Klasse FragmentInteraction

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
Serializable, org.obrel.core.Relatable

public class FragmentInteraction extends Interaction
An interactive process step that displays of one or more instances of the class InteractionFragment in tabs or similar group panels.
Siehe auch:
  • Konstruktordetails

    • FragmentInteraction

      public FragmentInteraction(InteractionFragment fragment)
      Creates a new instance that displays a single interaction fragment.
      fragment - The interaction fragment
    • FragmentInteraction

      public FragmentInteraction(org.obrel.core.RelationType<List<org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>>> tabsParam, List<org.obrel.core.RelationType<List<org.obrel.core.RelationType<?>>>> fragmentParams, InteractionFragment... fragments)
      Creates a new instance that displays multiple interaction fragments in tabs. The fragment instances can either be set in the variable argument list of this method or later in an overridden prepareExecution() method. In the first case the number of fragments must be equal to the number of fragment parameters or else there must be no fragments at all.
      tabsParam - The parameter for the tabs
      fragmentParams - One tab parameter for each fragment
      fragments - The interaction fragments for the tabs
  • Methodendetails