Class ScimObjectNode

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializable

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode

      • Fields inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ContainerNode

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected <T extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode>
      addAttribute​(String attributeName, T attributeValue)
      adds a single entry to the array type attribute
      protected <T extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode>
      getArrayAttribute​(String attributeName, Class<T> type)
      extracts an object type attribute
      protected Optional<Boolean> getBooleanAttribute​(String attributeName)
      extracts a boolean type attribute
      protected Optional<Instant> getDateTimeAttribute​(String attributeName)
      extracts a dateTime type attribute
      protected Optional<Double> getDoubleAttribute​(String attributeName)
      extracts a double type attribute
      protected Optional<Integer> getIntegerAttribute​(String attributeName)
      extracts an integer type attribute
      protected Optional<Long> getLongAttribute​(String attributeName)
      extracts a long type attribute
      protected <T extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode>
      getObjectAttribute​(String attributeName, Class<T> type)
      extracts an object type attribute
      protected List<String> getSimpleArrayAttribute​(String attributeName)
      extracts a simple attribute type
      protected <T> List<T> getSimpleArrayAttribute​(String attributeName, Class<T> type)
      extracts a simple attribute type
      protected Set<String> getSimpleArrayAttributeSet​(String attributeName)
      extracts a simple attribute type
      protected <T> Set<T> getSimpleArrayAttributeSet​(String attributeName, Class<T> type)
      extracts a simple attribute type
      protected Optional<String> getStringAttribute​(String attributeName)
      extracts a string type attribute
      protected <T extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode>
      getStringAttribute​(String attributeName, Class<T> type)
      extracts a TextNode type attribute
      boolean isEmpty()
      override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
      protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode attributeValue)
      adds or removes an object type attribute
      protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName, Boolean attributeValue)
      adds or removes a boolean type attribute
      protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName, Double attributeValue)
      adds or removes a double type attribute
      protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName, Integer attributeValue)
      adds or removes an integer type attribute
      protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName, Long attributeValue)
      adds or removes a long type attribute
      protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName, String attributeValue)
      adds or removes a string type attribute
      protected <T extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode>
      setAttribute​(String attributeName, List<T> attributeValue)
      adds or removes an array type attribute
      protected <T> void setAttributeList​(String attributeName, List<T> attributeValue)
      adds or removes an array type attribute
      protected void setDateTimeAttribute​(String attributeName, Instant attributeValue)
      adds or removes a dateTime type attribute by default the JSON String representation will keep DEFAULT_FRACTIONALS_TO_KEEP fractionals i.e. 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
      protected void setDateTimeAttribute​(String attributeName, Instant attributeValue, int fractionalDigits)
      adds or removes a dateTime type attribute including the given fractionalDigits inside the JSON TextNode
      protected void setDateTimeAttribute​(String attributeName, LocalDateTime attributeValue)
      adds or removes a dateTime type attribute
      protected void setDateTimeAttribute​(String attributeName, OffsetDateTime attributeValue)
      adds or removes a dateTime type attribute
      protected void setStringAttributeList​(String attributeName, List<String> attributeValue)
      adds or removes an array type attribute
      protected void setStringAttributeList​(String attributeName, Set<String> attributeValue)
      adds or removes an array type attribute
      String toPrettyString()
      override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
      String toString()
      override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
      • Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode

        _at, _childrenEqual, _put, asToken, deepCopy, elements, equals, equals, fieldNames, fields, findParent, findParents, findValue, findValues, findValuesAsText, get, get, getNodeType, hashCode, isEmpty, isObject, path, path, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, put, putAll, putAll, putArray, putNull, putObject, putPOJO, putRawValue, remove, remove, removeAll, replace, required, retain, retain, serialize, serializeWithType, set, setAll, setAll, size, with, withArray, without, without
      • Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ContainerNode

        arrayNode, arrayNode, asText, binaryNode, binaryNode, booleanNode, missingNode, nullNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, numberNode, objectNode, pojoNode, rawValueNode, textNode
      • Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.BaseJsonNode

        findPath, numberType, required, traverse, traverse
      • Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode

        _reportRequiredViolation, _this, asBoolean, asBoolean, asDouble, asDouble, asInt, asInt, asLong, asLong, asText, at, at, bigIntegerValue, binaryValue, booleanValue, canConvertToInt, canConvertToLong, decimalValue, doubleValue, findParents, findValues, findValuesAsText, floatValue, has, has, hasNonNull, hasNonNull, intValue, isArray, isBigDecimal, isBigInteger, isBinary, isBoolean, isContainerNode, isDouble, isFloat, isFloatingPointNumber, isInt, isIntegralNumber, isLong, isMissingNode, isNull, isNumber, isPojo, isShort, isTextual, isValueNode, iterator, longValue, numberValue, require, requiredAt, requiredAt, requireNonNull, shortValue, textValue
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScimObjectNode

        public ScimObjectNode()
      • ScimObjectNode

        public ScimObjectNode​(SchemaAttribute schemaAttribute)
    • Method Detail

      • getStringAttribute

        protected Optional<String> getStringAttribute​(String attributeName)
        extracts a string type attribute
      • getBooleanAttribute

        protected Optional<Boolean> getBooleanAttribute​(String attributeName)
        extracts a boolean type attribute
      • getLongAttribute

        protected Optional<Long> getLongAttribute​(String attributeName)
        extracts a long type attribute
      • getIntegerAttribute

        protected Optional<Integer> getIntegerAttribute​(String attributeName)
        extracts an integer type attribute
      • getDoubleAttribute

        protected Optional<Double> getDoubleAttribute​(String attributeName)
        extracts a double type attribute
      • getDateTimeAttribute

        protected Optional<Instant> getDateTimeAttribute​(String attributeName)
        extracts a dateTime type attribute
      • getStringAttribute

        protected <T extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode> Optional<T> getStringAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                                                                                          Class<T> type)
        extracts a TextNode type attribute
      • getObjectAttribute

        protected <T extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode> Optional<T> getObjectAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                                                                                            Class<T> type)
        extracts an object type attribute
      • getArrayAttribute

        protected <T extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode> List<T> getArrayAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                                                                                       Class<T> type)
        extracts an object type attribute
      • getSimpleArrayAttribute

        protected List<String> getSimpleArrayAttribute​(String attributeName)
        extracts a simple attribute type
        attributeName - the name of the array attribute
      • getSimpleArrayAttribute

        protected <T> List<T> getSimpleArrayAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                                      Class<T> type)
        extracts a simple attribute type
        Type Parameters:
        T - a simple attribute type as Long, Double, String, Boolean or Instant. Other types are not allowed
        attributeName - the name of the array attribute
        type - the type that should be extracted
      • getSimpleArrayAttributeSet

        protected Set<String> getSimpleArrayAttributeSet​(String attributeName)
        extracts a simple attribute type
        attributeName - the name of the array attribute
      • getSimpleArrayAttributeSet

        protected <T> Set<T> getSimpleArrayAttributeSet​(String attributeName,
                                                        Class<T> type)
        extracts a simple attribute type
        Type Parameters:
        T - a simple attribute type as Long, Double, String, Boolean or Instant. Other types are not allowed
        attributeName - the name of the array attribute
        type - the type that should be extracted
      • setAttribute

        protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                    String attributeValue)
        adds or removes a string type attribute
      • setAttribute

        protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                    Boolean attributeValue)
        adds or removes a boolean type attribute
      • setAttribute

        protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                    Long attributeValue)
        adds or removes a long type attribute
      • setAttribute

        protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                    Integer attributeValue)
        adds or removes an integer type attribute
      • setAttribute

        protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                    Double attributeValue)
        adds or removes a double type attribute
      • setDateTimeAttribute

        protected void setDateTimeAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                            Instant attributeValue)
        adds or removes a dateTime type attribute by default the JSON String representation will keep DEFAULT_FRACTIONALS_TO_KEEP fractionals i.e. 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
        See Also:
      • setDateTimeAttribute

        protected void setDateTimeAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                            Instant attributeValue,
                                            int fractionalDigits)
        adds or removes a dateTime type attribute including the given fractionalDigits inside the JSON TextNode
        attributeName - the given attributeName for the related Instant attributeValue
        attributeValue - the attributeValue might be null to remove the attribute from the JSON document
        fractionalDigits - MUST be a positive value between zero and nine i.e 0-9 default is set to 3
        See Also:
      • setDateTimeAttribute

        protected void setDateTimeAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                            LocalDateTime attributeValue)
        adds or removes a dateTime type attribute
      • setDateTimeAttribute

        protected void setDateTimeAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                            OffsetDateTime attributeValue)
        adds or removes a dateTime type attribute
      • setAttribute

        protected void setAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                    com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode attributeValue)
        adds or removes an object type attribute
      • setAttribute

        protected <T extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode> void setAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                                                                        List<T> attributeValue)
        adds or removes an array type attribute
      • setStringAttributeList

        protected void setStringAttributeList​(String attributeName,
                                              List<String> attributeValue)
        adds or removes an array type attribute
      • setStringAttributeList

        protected void setStringAttributeList​(String attributeName,
                                              Set<String> attributeValue)
        adds or removes an array type attribute
      • setAttributeList

        protected <T> void setAttributeList​(String attributeName,
                                            List<T> attributeValue)
        adds or removes an array type attribute
      • addAttribute

        protected <T extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode> void addAttribute​(String attributeName,
                                                                                        T attributeValue)
        adds a single entry to the array type attribute
      • toString

        public String toString()
        override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
        toString in class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.BaseJsonNode
      • toPrettyString

        public String toPrettyString()
        override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
        toPrettyString in class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.BaseJsonNode
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        override method for usage with wildfly 18 that still uses jackson 2.9.x
        isEmpty in class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode