Class Route

  • public class Route
    extends Object

    A route is a list of hops that are resolved from first to last as a routable moves from source to destination. A route may be changed at any time be either application logic or an invoked RoutingPolicy, so no guarantees on actual path can be given without the full knowledge of all that logic.

    To construct a route you may either use the factory method parse(String) to produce a route instance from a string representation, or you may build one programatically through the hop accessors.

    bratseth, Simon Thoresen Hult
    • Constructor Detail

      • Route

        public Route()

        Creates an empty route that contains no hops.

      • Route

        public Route​(Route route)

        The copy constructor ignores integrity, it simply duplicates the list of hops in the other route. If that route is illegal, then so is this.

        route - The route to copy.
      • Route

        public Route​(List<Hop> hops)

        Constructs a route based on a list of hops.

        hops - The hops to be contained in this.
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static Route parse​(String str)
        Parses the given string as a list of space-separated hops. The toString() method is compatible with this parser.
        str - the string to parse
        a route that corresponds to the string
      • hasHops

        public boolean hasHops()

        Returns whether or not there are any hops in this route.

        True if there is at least one hop.
      • getNumHops

        public int getNumHops()

        Returns the number of hops that make up this route.

        The number of hops.
      • getHop

        public Hop getHop​(int i)

        Returns the hop at the given index.

        i - The index of the hop to return.
        The hop.
      • addHop

        public Route addHop​(Hop hop)

        Adds a hop to the list of hops that make up this route.

        hop - The hop to add.
        This, to allow chaining.
      • setHop

        public Route setHop​(int i,
                            Hop hop)

        Sets the hop at a given index.

        i - The index at which to set the hop.
        hop - The hop to set.
        This, to allow chaining.
      • removeHop

        public Hop removeHop​(int i)

        Removes the hop at a given index.

        i - The index of the hop to remove.
        The hop removed.
      • clearHops

        public Route clearHops()

        Clears the list of hops that make up this route.

        This, to allow chaining.
      • toDebugString

        public String toDebugString()

        Returns a string representation of this that can be debugged but not parsed.

        The debug string.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object