Package sentencepiece

Class SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface<SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec>
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • mergeFrom

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder mergeFrom​( input,
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder>
      • getInputList

        public getInputList()
         General parameters
         Input corpus files.
          Trainer accepts the following two formats:
          A) Monolingual: plain text, one sentence per line.
          B) Bilingual:   TSV, source sentence <tab> target sentence
          When bilingual data is passed, shared vocabulary model is built.
          Note that the input file must be raw corpus, not a preprocessed corpus.
          Trainer only loads the first `input_sentence_size` sentences specified
          with this parameter.
        repeated string input = 1;
        Specified by:
        getInputList in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        A list containing the input.
      • getInputCount

        public int getInputCount()
         General parameters
         Input corpus files.
          Trainer accepts the following two formats:
          A) Monolingual: plain text, one sentence per line.
          B) Bilingual:   TSV, source sentence <tab> target sentence
          When bilingual data is passed, shared vocabulary model is built.
          Note that the input file must be raw corpus, not a preprocessed corpus.
          Trainer only loads the first `input_sentence_size` sentences specified
          with this parameter.
        repeated string input = 1;
        Specified by:
        getInputCount in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The count of input.
      • getInput

        public java.lang.String getInput​(int index)
         General parameters
         Input corpus files.
          Trainer accepts the following two formats:
          A) Monolingual: plain text, one sentence per line.
          B) Bilingual:   TSV, source sentence <tab> target sentence
          When bilingual data is passed, shared vocabulary model is built.
          Note that the input file must be raw corpus, not a preprocessed corpus.
          Trainer only loads the first `input_sentence_size` sentences specified
          with this parameter.
        repeated string input = 1;
        Specified by:
        getInput in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The input at the given index.
      • getInputBytes

        public getInputBytes​(int index)
         General parameters
         Input corpus files.
          Trainer accepts the following two formats:
          A) Monolingual: plain text, one sentence per line.
          B) Bilingual:   TSV, source sentence <tab> target sentence
          When bilingual data is passed, shared vocabulary model is built.
          Note that the input file must be raw corpus, not a preprocessed corpus.
          Trainer only loads the first `input_sentence_size` sentences specified
          with this parameter.
        repeated string input = 1;
        Specified by:
        getInputBytes in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The bytes of the input at the given index.
      • setInput

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setInput​(int index,
                                                               java.lang.String value)
         General parameters
         Input corpus files.
          Trainer accepts the following two formats:
          A) Monolingual: plain text, one sentence per line.
          B) Bilingual:   TSV, source sentence <tab> target sentence
          When bilingual data is passed, shared vocabulary model is built.
          Note that the input file must be raw corpus, not a preprocessed corpus.
          Trainer only loads the first `input_sentence_size` sentences specified
          with this parameter.
        repeated string input = 1;
        index - The index to set the value at.
        value - The input to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addInput

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addInput​(java.lang.String value)
         General parameters
         Input corpus files.
          Trainer accepts the following two formats:
          A) Monolingual: plain text, one sentence per line.
          B) Bilingual:   TSV, source sentence <tab> target sentence
          When bilingual data is passed, shared vocabulary model is built.
          Note that the input file must be raw corpus, not a preprocessed corpus.
          Trainer only loads the first `input_sentence_size` sentences specified
          with this parameter.
        repeated string input = 1;
        value - The input to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAllInput

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addAllInput​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values)
         General parameters
         Input corpus files.
          Trainer accepts the following two formats:
          A) Monolingual: plain text, one sentence per line.
          B) Bilingual:   TSV, source sentence <tab> target sentence
          When bilingual data is passed, shared vocabulary model is built.
          Note that the input file must be raw corpus, not a preprocessed corpus.
          Trainer only loads the first `input_sentence_size` sentences specified
          with this parameter.
        repeated string input = 1;
        values - The input to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearInput

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearInput()
         General parameters
         Input corpus files.
          Trainer accepts the following two formats:
          A) Monolingual: plain text, one sentence per line.
          B) Bilingual:   TSV, source sentence <tab> target sentence
          When bilingual data is passed, shared vocabulary model is built.
          Note that the input file must be raw corpus, not a preprocessed corpus.
          Trainer only loads the first `input_sentence_size` sentences specified
          with this parameter.
        repeated string input = 1;
        This builder for chaining.
      • addInputBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addInputBytes​( value)
         General parameters
         Input corpus files.
          Trainer accepts the following two formats:
          A) Monolingual: plain text, one sentence per line.
          B) Bilingual:   TSV, source sentence <tab> target sentence
          When bilingual data is passed, shared vocabulary model is built.
          Note that the input file must be raw corpus, not a preprocessed corpus.
          Trainer only loads the first `input_sentence_size` sentences specified
          with this parameter.
        repeated string input = 1;
        value - The bytes of the input to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasInputFormat

        public boolean hasInputFormat()
         Input corpus format:
         "text": one-sentence-per-line text format (default)
         "tsv":  sentence <tab> freq
        optional string input_format = 7;
        Specified by:
        hasInputFormat in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the inputFormat field is set.
      • getInputFormat

        public java.lang.String getInputFormat()
         Input corpus format:
         "text": one-sentence-per-line text format (default)
         "tsv":  sentence <tab> freq
        optional string input_format = 7;
        Specified by:
        getInputFormat in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The inputFormat.
      • getInputFormatBytes

        public getInputFormatBytes()
         Input corpus format:
         "text": one-sentence-per-line text format (default)
         "tsv":  sentence <tab> freq
        optional string input_format = 7;
        Specified by:
        getInputFormatBytes in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The bytes for inputFormat.
      • setInputFormat

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setInputFormat​(java.lang.String value)
         Input corpus format:
         "text": one-sentence-per-line text format (default)
         "tsv":  sentence <tab> freq
        optional string input_format = 7;
        value - The inputFormat to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearInputFormat

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearInputFormat()
         Input corpus format:
         "text": one-sentence-per-line text format (default)
         "tsv":  sentence <tab> freq
        optional string input_format = 7;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setInputFormatBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setInputFormatBytes​( value)
         Input corpus format:
         "text": one-sentence-per-line text format (default)
         "tsv":  sentence <tab> freq
        optional string input_format = 7;
        value - The bytes for inputFormat to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasModelPrefix

        public boolean hasModelPrefix()
         Output model file prefix.
         <model_prefix>.model and <model_prefix>.vocab are generated.
        optional string model_prefix = 2;
        Specified by:
        hasModelPrefix in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the modelPrefix field is set.
      • getModelPrefix

        public java.lang.String getModelPrefix()
         Output model file prefix.
         <model_prefix>.model and <model_prefix>.vocab are generated.
        optional string model_prefix = 2;
        Specified by:
        getModelPrefix in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The modelPrefix.
      • getModelPrefixBytes

        public getModelPrefixBytes()
         Output model file prefix.
         <model_prefix>.model and <model_prefix>.vocab are generated.
        optional string model_prefix = 2;
        Specified by:
        getModelPrefixBytes in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The bytes for modelPrefix.
      • setModelPrefix

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setModelPrefix​(java.lang.String value)
         Output model file prefix.
         <model_prefix>.model and <model_prefix>.vocab are generated.
        optional string model_prefix = 2;
        value - The modelPrefix to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearModelPrefix

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearModelPrefix()
         Output model file prefix.
         <model_prefix>.model and <model_prefix>.vocab are generated.
        optional string model_prefix = 2;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setModelPrefixBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setModelPrefixBytes​( value)
         Output model file prefix.
         <model_prefix>.model and <model_prefix>.vocab are generated.
        optional string model_prefix = 2;
        value - The bytes for modelPrefix to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasModelType

        public boolean hasModelType()
        optional .sentencepiece.TrainerSpec.ModelType model_type = 3 [default = UNIGRAM];
        Specified by:
        hasModelType in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the modelType field is set.
      • clearModelType

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearModelType()
        optional .sentencepiece.TrainerSpec.ModelType model_type = 3 [default = UNIGRAM];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasVocabSize

        public boolean hasVocabSize()
         Vocabulary size. 8k is the default size.
        optional int32 vocab_size = 4 [default = 8000];
        Specified by:
        hasVocabSize in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the vocabSize field is set.
      • setVocabSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setVocabSize​(int value)
         Vocabulary size. 8k is the default size.
        optional int32 vocab_size = 4 [default = 8000];
        value - The vocabSize to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearVocabSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearVocabSize()
         Vocabulary size. 8k is the default size.
        optional int32 vocab_size = 4 [default = 8000];
        This builder for chaining.
      • getAcceptLanguageList

        public getAcceptLanguageList()
         List of the languages this model can accept.
         Since the model is language-agnostic, this field is used as a reference.
        repeated string accept_language = 5;
        Specified by:
        getAcceptLanguageList in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        A list containing the acceptLanguage.
      • getAcceptLanguageCount

        public int getAcceptLanguageCount()
         List of the languages this model can accept.
         Since the model is language-agnostic, this field is used as a reference.
        repeated string accept_language = 5;
        Specified by:
        getAcceptLanguageCount in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The count of acceptLanguage.
      • getAcceptLanguage

        public java.lang.String getAcceptLanguage​(int index)
         List of the languages this model can accept.
         Since the model is language-agnostic, this field is used as a reference.
        repeated string accept_language = 5;
        Specified by:
        getAcceptLanguage in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The acceptLanguage at the given index.
      • getAcceptLanguageBytes

        public getAcceptLanguageBytes​(int index)
         List of the languages this model can accept.
         Since the model is language-agnostic, this field is used as a reference.
        repeated string accept_language = 5;
        Specified by:
        getAcceptLanguageBytes in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The bytes of the acceptLanguage at the given index.
      • setAcceptLanguage

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setAcceptLanguage​(int index,
                                                                        java.lang.String value)
         List of the languages this model can accept.
         Since the model is language-agnostic, this field is used as a reference.
        repeated string accept_language = 5;
        index - The index to set the value at.
        value - The acceptLanguage to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAcceptLanguage

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addAcceptLanguage​(java.lang.String value)
         List of the languages this model can accept.
         Since the model is language-agnostic, this field is used as a reference.
        repeated string accept_language = 5;
        value - The acceptLanguage to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAllAcceptLanguage

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addAllAcceptLanguage​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values)
         List of the languages this model can accept.
         Since the model is language-agnostic, this field is used as a reference.
        repeated string accept_language = 5;
        values - The acceptLanguage to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearAcceptLanguage

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearAcceptLanguage()
         List of the languages this model can accept.
         Since the model is language-agnostic, this field is used as a reference.
        repeated string accept_language = 5;
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAcceptLanguageBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addAcceptLanguageBytes​( value)
         List of the languages this model can accept.
         Since the model is language-agnostic, this field is used as a reference.
        repeated string accept_language = 5;
        value - The bytes of the acceptLanguage to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasSelfTestSampleSize

        public boolean hasSelfTestSampleSize()
         Size of self-test samples, which are encoded in the model file.
        optional int32 self_test_sample_size = 6 [default = 0];
        Specified by:
        hasSelfTestSampleSize in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the selfTestSampleSize field is set.
      • getSelfTestSampleSize

        public int getSelfTestSampleSize()
         Size of self-test samples, which are encoded in the model file.
        optional int32 self_test_sample_size = 6 [default = 0];
        Specified by:
        getSelfTestSampleSize in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The selfTestSampleSize.
      • setSelfTestSampleSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setSelfTestSampleSize​(int value)
         Size of self-test samples, which are encoded in the model file.
        optional int32 self_test_sample_size = 6 [default = 0];
        value - The selfTestSampleSize to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearSelfTestSampleSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearSelfTestSampleSize()
         Size of self-test samples, which are encoded in the model file.
        optional int32 self_test_sample_size = 6 [default = 0];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasCharacterCoverage

        public boolean hasCharacterCoverage()
         Training parameters.
         Uses characters which cover the corpus with the ratio of `chars_coverage`.
         This parameter determines the set of basic Alphabet of sentence piece.
         1.0 - `chars_coverage` characters are treated as UNK.
         See also required_chars field.
        optional float character_coverage = 10 [default = 0.9995];
        Specified by:
        hasCharacterCoverage in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the characterCoverage field is set.
      • getCharacterCoverage

        public float getCharacterCoverage()
         Training parameters.
         Uses characters which cover the corpus with the ratio of `chars_coverage`.
         This parameter determines the set of basic Alphabet of sentence piece.
         1.0 - `chars_coverage` characters are treated as UNK.
         See also required_chars field.
        optional float character_coverage = 10 [default = 0.9995];
        Specified by:
        getCharacterCoverage in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The characterCoverage.
      • setCharacterCoverage

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setCharacterCoverage​(float value)
         Training parameters.
         Uses characters which cover the corpus with the ratio of `chars_coverage`.
         This parameter determines the set of basic Alphabet of sentence piece.
         1.0 - `chars_coverage` characters are treated as UNK.
         See also required_chars field.
        optional float character_coverage = 10 [default = 0.9995];
        value - The characterCoverage to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearCharacterCoverage

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearCharacterCoverage()
         Training parameters.
         Uses characters which cover the corpus with the ratio of `chars_coverage`.
         This parameter determines the set of basic Alphabet of sentence piece.
         1.0 - `chars_coverage` characters are treated as UNK.
         See also required_chars field.
        optional float character_coverage = 10 [default = 0.9995];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasInputSentenceSize

        public boolean hasInputSentenceSize()
         Maximum size of sentences the trainer loads from `input` parameter.
         Trainer simply loads the `input` files in sequence.
         It is better to shuffle the input corpus randomly.
        optional uint64 input_sentence_size = 11 [default = 0];
        Specified by:
        hasInputSentenceSize in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the inputSentenceSize field is set.
      • getInputSentenceSize

        public long getInputSentenceSize()
         Maximum size of sentences the trainer loads from `input` parameter.
         Trainer simply loads the `input` files in sequence.
         It is better to shuffle the input corpus randomly.
        optional uint64 input_sentence_size = 11 [default = 0];
        Specified by:
        getInputSentenceSize in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The inputSentenceSize.
      • setInputSentenceSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setInputSentenceSize​(long value)
         Maximum size of sentences the trainer loads from `input` parameter.
         Trainer simply loads the `input` files in sequence.
         It is better to shuffle the input corpus randomly.
        optional uint64 input_sentence_size = 11 [default = 0];
        value - The inputSentenceSize to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearInputSentenceSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearInputSentenceSize()
         Maximum size of sentences the trainer loads from `input` parameter.
         Trainer simply loads the `input` files in sequence.
         It is better to shuffle the input corpus randomly.
        optional uint64 input_sentence_size = 11 [default = 0];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setShuffleInputSentence

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setShuffleInputSentence​(boolean value)
        optional bool shuffle_input_sentence = 19 [default = true];
        value - The shuffleInputSentence to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearShuffleInputSentence

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearShuffleInputSentence()
        optional bool shuffle_input_sentence = 19 [default = true];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasMiningSentenceSize

        public boolean hasMiningSentenceSize()
         Maximum size of sentences to make seed sentence pieces.
         Extended suffix array is constructed to extract frequent
         sub-strings from the corpus. This uses 20N working space,
         where N is the size of corpus.
        optional int32 mining_sentence_size = 12 [deprecated = true];
        Specified by:
        hasMiningSentenceSize in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the miningSentenceSize field is set.
      • getMiningSentenceSize

        public int getMiningSentenceSize()
         Maximum size of sentences to make seed sentence pieces.
         Extended suffix array is constructed to extract frequent
         sub-strings from the corpus. This uses 20N working space,
         where N is the size of corpus.
        optional int32 mining_sentence_size = 12 [deprecated = true];
        Specified by:
        getMiningSentenceSize in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The miningSentenceSize.
      • setMiningSentenceSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setMiningSentenceSize​(int value)
         Maximum size of sentences to make seed sentence pieces.
         Extended suffix array is constructed to extract frequent
         sub-strings from the corpus. This uses 20N working space,
         where N is the size of corpus.
        optional int32 mining_sentence_size = 12 [deprecated = true];
        value - The miningSentenceSize to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearMiningSentenceSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearMiningSentenceSize()
         Maximum size of sentences to make seed sentence pieces.
         Extended suffix array is constructed to extract frequent
         sub-strings from the corpus. This uses 20N working space,
         where N is the size of corpus.
        optional int32 mining_sentence_size = 12 [deprecated = true];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasTrainingSentenceSize

        public boolean hasTrainingSentenceSize()
         Maximum size of sentences to train sentence pieces.
        optional int32 training_sentence_size = 13 [deprecated = true];
        Specified by:
        hasTrainingSentenceSize in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the trainingSentenceSize field is set.
      • getTrainingSentenceSize

        public int getTrainingSentenceSize()
         Maximum size of sentences to train sentence pieces.
        optional int32 training_sentence_size = 13 [deprecated = true];
        Specified by:
        getTrainingSentenceSize in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The trainingSentenceSize.
      • setTrainingSentenceSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setTrainingSentenceSize​(int value)
         Maximum size of sentences to train sentence pieces.
        optional int32 training_sentence_size = 13 [deprecated = true];
        value - The trainingSentenceSize to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearTrainingSentenceSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearTrainingSentenceSize()
         Maximum size of sentences to train sentence pieces.
        optional int32 training_sentence_size = 13 [deprecated = true];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasSeedSentencepieceSize

        public boolean hasSeedSentencepieceSize()
         The size of seed sentencepieces.
         `seed_sentencepiece_size` must be larger than `vocab_size`.
        optional int32 seed_sentencepiece_size = 14 [default = 1000000];
        Specified by:
        hasSeedSentencepieceSize in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the seedSentencepieceSize field is set.
      • getSeedSentencepieceSize

        public int getSeedSentencepieceSize()
         The size of seed sentencepieces.
         `seed_sentencepiece_size` must be larger than `vocab_size`.
        optional int32 seed_sentencepiece_size = 14 [default = 1000000];
        Specified by:
        getSeedSentencepieceSize in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The seedSentencepieceSize.
      • setSeedSentencepieceSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setSeedSentencepieceSize​(int value)
         The size of seed sentencepieces.
         `seed_sentencepiece_size` must be larger than `vocab_size`.
        optional int32 seed_sentencepiece_size = 14 [default = 1000000];
        value - The seedSentencepieceSize to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearSeedSentencepieceSize

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearSeedSentencepieceSize()
         The size of seed sentencepieces.
         `seed_sentencepiece_size` must be larger than `vocab_size`.
        optional int32 seed_sentencepiece_size = 14 [default = 1000000];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasShrinkingFactor

        public boolean hasShrinkingFactor()
         In every EM sub-iterations, keeps top
         `shrinking_factor` * `current sentencepieces size` with respect to
         the loss of the sentence piece. This value should be smaller than 1.0.
        optional float shrinking_factor = 15 [default = 0.75];
        Specified by:
        hasShrinkingFactor in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the shrinkingFactor field is set.
      • getShrinkingFactor

        public float getShrinkingFactor()
         In every EM sub-iterations, keeps top
         `shrinking_factor` * `current sentencepieces size` with respect to
         the loss of the sentence piece. This value should be smaller than 1.0.
        optional float shrinking_factor = 15 [default = 0.75];
        Specified by:
        getShrinkingFactor in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The shrinkingFactor.
      • setShrinkingFactor

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setShrinkingFactor​(float value)
         In every EM sub-iterations, keeps top
         `shrinking_factor` * `current sentencepieces size` with respect to
         the loss of the sentence piece. This value should be smaller than 1.0.
        optional float shrinking_factor = 15 [default = 0.75];
        value - The shrinkingFactor to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearShrinkingFactor

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearShrinkingFactor()
         In every EM sub-iterations, keeps top
         `shrinking_factor` * `current sentencepieces size` with respect to
         the loss of the sentence piece. This value should be smaller than 1.0.
        optional float shrinking_factor = 15 [default = 0.75];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasMaxSentenceLength

        public boolean hasMaxSentenceLength()
         The maximum sentence length in byte. The sentences with the length
         larger than `max_sentence_length` is simply ignored.
         Longer input tends to bring the following risks:
          * Overflow during EM training (unigram language model only)
          * Performance drop because of O(n log n) cost in BPE.
        optional int32 max_sentence_length = 18 [default = 4192];
        Specified by:
        hasMaxSentenceLength in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the maxSentenceLength field is set.
      • getMaxSentenceLength

        public int getMaxSentenceLength()
         The maximum sentence length in byte. The sentences with the length
         larger than `max_sentence_length` is simply ignored.
         Longer input tends to bring the following risks:
          * Overflow during EM training (unigram language model only)
          * Performance drop because of O(n log n) cost in BPE.
        optional int32 max_sentence_length = 18 [default = 4192];
        Specified by:
        getMaxSentenceLength in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The maxSentenceLength.
      • setMaxSentenceLength

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setMaxSentenceLength​(int value)
         The maximum sentence length in byte. The sentences with the length
         larger than `max_sentence_length` is simply ignored.
         Longer input tends to bring the following risks:
          * Overflow during EM training (unigram language model only)
          * Performance drop because of O(n log n) cost in BPE.
        optional int32 max_sentence_length = 18 [default = 4192];
        value - The maxSentenceLength to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearMaxSentenceLength

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearMaxSentenceLength()
         The maximum sentence length in byte. The sentences with the length
         larger than `max_sentence_length` is simply ignored.
         Longer input tends to bring the following risks:
          * Overflow during EM training (unigram language model only)
          * Performance drop because of O(n log n) cost in BPE.
        optional int32 max_sentence_length = 18 [default = 4192];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasNumThreads

        public boolean hasNumThreads()
         Number of threads in the training.
        optional int32 num_threads = 16 [default = 16];
        Specified by:
        hasNumThreads in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the numThreads field is set.
      • setNumThreads

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setNumThreads​(int value)
         Number of threads in the training.
        optional int32 num_threads = 16 [default = 16];
        value - The numThreads to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearNumThreads

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearNumThreads()
         Number of threads in the training.
        optional int32 num_threads = 16 [default = 16];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setNumSubIterations

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setNumSubIterations​(int value)
         Number of EM sub iterations.
        optional int32 num_sub_iterations = 17 [default = 2];
        value - The numSubIterations to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearNumSubIterations

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearNumSubIterations()
         Number of EM sub iterations.
        optional int32 num_sub_iterations = 17 [default = 2];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasMaxSentencepieceLength

        public boolean hasMaxSentencepieceLength()
         SentencePiece parameters which control the shapes of sentence piece.
         Maximum length of sentencepiece.
        optional int32 max_sentencepiece_length = 20 [default = 16];
        Specified by:
        hasMaxSentencepieceLength in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the maxSentencepieceLength field is set.
      • getMaxSentencepieceLength

        public int getMaxSentencepieceLength()
         SentencePiece parameters which control the shapes of sentence piece.
         Maximum length of sentencepiece.
        optional int32 max_sentencepiece_length = 20 [default = 16];
        Specified by:
        getMaxSentencepieceLength in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The maxSentencepieceLength.
      • setMaxSentencepieceLength

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setMaxSentencepieceLength​(int value)
         SentencePiece parameters which control the shapes of sentence piece.
         Maximum length of sentencepiece.
        optional int32 max_sentencepiece_length = 20 [default = 16];
        value - The maxSentencepieceLength to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearMaxSentencepieceLength

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearMaxSentencepieceLength()
         SentencePiece parameters which control the shapes of sentence piece.
         Maximum length of sentencepiece.
        optional int32 max_sentencepiece_length = 20 [default = 16];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasSplitByUnicodeScript

        public boolean hasSplitByUnicodeScript()
         Uses Unicode script to split sentence pieces.
         When `split_by_unicode_script` is true, we do not allow sentence piece to
         include multiple Unicode scripts, e.g. "F1" is not a valid piece.
         Exception: CJ characters (Hiragana/Katakana/Han) are all handled
         as one script type, since Japanese word can consist of multiple scripts.
         This exception is always applied regardless of the accept-language
        optional bool split_by_unicode_script = 21 [default = true];
        Specified by:
        hasSplitByUnicodeScript in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the splitByUnicodeScript field is set.
      • getSplitByUnicodeScript

        public boolean getSplitByUnicodeScript()
         Uses Unicode script to split sentence pieces.
         When `split_by_unicode_script` is true, we do not allow sentence piece to
         include multiple Unicode scripts, e.g. "F1" is not a valid piece.
         Exception: CJ characters (Hiragana/Katakana/Han) are all handled
         as one script type, since Japanese word can consist of multiple scripts.
         This exception is always applied regardless of the accept-language
        optional bool split_by_unicode_script = 21 [default = true];
        Specified by:
        getSplitByUnicodeScript in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The splitByUnicodeScript.
      • setSplitByUnicodeScript

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setSplitByUnicodeScript​(boolean value)
         Uses Unicode script to split sentence pieces.
         When `split_by_unicode_script` is true, we do not allow sentence piece to
         include multiple Unicode scripts, e.g. "F1" is not a valid piece.
         Exception: CJ characters (Hiragana/Katakana/Han) are all handled
         as one script type, since Japanese word can consist of multiple scripts.
         This exception is always applied regardless of the accept-language
        optional bool split_by_unicode_script = 21 [default = true];
        value - The splitByUnicodeScript to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearSplitByUnicodeScript

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearSplitByUnicodeScript()
         Uses Unicode script to split sentence pieces.
         When `split_by_unicode_script` is true, we do not allow sentence piece to
         include multiple Unicode scripts, e.g. "F1" is not a valid piece.
         Exception: CJ characters (Hiragana/Katakana/Han) are all handled
         as one script type, since Japanese word can consist of multiple scripts.
         This exception is always applied regardless of the accept-language
        optional bool split_by_unicode_script = 21 [default = true];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasSplitByNumber

        public boolean hasSplitByNumber()
         When `split_by_number` is true, put a boundary between number and
         non-number transition. If we want to treat "F1" is one token, set this flag
         to be false.
        optional bool split_by_number = 23 [default = true];
        Specified by:
        hasSplitByNumber in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the splitByNumber field is set.
      • getSplitByNumber

        public boolean getSplitByNumber()
         When `split_by_number` is true, put a boundary between number and
         non-number transition. If we want to treat "F1" is one token, set this flag
         to be false.
        optional bool split_by_number = 23 [default = true];
        Specified by:
        getSplitByNumber in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The splitByNumber.
      • setSplitByNumber

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setSplitByNumber​(boolean value)
         When `split_by_number` is true, put a boundary between number and
         non-number transition. If we want to treat "F1" is one token, set this flag
         to be false.
        optional bool split_by_number = 23 [default = true];
        value - The splitByNumber to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearSplitByNumber

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearSplitByNumber()
         When `split_by_number` is true, put a boundary between number and
         non-number transition. If we want to treat "F1" is one token, set this flag
         to be false.
        optional bool split_by_number = 23 [default = true];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasSplitByWhitespace

        public boolean hasSplitByWhitespace()
         Use a white space to split sentence pieces.
         When `split_by_whitespace` is false, we may have the piece containing
         a white space in the middle. e.g., "in_the".
        optional bool split_by_whitespace = 22 [default = true];
        Specified by:
        hasSplitByWhitespace in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the splitByWhitespace field is set.
      • getSplitByWhitespace

        public boolean getSplitByWhitespace()
         Use a white space to split sentence pieces.
         When `split_by_whitespace` is false, we may have the piece containing
         a white space in the middle. e.g., "in_the".
        optional bool split_by_whitespace = 22 [default = true];
        Specified by:
        getSplitByWhitespace in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The splitByWhitespace.
      • setSplitByWhitespace

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setSplitByWhitespace​(boolean value)
         Use a white space to split sentence pieces.
         When `split_by_whitespace` is false, we may have the piece containing
         a white space in the middle. e.g., "in_the".
        optional bool split_by_whitespace = 22 [default = true];
        value - The splitByWhitespace to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearSplitByWhitespace

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearSplitByWhitespace()
         Use a white space to split sentence pieces.
         When `split_by_whitespace` is false, we may have the piece containing
         a white space in the middle. e.g., "in_the".
        optional bool split_by_whitespace = 22 [default = true];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasTreatWhitespaceAsSuffix

        public boolean hasTreatWhitespaceAsSuffix()
         Adds whitespace symbol (_) as a suffix instead of prefix. e.g., _hello =>
         hello_. When `treat_whitespace_as_suffix` is true,
         NormalizerSpec::add_dummy_prefix will add the dummy whitespace to the end
         of sentence.
        optional bool treat_whitespace_as_suffix = 24 [default = false];
        Specified by:
        hasTreatWhitespaceAsSuffix in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the treatWhitespaceAsSuffix field is set.
      • getTreatWhitespaceAsSuffix

        public boolean getTreatWhitespaceAsSuffix()
         Adds whitespace symbol (_) as a suffix instead of prefix. e.g., _hello =>
         hello_. When `treat_whitespace_as_suffix` is true,
         NormalizerSpec::add_dummy_prefix will add the dummy whitespace to the end
         of sentence.
        optional bool treat_whitespace_as_suffix = 24 [default = false];
        Specified by:
        getTreatWhitespaceAsSuffix in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The treatWhitespaceAsSuffix.
      • setTreatWhitespaceAsSuffix

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setTreatWhitespaceAsSuffix​(boolean value)
         Adds whitespace symbol (_) as a suffix instead of prefix. e.g., _hello =>
         hello_. When `treat_whitespace_as_suffix` is true,
         NormalizerSpec::add_dummy_prefix will add the dummy whitespace to the end
         of sentence.
        optional bool treat_whitespace_as_suffix = 24 [default = false];
        value - The treatWhitespaceAsSuffix to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearTreatWhitespaceAsSuffix

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearTreatWhitespaceAsSuffix()
         Adds whitespace symbol (_) as a suffix instead of prefix. e.g., _hello =>
         hello_. When `treat_whitespace_as_suffix` is true,
         NormalizerSpec::add_dummy_prefix will add the dummy whitespace to the end
         of sentence.
        optional bool treat_whitespace_as_suffix = 24 [default = false];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasAllowWhitespaceOnlyPieces

        public boolean hasAllowWhitespaceOnlyPieces()
         Allows pieces that only contain whitespaces instead of appearing only as
         prefix or suffix of other pieces.
        optional bool allow_whitespace_only_pieces = 26 [default = false];
        Specified by:
        hasAllowWhitespaceOnlyPieces in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the allowWhitespaceOnlyPieces field is set.
      • getAllowWhitespaceOnlyPieces

        public boolean getAllowWhitespaceOnlyPieces()
         Allows pieces that only contain whitespaces instead of appearing only as
         prefix or suffix of other pieces.
        optional bool allow_whitespace_only_pieces = 26 [default = false];
        Specified by:
        getAllowWhitespaceOnlyPieces in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The allowWhitespaceOnlyPieces.
      • setAllowWhitespaceOnlyPieces

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setAllowWhitespaceOnlyPieces​(boolean value)
         Allows pieces that only contain whitespaces instead of appearing only as
         prefix or suffix of other pieces.
        optional bool allow_whitespace_only_pieces = 26 [default = false];
        value - The allowWhitespaceOnlyPieces to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearAllowWhitespaceOnlyPieces

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearAllowWhitespaceOnlyPieces()
         Allows pieces that only contain whitespaces instead of appearing only as
         prefix or suffix of other pieces.
        optional bool allow_whitespace_only_pieces = 26 [default = false];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasSplitDigits

        public boolean hasSplitDigits()
         Split all digits (0-9) into separate pieces.
        optional bool split_digits = 25 [default = false];
        Specified by:
        hasSplitDigits in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the splitDigits field is set.
      • setSplitDigits

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setSplitDigits​(boolean value)
         Split all digits (0-9) into separate pieces.
        optional bool split_digits = 25 [default = false];
        value - The splitDigits to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearSplitDigits

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearSplitDigits()
         Split all digits (0-9) into separate pieces.
        optional bool split_digits = 25 [default = false];
        This builder for chaining.
      • getControlSymbolsList

        public getControlSymbolsList()
         Vocabulary management
         Defines control symbols used as an indicator to
         change the behavior of the decoder. <s> and </s> are pre-defined.
         We can use this field to encode various meta information,
         including language indicator in multilingual model.
         These symbols are not visible to users, but visible to
         the decoder. Note that when the input sentence contains control symbols,
         they are not treated as one token, but segmented into normal pieces.
         Control symbols must be inserted independently from the segmentation.
        repeated string control_symbols = 30;
        Specified by:
        getControlSymbolsList in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        A list containing the controlSymbols.
      • getControlSymbolsCount

        public int getControlSymbolsCount()
         Vocabulary management
         Defines control symbols used as an indicator to
         change the behavior of the decoder. <s> and </s> are pre-defined.
         We can use this field to encode various meta information,
         including language indicator in multilingual model.
         These symbols are not visible to users, but visible to
         the decoder. Note that when the input sentence contains control symbols,
         they are not treated as one token, but segmented into normal pieces.
         Control symbols must be inserted independently from the segmentation.
        repeated string control_symbols = 30;
        Specified by:
        getControlSymbolsCount in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The count of controlSymbols.
      • getControlSymbols

        public java.lang.String getControlSymbols​(int index)
         Vocabulary management
         Defines control symbols used as an indicator to
         change the behavior of the decoder. <s> and </s> are pre-defined.
         We can use this field to encode various meta information,
         including language indicator in multilingual model.
         These symbols are not visible to users, but visible to
         the decoder. Note that when the input sentence contains control symbols,
         they are not treated as one token, but segmented into normal pieces.
         Control symbols must be inserted independently from the segmentation.
        repeated string control_symbols = 30;
        Specified by:
        getControlSymbols in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The controlSymbols at the given index.
      • getControlSymbolsBytes

        public getControlSymbolsBytes​(int index)
         Vocabulary management
         Defines control symbols used as an indicator to
         change the behavior of the decoder. <s> and </s> are pre-defined.
         We can use this field to encode various meta information,
         including language indicator in multilingual model.
         These symbols are not visible to users, but visible to
         the decoder. Note that when the input sentence contains control symbols,
         they are not treated as one token, but segmented into normal pieces.
         Control symbols must be inserted independently from the segmentation.
        repeated string control_symbols = 30;
        Specified by:
        getControlSymbolsBytes in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The bytes of the controlSymbols at the given index.
      • setControlSymbols

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setControlSymbols​(int index,
                                                                        java.lang.String value)
         Vocabulary management
         Defines control symbols used as an indicator to
         change the behavior of the decoder. <s> and </s> are pre-defined.
         We can use this field to encode various meta information,
         including language indicator in multilingual model.
         These symbols are not visible to users, but visible to
         the decoder. Note that when the input sentence contains control symbols,
         they are not treated as one token, but segmented into normal pieces.
         Control symbols must be inserted independently from the segmentation.
        repeated string control_symbols = 30;
        index - The index to set the value at.
        value - The controlSymbols to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addControlSymbols

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addControlSymbols​(java.lang.String value)
         Vocabulary management
         Defines control symbols used as an indicator to
         change the behavior of the decoder. <s> and </s> are pre-defined.
         We can use this field to encode various meta information,
         including language indicator in multilingual model.
         These symbols are not visible to users, but visible to
         the decoder. Note that when the input sentence contains control symbols,
         they are not treated as one token, but segmented into normal pieces.
         Control symbols must be inserted independently from the segmentation.
        repeated string control_symbols = 30;
        value - The controlSymbols to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAllControlSymbols

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addAllControlSymbols​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values)
         Vocabulary management
         Defines control symbols used as an indicator to
         change the behavior of the decoder. <s> and </s> are pre-defined.
         We can use this field to encode various meta information,
         including language indicator in multilingual model.
         These symbols are not visible to users, but visible to
         the decoder. Note that when the input sentence contains control symbols,
         they are not treated as one token, but segmented into normal pieces.
         Control symbols must be inserted independently from the segmentation.
        repeated string control_symbols = 30;
        values - The controlSymbols to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearControlSymbols

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearControlSymbols()
         Vocabulary management
         Defines control symbols used as an indicator to
         change the behavior of the decoder. <s> and </s> are pre-defined.
         We can use this field to encode various meta information,
         including language indicator in multilingual model.
         These symbols are not visible to users, but visible to
         the decoder. Note that when the input sentence contains control symbols,
         they are not treated as one token, but segmented into normal pieces.
         Control symbols must be inserted independently from the segmentation.
        repeated string control_symbols = 30;
        This builder for chaining.
      • addControlSymbolsBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addControlSymbolsBytes​( value)
         Vocabulary management
         Defines control symbols used as an indicator to
         change the behavior of the decoder. <s> and </s> are pre-defined.
         We can use this field to encode various meta information,
         including language indicator in multilingual model.
         These symbols are not visible to users, but visible to
         the decoder. Note that when the input sentence contains control symbols,
         they are not treated as one token, but segmented into normal pieces.
         Control symbols must be inserted independently from the segmentation.
        repeated string control_symbols = 30;
        value - The bytes of the controlSymbols to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getUserDefinedSymbolsList

        public getUserDefinedSymbolsList()
         Defines user defined symbols.
         These symbols are added with extremely high score
         so they are always treated as one unique symbol in any context.
         Typical usage of user_defined_symbols is placeholder for named entities.
        repeated string user_defined_symbols = 31;
        Specified by:
        getUserDefinedSymbolsList in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        A list containing the userDefinedSymbols.
      • getUserDefinedSymbolsCount

        public int getUserDefinedSymbolsCount()
         Defines user defined symbols.
         These symbols are added with extremely high score
         so they are always treated as one unique symbol in any context.
         Typical usage of user_defined_symbols is placeholder for named entities.
        repeated string user_defined_symbols = 31;
        Specified by:
        getUserDefinedSymbolsCount in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The count of userDefinedSymbols.
      • getUserDefinedSymbols

        public java.lang.String getUserDefinedSymbols​(int index)
         Defines user defined symbols.
         These symbols are added with extremely high score
         so they are always treated as one unique symbol in any context.
         Typical usage of user_defined_symbols is placeholder for named entities.
        repeated string user_defined_symbols = 31;
        Specified by:
        getUserDefinedSymbols in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The userDefinedSymbols at the given index.
      • getUserDefinedSymbolsBytes

        public getUserDefinedSymbolsBytes​(int index)
         Defines user defined symbols.
         These symbols are added with extremely high score
         so they are always treated as one unique symbol in any context.
         Typical usage of user_defined_symbols is placeholder for named entities.
        repeated string user_defined_symbols = 31;
        Specified by:
        getUserDefinedSymbolsBytes in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The bytes of the userDefinedSymbols at the given index.
      • setUserDefinedSymbols

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setUserDefinedSymbols​(int index,
                                                                            java.lang.String value)
         Defines user defined symbols.
         These symbols are added with extremely high score
         so they are always treated as one unique symbol in any context.
         Typical usage of user_defined_symbols is placeholder for named entities.
        repeated string user_defined_symbols = 31;
        index - The index to set the value at.
        value - The userDefinedSymbols to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addUserDefinedSymbols

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addUserDefinedSymbols​(java.lang.String value)
         Defines user defined symbols.
         These symbols are added with extremely high score
         so they are always treated as one unique symbol in any context.
         Typical usage of user_defined_symbols is placeholder for named entities.
        repeated string user_defined_symbols = 31;
        value - The userDefinedSymbols to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAllUserDefinedSymbols

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addAllUserDefinedSymbols​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values)
         Defines user defined symbols.
         These symbols are added with extremely high score
         so they are always treated as one unique symbol in any context.
         Typical usage of user_defined_symbols is placeholder for named entities.
        repeated string user_defined_symbols = 31;
        values - The userDefinedSymbols to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearUserDefinedSymbols

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearUserDefinedSymbols()
         Defines user defined symbols.
         These symbols are added with extremely high score
         so they are always treated as one unique symbol in any context.
         Typical usage of user_defined_symbols is placeholder for named entities.
        repeated string user_defined_symbols = 31;
        This builder for chaining.
      • addUserDefinedSymbolsBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder addUserDefinedSymbolsBytes​( value)
         Defines user defined symbols.
         These symbols are added with extremely high score
         so they are always treated as one unique symbol in any context.
         Typical usage of user_defined_symbols is placeholder for named entities.
        repeated string user_defined_symbols = 31;
        value - The bytes of the userDefinedSymbols to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasRequiredChars

        public boolean hasRequiredChars()
         Defines required characters. Each UTF8 character in this string is included
         in the character set regardless of character_coverage value. Unlike
         user_defined_symbols, these characters have scores based on the frequency
         on input sentences, and the model can form subwords using characters
         in this field.
        optional string required_chars = 36;
        Specified by:
        hasRequiredChars in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the requiredChars field is set.
      • getRequiredChars

        public java.lang.String getRequiredChars()
         Defines required characters. Each UTF8 character in this string is included
         in the character set regardless of character_coverage value. Unlike
         user_defined_symbols, these characters have scores based on the frequency
         on input sentences, and the model can form subwords using characters
         in this field.
        optional string required_chars = 36;
        Specified by:
        getRequiredChars in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The requiredChars.
      • getRequiredCharsBytes

        public getRequiredCharsBytes()
         Defines required characters. Each UTF8 character in this string is included
         in the character set regardless of character_coverage value. Unlike
         user_defined_symbols, these characters have scores based on the frequency
         on input sentences, and the model can form subwords using characters
         in this field.
        optional string required_chars = 36;
        Specified by:
        getRequiredCharsBytes in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The bytes for requiredChars.
      • setRequiredChars

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setRequiredChars​(java.lang.String value)
         Defines required characters. Each UTF8 character in this string is included
         in the character set regardless of character_coverage value. Unlike
         user_defined_symbols, these characters have scores based on the frequency
         on input sentences, and the model can form subwords using characters
         in this field.
        optional string required_chars = 36;
        value - The requiredChars to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearRequiredChars

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearRequiredChars()
         Defines required characters. Each UTF8 character in this string is included
         in the character set regardless of character_coverage value. Unlike
         user_defined_symbols, these characters have scores based on the frequency
         on input sentences, and the model can form subwords using characters
         in this field.
        optional string required_chars = 36;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setRequiredCharsBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setRequiredCharsBytes​( value)
         Defines required characters. Each UTF8 character in this string is included
         in the character set regardless of character_coverage value. Unlike
         user_defined_symbols, these characters have scores based on the frequency
         on input sentences, and the model can form subwords using characters
         in this field.
        optional string required_chars = 36;
        value - The bytes for requiredChars to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasByteFallback

        public boolean hasByteFallback()
         Decomposes unknown pieces into UTF-8 bytes.
        optional bool byte_fallback = 35 [default = false];
        Specified by:
        hasByteFallback in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the byteFallback field is set.
      • setByteFallback

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setByteFallback​(boolean value)
         Decomposes unknown pieces into UTF-8 bytes.
        optional bool byte_fallback = 35 [default = false];
        value - The byteFallback to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearByteFallback

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearByteFallback()
         Decomposes unknown pieces into UTF-8 bytes.
        optional bool byte_fallback = 35 [default = false];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasVocabularyOutputPieceScore

        public boolean hasVocabularyOutputPieceScore()
         When creating the vocabulary file, defines whether or not to additionally
         output the score for each piece.
        optional bool vocabulary_output_piece_score = 32 [default = true];
        Specified by:
        hasVocabularyOutputPieceScore in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the vocabularyOutputPieceScore field is set.
      • getVocabularyOutputPieceScore

        public boolean getVocabularyOutputPieceScore()
         When creating the vocabulary file, defines whether or not to additionally
         output the score for each piece.
        optional bool vocabulary_output_piece_score = 32 [default = true];
        Specified by:
        getVocabularyOutputPieceScore in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The vocabularyOutputPieceScore.
      • setVocabularyOutputPieceScore

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setVocabularyOutputPieceScore​(boolean value)
         When creating the vocabulary file, defines whether or not to additionally
         output the score for each piece.
        optional bool vocabulary_output_piece_score = 32 [default = true];
        value - The vocabularyOutputPieceScore to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearVocabularyOutputPieceScore

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearVocabularyOutputPieceScore()
         When creating the vocabulary file, defines whether or not to additionally
         output the score for each piece.
        optional bool vocabulary_output_piece_score = 32 [default = true];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasHardVocabLimit

        public boolean hasHardVocabLimit()
         `vocab_size` is treated as hard limit. Crash if
         the model can not produce the vocab of size `vocab_size`,
         When `hard_vocab_limit` is false, vocab_size is treated
         as soft limit. Note that when model_type=char,
         always assumes hard_vocab_limit = false.
        optional bool hard_vocab_limit = 33 [default = true];
        Specified by:
        hasHardVocabLimit in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the hardVocabLimit field is set.
      • getHardVocabLimit

        public boolean getHardVocabLimit()
         `vocab_size` is treated as hard limit. Crash if
         the model can not produce the vocab of size `vocab_size`,
         When `hard_vocab_limit` is false, vocab_size is treated
         as soft limit. Note that when model_type=char,
         always assumes hard_vocab_limit = false.
        optional bool hard_vocab_limit = 33 [default = true];
        Specified by:
        getHardVocabLimit in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The hardVocabLimit.
      • setHardVocabLimit

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setHardVocabLimit​(boolean value)
         `vocab_size` is treated as hard limit. Crash if
         the model can not produce the vocab of size `vocab_size`,
         When `hard_vocab_limit` is false, vocab_size is treated
         as soft limit. Note that when model_type=char,
         always assumes hard_vocab_limit = false.
        optional bool hard_vocab_limit = 33 [default = true];
        value - The hardVocabLimit to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearHardVocabLimit

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearHardVocabLimit()
         `vocab_size` is treated as hard limit. Crash if
         the model can not produce the vocab of size `vocab_size`,
         When `hard_vocab_limit` is false, vocab_size is treated
         as soft limit. Note that when model_type=char,
         always assumes hard_vocab_limit = false.
        optional bool hard_vocab_limit = 33 [default = true];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasUseAllVocab

        public boolean hasUseAllVocab()
         use all symbols for vocab extraction. This flag is valid
         if model type is either CHAR or WORD
        optional bool use_all_vocab = 34 [default = false];
        Specified by:
        hasUseAllVocab in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the useAllVocab field is set.
      • getUseAllVocab

        public boolean getUseAllVocab()
         use all symbols for vocab extraction. This flag is valid
         if model type is either CHAR or WORD
        optional bool use_all_vocab = 34 [default = false];
        Specified by:
        getUseAllVocab in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The useAllVocab.
      • setUseAllVocab

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setUseAllVocab​(boolean value)
         use all symbols for vocab extraction. This flag is valid
         if model type is either CHAR or WORD
        optional bool use_all_vocab = 34 [default = false];
        value - The useAllVocab to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearUseAllVocab

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearUseAllVocab()
         use all symbols for vocab extraction. This flag is valid
         if model type is either CHAR or WORD
        optional bool use_all_vocab = 34 [default = false];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasUnkId

        public boolean hasUnkId()
         Reserved special meta tokens.
         * -1 is not used.
         * unk_id must not be -1.
         Id must starts with 0 and be contigous.
        optional int32 unk_id = 40 [default = 0];
        Specified by:
        hasUnkId in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the unkId field is set.
      • getUnkId

        public int getUnkId()
         Reserved special meta tokens.
         * -1 is not used.
         * unk_id must not be -1.
         Id must starts with 0 and be contigous.
        optional int32 unk_id = 40 [default = 0];
        Specified by:
        getUnkId in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The unkId.
      • setUnkId

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setUnkId​(int value)
         Reserved special meta tokens.
         * -1 is not used.
         * unk_id must not be -1.
         Id must starts with 0 and be contigous.
        optional int32 unk_id = 40 [default = 0];
        value - The unkId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearUnkId

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearUnkId()
         Reserved special meta tokens.
         * -1 is not used.
         * unk_id must not be -1.
         Id must starts with 0 and be contigous.
        optional int32 unk_id = 40 [default = 0];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setBosId

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setBosId​(int value)
        optional int32 bos_id = 41 [default = 1];
        value - The bosId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setEosId

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setEosId​(int value)
        optional int32 eos_id = 42 [default = 2];
        value - The eosId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setPadId

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setPadId​(int value)
         <pad> (padding)
        optional int32 pad_id = 43 [default = -1];
        value - The padId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setUnkPiece

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setUnkPiece​(java.lang.String value)
        optional string unk_piece = 45 [default = "<unk>"];
        value - The unkPiece to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setUnkPieceBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setUnkPieceBytes​( value)
        optional string unk_piece = 45 [default = "<unk>"];
        value - The bytes for unkPiece to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setBosPiece

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setBosPiece​(java.lang.String value)
        optional string bos_piece = 46 [default = "<s>"];
        value - The bosPiece to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setBosPieceBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setBosPieceBytes​( value)
        optional string bos_piece = 46 [default = "<s>"];
        value - The bytes for bosPiece to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setEosPiece

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setEosPiece​(java.lang.String value)
        optional string eos_piece = 47 [default = "</s>"];
        value - The eosPiece to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setEosPieceBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setEosPieceBytes​( value)
        optional string eos_piece = 47 [default = "</s>"];
        value - The bytes for eosPiece to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setPadPiece

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setPadPiece​(java.lang.String value)
        optional string pad_piece = 48 [default = "<pad>"];
        value - The padPiece to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setPadPieceBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setPadPieceBytes​( value)
        optional string pad_piece = 48 [default = "<pad>"];
        value - The bytes for padPiece to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasUnkSurface

        public boolean hasUnkSurface()
         Encodes <unk> into U+2047 (DOUBLE QUESTION MARK),
         since this character can be useful both for user and
         developer. We can easily figure out that <unk> is emitted.
        optional string unk_surface = 44 [default = " \342\201\207 "];
        Specified by:
        hasUnkSurface in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the unkSurface field is set.
      • getUnkSurface

        public java.lang.String getUnkSurface()
         Encodes <unk> into U+2047 (DOUBLE QUESTION MARK),
         since this character can be useful both for user and
         developer. We can easily figure out that <unk> is emitted.
        optional string unk_surface = 44 [default = " \342\201\207 "];
        Specified by:
        getUnkSurface in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The unkSurface.
      • getUnkSurfaceBytes

        public getUnkSurfaceBytes()
         Encodes <unk> into U+2047 (DOUBLE QUESTION MARK),
         since this character can be useful both for user and
         developer. We can easily figure out that <unk> is emitted.
        optional string unk_surface = 44 [default = " \342\201\207 "];
        Specified by:
        getUnkSurfaceBytes in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The bytes for unkSurface.
      • setUnkSurface

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setUnkSurface​(java.lang.String value)
         Encodes <unk> into U+2047 (DOUBLE QUESTION MARK),
         since this character can be useful both for user and
         developer. We can easily figure out that <unk> is emitted.
        optional string unk_surface = 44 [default = " \342\201\207 "];
        value - The unkSurface to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearUnkSurface

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearUnkSurface()
         Encodes <unk> into U+2047 (DOUBLE QUESTION MARK),
         since this character can be useful both for user and
         developer. We can easily figure out that <unk> is emitted.
        optional string unk_surface = 44 [default = " \342\201\207 "];
        This builder for chaining.
      • setUnkSurfaceBytes

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setUnkSurfaceBytes​( value)
         Encodes <unk> into U+2047 (DOUBLE QUESTION MARK),
         since this character can be useful both for user and
         developer. We can easily figure out that <unk> is emitted.
        optional string unk_surface = 44 [default = " \342\201\207 "];
        value - The bytes for unkSurface to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasTrainExtremelyLargeCorpus

        public boolean hasTrainExtremelyLargeCorpus()
         Increase bit depth to allow unigram model training on large
         (>10M sentences) corpora. A Side-effect of enabling this flag
         is increased memory usage.
        optional bool train_extremely_large_corpus = 49 [default = false];
        Specified by:
        hasTrainExtremelyLargeCorpus in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        Whether the trainExtremelyLargeCorpus field is set.
      • getTrainExtremelyLargeCorpus

        public boolean getTrainExtremelyLargeCorpus()
         Increase bit depth to allow unigram model training on large
         (>10M sentences) corpora. A Side-effect of enabling this flag
         is increased memory usage.
        optional bool train_extremely_large_corpus = 49 [default = false];
        Specified by:
        getTrainExtremelyLargeCorpus in interface SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpecOrBuilder
        The trainExtremelyLargeCorpus.
      • setTrainExtremelyLargeCorpus

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder setTrainExtremelyLargeCorpus​(boolean value)
         Increase bit depth to allow unigram model training on large
         (>10M sentences) corpora. A Side-effect of enabling this flag
         is increased memory usage.
        optional bool train_extremely_large_corpus = 49 [default = false];
        value - The trainExtremelyLargeCorpus to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearTrainExtremelyLargeCorpus

        public SentencepieceModel.TrainerSpec.Builder clearTrainExtremelyLargeCorpus()
         Increase bit depth to allow unigram model training on large
         (>10M sentences) corpora. A Side-effect of enabling this flag
         is increased memory usage.
        optional bool train_extremely_large_corpus = 49 [default = false];
        This builder for chaining.