Class Result

  • public class Result
    extends Object

    Information on the outcome of initiating a send or forward on a session. The result will tell if the send/forward was accepted or not. If it was accepted, an (asynchroneous) reply is guaranteed to be delivered at some later time. If it was not accepted, a transient error has occured. In that case, getError() can be used to access the exact error.

    This class is immutable.

    • Field Detail

      • ACCEPTED

        public static final Result ACCEPTED
    • Constructor Detail

      • Result

        public Result​(Error error)
        This constructor assigns a given error to the member variable such that this result becomes unaccepted with a descriptive error.
        error - The error to assign to this result.
      • Result

        public Result​(int code,
                      String message)
        This constructor is a convencience function to allow simpler instantiation of a result that contains an error. It does nothing but proxy the Result(Error) function with a new instance of Error.
        code - The numerical code of the error.
        message - The description of the error.
    • Method Detail

      • isAccepted

        public boolean isAccepted()
        Returns whether this message was accepted. If it was accepted, a Reply is guaranteed to be produced for this message at some later time. If it was not accepted, getError can be called to investigate why.
        true if this message was accepted, false otherwise
      • getError

        public Error getError()
        The error resulting from this send/forward if the message was not accepted.
        The error is not accepcted, null if accepted.