Class InterstitialAdLoader

  • @MainThread
    public final class InterstitialAdLoader
    extends java.lang.Object
    Full-screen interstitial ads.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InterstitialAdLoader

        public InterstitialAdLoader​(@NonNull
                                    android.content.Context context)
        Constructs a new InterstitialAdLoader programmatically.
        context - The context through which can be accessible the current theme, resources, etc. In particular, it uses the window manager and theme in this context to present its UI.
    • Method Detail

      • loadAd

        public void loadAd​(@NonNull
        Starts loading the ad by AdRequestConfiguration on a background thread.
        adRequestConfiguration - AdRequestConfiguration
      • cancelLoading

        public void cancelLoading()
        Cancel active loading of the interstitial ads.