
public class Publisher extends Object
A Publisher is kind of involvement, consisting of the agent (zero or one), a list of locations (or zero locations) and a date (can be empty, too), which is relevant for this publisher involvement.

A Publisher can be an organization, which is active at multiple places and during a certain period of time.

Just think of a (here fictive) publishing house, e.g. "Karl-Ranseier-Verlag", which had dependencies in Cologne and Berlin and was active between 1994 and 1998.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • getLocations

      public List<HumanSettlement> getLocations()
      Returns the locations. Currently, only the name of the HumanSettlements is relevant, what means, that these HumanSettlemens won't be reused.
      List of locations where only the names are relevant
    • getAgent

      public Agent getAgent()
      Returns the agent. Currently, only the name is relevant, what means, that you cannot reuse the agent
      the agent where only the name is relevant
    • setLocations

      public void setLocations(List<HumanSettlement> locations)
    • addLocation

      public void addLocation(HumanSettlement location)
    • setAgent

      public void setAgent(Agent agent)
    • getDatePresentation

      public String getDatePresentation()
      Used for the textual (free text, no limitations) represenation of the date for the publisher.
      an unformatted, unspecified string
    • setDatePresentation

      public void setDatePresentation(String datePresentation)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object