Klasse ProcessState

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
de.esoco.lib.property.HasProperties, de.esoco.lib.property.MutableProperties, Serializable

public class ProcessState extends ProcessDescription
A process description subclass that provides additional information about the current state of a process during it's execution. It also overrides the methods DataElement.equals(Object) and DataElement.hashCode() to only check an internal, unique and immutable ID that is assigned during instance creation. This allows to use process state objects as map keys.
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  • Felddetails


      public static final String INTERACTION_PARAMS_LIST
      The name of the data element list that contains the interaction parameter data elements.
      Siehe auch:

      public static final String VIEW_PARAMS_LIST
      The name of the data element list that contains the data elements for additional views.
      Siehe auch:
  • Konstruktordetails

    • ProcessState

      public ProcessState(ProcessDescription description, int processId, String processInfo)
      Creates a new instance for a finished process without any further interaction.
      Siehe auch:
    • ProcessState

      public ProcessState(ProcessState originalState, de.esoco.lib.property.InteractionEventType eventType, DataElement<?> interactionElement, List<DataElement<?>> modifiedParams)
      Creates an copy instance for process interactions.
      originalState - The original process state
      eventType - The interaction event type
      interactionElement - The data element that caused the interaction
      modifiedParams - The parameters that have been modified since the last interaction
    • ProcessState

      public ProcessState(ProcessDescription description, int processId, String processInfo, String currentStep, List<DataElement<?>> interactionParams, List<DataElementList> viewParams, List<ProcessState> spawnProcesses, Set<ProcessState.ProcessStateFlag> currentStepFlags)
      Creates a new instance by copying the data from another process description (or state) and specific process state attributes.
      description - The process description or state
      processId - The ID of the described process
      processInfo - An information string describing the process
      currentStep - The name of the currently executed process step
      interactionParams - The interaction parameter data elements
      viewParams - The optional view parameter data elements (NULL for none)
      spawnProcesses - An optional list of new processes to be displayed by the client (NULL for none)
      currentStepFlags - The flags for the current step
  • Methodendetails

    • canRollback

      public final boolean canRollback()
      Returns the rollback state of the current process.
      Gibt zurück:
      TRUE if the current process can be rolled back to a previous interaction
    • getCurrentStep

      public final String getCurrentStep()
      Returns the name of the currently executed process step.
      Gibt zurück:
      The currently executed process step
    • getExecutionMode

      public final ProcessState.ProcessExecutionMode getExecutionMode()
      Returns the process execution mode.
      Gibt zurück:
      The process execution mode
    • getInteractionElement

      public final DataElement<?> getInteractionElement()
      Returns the data element that caused the re-execution of the process after during an interaction because of an interactive input event. In all other cases NULL will be returned.
      Gibt zurück:
      The data element that caused an interactive input event or NULL for a non-interactive re-execution of the process
    • getInteractionEventType

      public final de.esoco.lib.property.InteractionEventType getInteractionEventType()
      Returns TRUE if an interaction event has been caused by an action event or FALSE for a continuous selection event.
      Gibt zurück:
      TRUE for an action event, FALSE for a continuous selection event
    • getInteractionParams

      public List<DataElement<?>> getInteractionParams()
      Returns the data elements that represent the interaction parameters of the current process step.
      Gibt zurück:
      A list containing the interaction parameter data elements (empty for none)
    • getProcessId

      public final int getProcessId()
      Returns the ID of the process.
      Gibt zurück:
      The process ID
    • getProcessInfo

      public final String getProcessInfo()
      Returns an information string for the process or it's current state.
      Gibt zurück:
      The process information
    • getSpawnProcesses

      public List<ProcessState> getSpawnProcesses()
      Returns a list of process states for processes that need to be spawned indepently from the current process context.
      Gibt zurück:
      A list containing the process states of the processes to spawn (empty for none)
    • getViewParams

      public List<DataElementList> getViewParams()
      Returns the data elements that represent the additional views in an interactive process step.
      Gibt zurück:
      A list containing the view parameter data elements
    • hasImmedidateInteraction

      public final boolean hasImmedidateInteraction()
      Returns TRUE if the current step contains interaction parameters that will cause an immediate re-execution of the process and therefore doesn't need a special interaction control ("next button") to proceed.
      Gibt zurück:
      TRUE if immediate execution parameters are present
    • isAutoContinue

      public final boolean isAutoContinue()
      Returns TRUE if the process execution should be continued automatically after an interaction.
      Gibt zurück:
      The auto continue flag
    • isFinalStep

      public final boolean isFinalStep()
      Returns TRUE if the current step is the final interactive step in the process.
      Gibt zurück:
      TRUE for the final interactive step
    • isFinished

      public boolean isFinished()
      Checks whether the process has finished execution. This will be the case if the name of the current step as returned by getCurrentStep() is NULL.
      Gibt zurück:
      TRUE if the process is finished
    • setExecutionMode

      public final void setExecutionMode(ProcessState.ProcessExecutionMode executionMode)
      Sets the execution mode. This method is intended to be used by clients to send the process execution mode to the server.
      executionMode - The new execution mode
    • setProcessId

      public final void setProcessId(int processId)
      Updates the ID of the process.
      processId - The new process id
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this element.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse DataElement<String>
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