue()
        Returns the String value wrapped by this StringFieldValue
        getWrappedValue in class FieldValue
      • printXml

        public void printXml​(XmlStream xml)
        Prints XML in Vespa Document XML format for this StringFieldValue.
        Specified by:
        printXml in class FieldValue
        xml - the stream to print to
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns the String value wrapped by this StringFieldValue.
        toString in class
        the String value wrapped by this StringFieldValue.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        equals in class
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class
      • setUnChecked

        public void setUnChecked​(String s)
        Only for use by deserializer to avoid the cost of verifying input.