Class InterstitialAd

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,

    public final class InterstitialAd
    Full-screen interstitial ads.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InterstitialAd

        public InterstitialAd​(@NonNull
                              android.content.Context context)
        Constructs a new InterstitialAd programmatically.
        context - The activity context the view is running in, through which it can access the current theme, resources, etc. In particular, it uses the window manager and theme in this context to present its UI.
    • Method Detail

      • setAdUnitId

        public void setAdUnitId​(@NonNull
                                java.lang.String adUnitId)
        Sets an ad unit id.
        adUnitId - Unique ad placement ID created at partner interface. Example: R-M-DEMO-240x400-context.
      • loadAd

        public void loadAd​(@NonNull
                           AdRequest adRequest)
        Starts loading the ad by AdRequest on a background thread. NOTE: The ad unit id must be set before that.
        adRequest - AdRequest
      • show

        public void show()
        Shows the interstitial ad, only if it has been loaded.
      • isLoaded

        public boolean isLoaded()
        Returns true if this interstitial ad has been successfully loaded and is ready to be shown, otherwise false.
        true if this interstitial ad has been successfully loaded and is ready to be shown.
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Destroys this InterstitialAd entirely and cleans up resources. NOTE: Don't work with this InterstitialAd thereafter.