Class Curator

All Implemented Interfaces:,, AutoCloseable, Comparable<>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Curator extends implements AutoCloseable
Curator interface for Vespa. This contains method for constructing common recipes and utilities as well as a small wrapper API for common operations which uses typed paths and avoids throwing checked exceptions.

There is a mock implementation in MockCurator.

vegardh, bratseth
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static interface 
    Interface for waiting for completion of an operation
    static interface 
    A listenable cache of all the immediate children of a curator path.
    static interface 
    A listenable cache of the content of a single curator path.
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class

  • Constructor Summary

    Curator( curatorConfig, server)
    Curator(String connectionSpec, String zooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec, Function<org.apache.curator.RetryPolicy,org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework> curatorFactory)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    create( path)
    create( path, Duration ttl)
    Creates an empty node at a path, creating any parents as necessary.
    static Curator
    create(String connectionSpec)
    Creates a curator instance from a comma-separated string of ZooKeeper host:port strings
    static Curator
    create(String connectionSpec, Optional<File> clientConfigFile)
    createAtomically( paths)
    Creates all the given paths in a single transaction.
    For internal use; prefer creating a CuratorCounter
    createCompletionWaiter( waiterPath, String id, Duration waitForAll)
    createDirectoryCache(String path, boolean cacheData, boolean dataIsCompressed, ExecutorService executorService)
    Creates a listenable cache which keeps in sync with changes to all the immediate children of a path
    createFileCache(String path, boolean dataIsCompressed)
    Creates a listenable cache which keeps in sync with changes to a given node
    createMutex(String lockPath)
    For internal use; prefer creating a Lock
    delete( path)
    Deletes the path and any children it may have.
    delete( path, boolean recursive)
    Deletes the path and any children it may have.
    delete( path, int expectedVersion, boolean recursive)
    exists( path)
    A convenience method which returns whether the given path exists
    Returns the curator framework API
    getChildren( path)
    Returns the names of the children at the given path.
    getCompletionWaiter( waiterPath, String id, Duration waitForAll)
    getData( path)
    Returns the data at the given path, which may be a zero-length buffer if the node exists but have no data.
    getData( path, stat)
    getStat( path)
    Returns the stat data at the given path.
    lock( path, Duration timeout)
    Create and acquire a re-entrant lock in given path
    lock( path, Duration timeout, Duration ttl)
    Create and acquire a re-entrant lock in given path with a TTL

    set( path, byte[] data)
    A convenience method which sets some content at a path.
    set( path, byte[] data, int expectedVersion)
    Returns the number of zooKeeper servers in this ensemble.

    Methods inherited from class

    clone, compareTo, getClassName, getId, getIdString, hasInitializedId, initId, isDeconstructable, setIsDeconstructable, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Curator

      @Inject public Curator( curatorConfig, server)
    • Curator

      protected Curator(String connectionSpec, String zooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec, Function<org.apache.curator.RetryPolicy,org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework> curatorFactory)
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static Curator create(String connectionSpec)
      Creates a curator instance from a comma-separated string of ZooKeeper host:port strings
    • create

      public static Curator create(String connectionSpec, Optional<File> clientConfigFile)
    • sessionTimeout

      public Duration sessionTimeout()
    • createAtomicCounter

      public createAtomicCounter(String path)
      For internal use; prefer creating a CuratorCounter
    • createMutex

      public createMutex(String lockPath)
      For internal use; prefer creating a Lock
    • getCompletionWaiter

      public Curator.CompletionWaiter getCompletionWaiter( waiterPath, String id, Duration waitForAll)
    • createCompletionWaiter

      public Curator.CompletionWaiter createCompletionWaiter( waiterPath, String id, Duration waitForAll)
    • createDirectoryCache

      public Curator.DirectoryCache createDirectoryCache(String path, boolean cacheData, boolean dataIsCompressed, ExecutorService executorService)
      Creates a listenable cache which keeps in sync with changes to all the immediate children of a path
    • createFileCache

      public Curator.FileCache createFileCache(String path, boolean dataIsCompressed)
      Creates a listenable cache which keeps in sync with changes to a given node
    • exists

      public boolean exists( path)
      A convenience method which returns whether the given path exists
    • set

      public set( path, byte[] data)
      A convenience method which sets some content at a path. If the path and any of its parents does not exists they are created.
    • set

      public set( path, byte[] data, int expectedVersion)
    • create

      public boolean create( path)
      See Also:
    • create

      public boolean create( path, Duration ttl)
      Creates an empty node at a path, creating any parents as necessary. If the node already exists nothing is done. Returns whether a change was attempted.
    • createAtomically

      public void createAtomically( paths)
      Creates all the given paths in a single transaction. Any paths which already exists are ignored.
    • delete

      public void delete( path)
      Deletes the path and any children it may have. If the path does not exist, nothing is done.
    • delete

      public void delete( path, boolean recursive)
      Deletes the path and any children it may have. If the path does not exist, nothing is done.
    • delete

      public void delete( path, int expectedVersion, boolean recursive)
    • getChildren

      public List<String> getChildren( path)
      Returns the names of the children at the given path. If the path does not exist or have no children an empty list (never null) is returned.
    • getData

      public Optional<byte[]> getData( path)
      Returns the data at the given path, which may be a zero-length buffer if the node exists but have no data. Empty is returned if the path does not exist.
    • getData

      public Optional<byte[]> getData( path, stat)
    • getStat

      public Optional<> getStat( path)
      Returns the stat data at the given path. Empty is returned if the path does not exist.
    • lock

      public Lock lock( path, Duration timeout, Duration ttl)
      Create and acquire a re-entrant lock in given path with a TTL
    • lock

      public Lock lock( path, Duration timeout)
      Create and acquire a re-entrant lock in given path
    • framework

      public org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework framework()
      Returns the curator framework API
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • deconstruct

      public void deconstruct()
      Specified by:
      deconstruct in interface
      deconstruct in class
    • zooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec

      public String zooKeeperEnsembleConnectionSpec()
      The non-null connect string containing all ZooKeeper servers in the ensemble. WARNING: This may be different from the servers this Curator may connect to. TODO: Move method out of this class.
    • zooKeeperEnsembleCount

      public int zooKeeperEnsembleCount()
      Returns the number of zooKeeper servers in this ensemble. WARNING: This may be different from the number of servers this Curator may connect to. TODO: Move method out of this class.