Klasse DateDataElement

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
de.esoco.lib.property.HasProperties, de.esoco.lib.property.MutableProperties, Serializable

public class DateDataElement extends DataElement<Date>
A data element subclass for Date values.
Siehe auch:
  • Felddetails


      public static final de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<DateDataElement.DateInputType> DATE_INPUT_TYPE
      UI property: the type of a date input field.

      public static final de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<Map<Date,String>> DATE_HIGHLIGHTS
      UI property: events that should be visualized in a calendar UI.
  • Konstruktordetails

    • DateDataElement

      public DateDataElement(String name, Date value)
      Creates a new modifiable instance without a validator.
      name - The name of this element
      value - The value of this element
    • DateDataElement

      public DateDataElement(String name, Date value, Validator<? super Date> validator, Set<DataElement.Flag> flags)
      Creates a new instance with a certain initial value.
      name - The element name
      value - The initial value
      validator - The validator for the date value or NULL for none
      flags - The optional flags for this data element
  • Methodendetails

    • init

      public static void init()
      This method should be invoked to initialize the property name constants for de-serialization.
    • copy

      public DateDataElement copy(DataElement.CopyMode mode, de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<?>... copyProperties)
      Returns a copy of this data element that contains all or a subset of it's current state. Always copied are the name and flags. Never copied is the parent reference because upon copying typically a reference to a copied parent needs to be set. The further data the copy contains depends on the copy mode:

      The copy instance is created by invoking DataElement.newInstance() which has the recommendation to overwrite the return type to the concrete subtype to prevent the need for casting by the invoking code. For the same reason it is recommended that subclasses also override this method with the concrete return type and cast the result of super.copy() to that type.

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      copy in Klasse DataElement<Date>
      mode - The copy mode
      copyProperties - An optional list of properties to copy. If not provided all properties will be copied (unless the mode is DataElement.CopyMode.PLACEHOLDER)
      Gibt zurück:
      The copied instance
    • getValue

      public final Date getValue()
      Returns the date value.
      Angegeben von:
      getValue in Klasse DataElement<Date>
      Gibt zurück:
      The element value
      Siehe auch:
    • newInstance

      protected DateDataElement newInstance()
      Returns a new instance of the respective data element sub-type on which it is invoked. This is needed for GWT which doesn't support reflection. Used by DataElement.copy(CopyMode, PropertyName...) for cloning an instance. Implementations should overwrite the return type with their concrete type to prevent the need for casting by the invoking code.
      Angegeben von:
      newInstance in Klasse DataElement<Date>
      Gibt zurück:
      The new instance
    • updateValue

      protected void updateValue(Date newValue)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: DataElement
      Updates the element value. Will be invoked by DataElement.setValue(Object) to store a new value after validation. If a subclass wants to reject certain values it should do so in the DataElement.isValidValue(Validator, Object) method. Subclasses that are always immutable should implement an assertion because if the element has been initialized correctly (validator = NULL) this method should then be reached.
      Angegeben von:
      updateValue in Klasse DataElement<Date>
      newValue - The new value for this element
      Siehe auch: