Class Path

  • public final class Path
    extends Object
    Represents a path represented by a list of elements. Immutable
    Ulf Lilleengen, bratseth
    • Method Detail

      • isChildOf

        public boolean isChildOf​(Path parent)
        Returns whether this path is an immediate child of the given path
      • append

        public Path append​(String path)
        Append an element to the path. Returns a new path with the given path appended.
        path - the path to append to this
        the new path
      • append

        public Path append​(Path path)
        Appends a path to another path, thereby creating a new path with the provided path appended to this.
        path - the path to append
        a new path with argument appended to it
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name of this path element, typically the last element in the path string
      • getRelative

        public String getRelative()
        Returns a string representation of the path represented by this
      • getParentPath

        public Path getParentPath()
        Returns the parent path: A path containing all elements of this except the last
      • getChildPath

        public Path getChildPath()
        Returns the child path: A path containing all elements of this except the first
      • last

        public String last()
        Returns the last element in this, or the empty string if this path is empty
      • withLast

        public Path withLast​(String element)
        Returns a new path with the last element replaced by the given element.
        IllegalStateException - if this path is empty
      • getAbsolute

        public String getAbsolute()
        Returns a string representation of this path where the delimiter is prepended
      • isRoot

        public boolean isRoot()
      • elements

        public List<String> elements()
        Returns an immutable list of the elements of this path in order
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns this as a string
        toString in class Object
      • fromString

        public static Path fromString​(String path)
        Creates a path from a string. The string is treated as a relative path, and all redundant '/'-characters are stripped.
        path - the relative path that this path should represent
        a path object that may be used with the application package
      • fromString

        public static Path fromString​(String path,
                                      String delimiter)
        Create a path from a string. The string is treated as a relative path, and all redundant delimiter-characters are stripped.
        path - the relative path that this path should represent
        a path object that may be used with the application package
      • createRoot

        public static Path createRoot()
        Create an empty root path with '/' delimiter.
        an empty root path that can be appended
      • createRoot

        public static Path createRoot​(String delimiter)
        Create an empty root path with delimiter.
        an empty root path that can be appended
      • toFile

        public File toFile()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object