Class Embedder.FailingEmbedder

    • Constructor Detail

      • FailingEmbedder

        public FailingEmbedder()
    • Method Detail

      • embed

        public List<Integer> embed​(String text,
                                   Embedder.Context context)
        Description copied from interface: Embedder
        Converts text into a list of token id's (a vector embedding)
        Specified by:
        embed in interface Embedder
        text - the text to embed
        context - the context which may influence an embedder's behavior
        the text embedded as a list of token ids
      • embed

        public embed​(String text,
                                             Embedder.Context context,
        Description copied from interface: Embedder
        Converts text into tokens in a tensor. The information contained in the embedding may depend on the tensor type.
        Specified by:
        embed in interface Embedder
        text - the text to embed
        context - the context which may influence an embedder's behavior
        tensorType - the type of the tensor to be returned
        the tensor embedding of the text, as the spoecified tensor type