Class Grouping

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Grouping
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int classId  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Constructs an empty result node.
      Grouping​(int id)
      Constructs an instance of this class with given client id.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Grouping addLevel​(GroupingLevel level)
      Appends the given grouping level specification to the list of levels.
      Grouping clone()  
      boolean equals​(Object obj)  
      boolean getAll()
      Returns whether or not to perform grouping on the entire document corpus instead of only those matching the search criteria.
      int getFirstLevel()
      Returns the first level to start grouping work.
      boolean getForceSinglePass()
      Returns whether or not single pass execution of grouping is forced.
      int getId()
      Returns the client id of this grouping request.
      int getLastLevel()
      Returns the last level to do grouping work.
      List<GroupingLevel> getLevels()
      Returns the list of grouping levels that make up this grouping request.
      Group getRoot()
      Returns the root group.
      long getTopN()
      Returns the number of candidate documents to group.
      int hashCode()  
      void merge​(Grouping rhs)
      Merges the content of the given grouping into this.
      boolean needDeepResultCollection()
      Tell if ordering will need results collected in children.
      protected void onDeserialize​( buf)  
      protected int onGetClassId()  
      protected void onSerialize​( buf)  
      void postMerge()
      This method is invoked after merging is done.
      void selectMembers​( predicate, operation)  
      Grouping setAll​(boolean all)
      Sets whether or not to perform grouping on the entire document corpus instead of only those matching the search criteria.
      Grouping setFirstLevel​(int level)
      Sets the first level to start grouping work.
      Grouping setForceSinglePass​(boolean forceSinglePass)
      Sets whether or not grouping should be forced to execute in a single pass.
      Grouping setId​(int id)
      Sets the client id for this grouping request.
      Grouping setLastLevel​(int level)
      Sets the last level to do grouping work.
      Grouping setRoot​(Group root)
      Sets the root group.
      Grouping setTopN​(long topN)
      Sets the number of candidate documents to group.
      void unifyNull()  
      boolean useSinglePass()
      Returns whether or not grouping should be executed in a single pass.
      boolean valid()
      Returns whether or not this grouping request is valid.
      void visitMembers​( visitor)  
      • Methods inherited from class

        create, createFromId, deserialize, deserializeOptional, deserializeWithId, equals, getClassId, getRawUtf8Bytes, getUtf8, putUtf8, registerClass, serialize, serializeOptional, serializeWithId, toString
      • Methods inherited from class

        select, select
    • Field Detail

      • classId

        public static final int classId
    • Constructor Detail

      • Grouping

        public Grouping()

        Constructs an empty result node. NOTE: This instance is broken until non-optional member data is set.

      • Grouping

        public Grouping​(int id)

        Constructs an instance of this class with given client id.

        id - The client id for this grouping request.
    • Method Detail

      • merge

        public void merge​(Grouping rhs)

        Merges the content of the given grouping into this.

        rhs - The grouping to merge with.
      • postMerge

        public void postMerge()

        This method is invoked after merging is done. It is intended used for resolving any dependencies or derivates that might have changes due to the merge.

      • getId

        public int getId()

        Returns the client id of this grouping request.

        The identifier.
      • setId

        public Grouping setId​(int id)

        Sets the client id for this grouping request.

        id - The identifier to set.
        This, to allow chaining.
      • valid

        public boolean valid()

        Returns whether or not this grouping request is valid.

        True if valid.
      • getAll

        public boolean getAll()

        Returns whether or not to perform grouping on the entire document corpus instead of only those matching the search criteria. Please see note on setAll(boolean).

        True if grouping all documents.
      • setAll

        public Grouping setAll​(boolean all)

        Sets whether or not to perform grouping on the entire document corpus instead of only those matching the search criteria. NOTE: This is only possible with streaming search.

        all - True to group all documents.
        This, to allow chaining.
      • getTopN

        public long getTopN()

        Returns the number of candidate documents to group.

        The number.
      • setTopN

        public Grouping setTopN​(long topN)

        Sets the number of candidate documents to group.

        topN - The number to set.
        This, to allow chaining.
      • getFirstLevel

        public int getFirstLevel()

        Returns the first level to start grouping work. See note on setFirstLevel(int).

        The first level.
      • setFirstLevel

        public Grouping setFirstLevel​(int level)

        Sets the first level to start grouping work. All the necessary work above this group level is expected to be already done.

        level - The level to set.
        This, to allow chaining.
      • getLastLevel

        public int getLastLevel()

        Returns the last level to do grouping work. See note on setLastLevel(int).

        The last level.
      • setLastLevel

        public Grouping setLastLevel​(int level)

        Sets the last level to do grouping work. Executing a level will instantiate the Group objects for the next level, if there is any. This means that grouping work ends at this level, but also instantiates the groups for level (lastLevel + 1).

        level - The level to set.
        This, to allow chaining.
      • getLevels

        public List<GroupingLevel> getLevels()

        Returns the list of grouping levels that make up this grouping request.

        The list.
      • addLevel

        public Grouping addLevel​(GroupingLevel level)

        Appends the given grouping level specification to the list of levels.

        level - The level to add.
        This, to allow chaining.
        NullPointerException - If level argument is null.
      • getRoot

        public Group getRoot()

        Returns the root group.

        The root.
      • setRoot

        public Grouping setRoot​(Group root)

        Sets the root group.

        root - The group to set as root.
        This, to allow chaining.
        NullPointerException - If root argument is null.
      • getForceSinglePass

        public boolean getForceSinglePass()

        Returns whether or not single pass execution of grouping is forced.

        True if single pass grouping is forced.
      • setForceSinglePass

        public Grouping setForceSinglePass​(boolean forceSinglePass)

        Sets whether or not grouping should be forced to execute in a single pass. If false, this Grouping might still execute in a single pass due to other constraints.

        forceSinglePass - True to force execution in single pass.
        This, to allow chaining.
      • useSinglePass

        public boolean useSinglePass()

        Returns whether or not grouping should be executed in a single pass.

        True if grouping should be executed in a single pass.
      • needDeepResultCollection

        public boolean needDeepResultCollection()

        Tell if ordering will need results collected in children. in that case we will probably just do a single pass.

        If deeper resultcollection is needed.
      • onGetClassId

        protected int onGetClassId()
        onGetClassId in class
      • onSerialize

        protected void onSerialize​( buf)
        onSerialize in class
      • onDeserialize

        protected void onDeserialize​( buf)
        onDeserialize in class
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class
      • clone

        public Grouping clone()
        clone in class
      • visitMembers

        public void visitMembers​( visitor)
        visitMembers in class
      • selectMembers

        public void selectMembers​( predicate,
        selectMembers in class
      • unifyNull

        public void unifyNull()