Class PatchRequestOperation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.fasterxml.jackson.core.TreeNode, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializable, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeCreator, ScimNode, Serializable, Iterable<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode>

    public class PatchRequestOperation
    extends ScimObjectNode
    author Pascal Knueppel
    created at: 29.10.2019 - 08:32

    represents a single operation within a patch request
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • PatchRequestOperation

        public PatchRequestOperation​(String path,
                                     PatchOp op,
                                     List<String> values,
                                     com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode valueNode)
    • Method Detail

      • getPath

        public Optional<String> getPath()
        The "path" attribute value is a String containing an attribute path describing the target of the operation.The "path" attribute is OPTIONAL for "add" and "replace" and is REQUIRED for "remove" operations.
      • setPath

        public void setPath​(String path)
        The "path" attribute value is a String containing an attribute path describing the target of the operation.The "path" attribute is OPTIONAL for "add" and "replace" and is REQUIRED for "remove" operations.
      • getOp

        public PatchOp getOp()
        Each PATCH operation object MUST have exactly one "op" member, whose value indicates the operation to perform and MAY be one of "add", "remove", or "replace"
        (This will never return null on server side for schema validation is executed before this method is called)
      • setOp

        public void setOp​(PatchOp patchOp)
        Each PATCH operation object MUST have exactly one "op" member, whose value indicates the operation to perform and MAY be one of "add", "remove", or "replace"
      • getValues

        public List<String> getValues()
        the new value of the targeted attribute
        (This will never return null on server side for schema validation is executed before this method is called)
      • setValues

        public void setValues​(List<String> value)
        the new value of the targeted attribute
      • setValueNode

        public void setValueNode​(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode value)
        the new value of the targeted attribute. in this case the value is represented by the resource itself