Class Identifiable

Direct Known Subclasses:
Entity, FamilyName, FileResource, GivenName, Node, Subject, Webpage

public class Identifiable extends UniqueObject
An Identifiable is an uniquely identifiable Entity or FileResource, having one or more unique Identifier(s).
  • FileResources have one (or more) technical (system wide) Identifiers (e.g. an UUID)
  • Entities additionally have one (or more) “domain-specific” (system independent) Identifiers (e.g. GND-ID, VIAF-ID)
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Identifiable

      public Identifiable()
  • Method Details

    • addIdentifier

      public void addIdentifier(Identifier identifier)
    • addLocalizedUrlAlias

      public void addLocalizedUrlAlias(UrlAlias urlAlias)
    • addTag

      public void addTag(Tag tag)
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class UniqueObject
    • getDescription

      public LocalizedStructuredContent getDescription()
    • getIdentifiableObjectType

      public IdentifiableObjectType getIdentifiableObjectType()
    • getIdentifierByNamespace

      public Identifier getIdentifierByNamespace(String namespace)
    • getIdentifiers

      public Set<Identifier> getIdentifiers()
    • getLabel

      public LocalizedText getLabel()
    • getLocalizedUrlAliases

      public LocalizedUrlAliases getLocalizedUrlAliases()
    • getPreviewImage

      public ImageFileResource getPreviewImage()
    • getPreviewImageRenderingHints

      public RenderingHintsPreviewImage getPreviewImageRenderingHints()
    • getPrimaryUrlAlias

      public UrlAlias getPrimaryUrlAlias(Locale locale, Website website)
      Returns the primary (= currently active) url alias of this Identifiable for a specified language and website. If no related url alias is found the website independent url alias of the given locale is returned (that has been generated during saving from the Identifiable's label).
      locale - target locale for retrieving primary url alias
      website - target website for retrieving primary url alias
      primary url alias for website and locale or default
    • getTags

      public Set<Tag> getTags()
    • getType

      public IdentifiableType getType()
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class UniqueObject
    • init

      protected void init()
      Description copied from class: UniqueObject
      Use to initialize member variables, used by default constructor and builder
      init in class UniqueObject
    • removeIdentifier

      public void removeIdentifier(String namespace)
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(LocalizedStructuredContent description)
    • setIdentifiableObjectType

      public void setIdentifiableObjectType(IdentifiableObjectType identifiableObjectType)
    • setIdentifiers

      public void setIdentifiers(Set<Identifier> identifiers)
    • setLabel

      public void setLabel(String label)
    • setLabel

      public void setLabel(LocalizedText label)
    • setLocalizedUrlAliases

      public void setLocalizedUrlAliases(LocalizedUrlAliases localizedUrlAliases)
    • setPreviewImage

      public void setPreviewImage(ImageFileResource previewImage)
    • setPreviewImageRenderingHints

      public void setPreviewImageRenderingHints(RenderingHintsPreviewImage previewImageRenderingHints)
    • setTags

      public void setTags(Set<Tag> tags)
    • setType

      public void setType(IdentifiableType identifiableType)
    • addSubject

      public void addSubject(Subject subject)
    • getSubjects

      public Set<Subject> getSubjects()
    • setSubjects

      public void setSubjects(Set<Subject> subjects)