
trait ModuleAllSyntax[F[_], V[_], E] extends ModuleGenericSyntax[F, V, E] with ModuleBooleanSyntax[F, V, E] with ModuleOrderingSyntax[F, V, E] with ModuleOptionSyntax[F, V, E] with ModuleStringSyntax[F, V, E] with ModuleMapSyntax[F, V, E] with ModuleIterableSyntax[F, V, E]
trait ModuleIterableSyntax[F, V, E]
trait ModuleMapSyntax[F, V, E]
trait ModuleStringSyntax[F, V, E]
trait ModuleOptionSyntax[F, V, E]
trait ModuleOrderingSyntax[F, V, E]
trait ModuleBooleanSyntax[F, V, E]
trait ModuleGenericSyntax[F, V, E]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class ValidationModule[F, V, E]
class AccumulateVM[F, E]
class FailFastVM[F, E]
object DefaultFailFastVM.type

Value members

Inherited methods

def someOrValid(rule: => Option[Rule[F, V, E]])(implicit F: Effect[F], V: Validated[V]): Rule[F, V, E]

Unpacks rule from Option if None returns valid

Unpacks rule from Option if None returns valid

Inherited from:


Inherited implicits

final implicit def toBooleanFieldOps(field: Field[Boolean]): BooleanFieldOps[F, V, E]
Inherited from:
final implicit def toFieldOps[P](field: Field[P]): FieldOps[P, F, V, E]
Inherited from:
final implicit def toIterableFieldOps[P, I <: (Iterable)](field: Field[I[P]]): IterableFieldOps[P, I, F, V, E]
Inherited from:
final implicit def toMapFieldOps[K, P](field: Field[Map[K, P]]): MapFieldOps[K, P, F, V, E]
Inherited from:
final implicit def toOptionFieldOps[P](field: Field[Option[P]]): OptionFieldOps[P, F, V, E]
Inherited from:
final implicit def toOrderingFieldOps[P](field: Field[P]): OrderingFieldOps[P, F, V, E]
Inherited from:
final implicit def toStringFieldOps(field: Field[String]): StringFieldOps[F, V, E]
Inherited from: