Klasse UiElement<E extends UiElement<E>>

Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:
UiImageDefinition, UiLayoutElement, UiStyle

public class UiElement<E extends UiElement<E>> extends Object
A common base class for elements in the process UI framework.
  • Konstruktorübersicht

    Creates a new instance.
    UiElement(UiElement<?> other)
    A copy constructor for subclasses.
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    protected void
    Applies the properties of this element to the given component.
    applyTo(UiComponent<?,?> component)
    Applies this element to the given component.
    protected void
    Clears all properties in this element.
    protected void
    copyPropertiesFrom(UiElement<?> other, boolean replace)
    Copies the properties from another UI element to this instance.
    final int
    get(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<Integer> integerProperty, int defaultValue)
    Queries an integer property.
    final <T> T
    get(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<T> propertyName, T defaultValue)
    Queries a certain property.
    hasProperty(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<?> propertyName)
    Checks whether a certain property has been set.
    final boolean
    Checks the modification state of this element.
    protected final E
    set(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<Boolean> flag)
    Sets a boolean property.
    protected final E
    set(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<Integer> property, int value)
    Sets an integer property.
    protected <V> E
    set(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<V> property, V value)
    Sets a certain property of this element.
    final void
    setModified(boolean modified)
    Set this element's modified state.

    Von Klasse geerbte Methoden java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Konstruktordetails

    • UiElement

      public UiElement()
      Creates a new instance.
    • UiElement

      protected UiElement(UiElement<?> other)
      A copy constructor for subclasses.
      other - The other element to copy the properties from
  • Methodendetails

    • applyTo

      public void applyTo(UiComponent<?,?> component)
      Applies this element to the given component.
      component - The target component
    • get

      public final int get(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<Integer> integerProperty, int defaultValue)
      Queries an integer property.
      integerProperty - The property name
      defaultValue - The default value to return if the property doesn't exist
      Gibt zurück:
      The property value or the default value if it isn't set
    • get

      public final <T> T get(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<T> propertyName, T defaultValue)
      Queries a certain property.
      propertyName - The property name
      defaultValue - The default value to return if the property doesn't exist
      Gibt zurück:
      The property value or the default value if it isn't set
    • hasProperty

      public boolean hasProperty(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<?> propertyName)
      Checks whether a certain property has been set.
      propertyName - The property name
      Gibt zurück:
      TRUE if the property exists
    • isModified

      public final boolean isModified()
      Checks the modification state of this element.
      Gibt zurück:
      TRUE if the element has been modified since it has last been applied to the component
    • setModified

      public final void setModified(boolean modified)
      Set this element's modified state. If TRUE it will be applied to the component on the next call to applyTo(UiComponent).
      modified - The new modified state
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse Object
    • applyPropertiesTo

      protected void applyPropertiesTo(UiComponent<?,?> component)
      Applies the properties of this element to the given component. Will only be invoked if the properties have changed.
      component - The target component
    • clearProperties

      protected void clearProperties()
      Clears all properties in this element.
    • copyPropertiesFrom

      protected void copyPropertiesFrom(UiElement<?> other, boolean replace)
      Copies the properties from another UI element to this instance.
      other - The other element
      replace - TRUE to replace existing properties in this instance
    • set

      protected final E set(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<Boolean> flag)
      Sets a boolean property.
      Siehe auch:
    • set

      protected <V> E set(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<V> property, V value)
      Sets a certain property of this element. All other property set methods redirect to this method so that subclasses only need to override this method if they want to intercept property updates.
      property - The property name
      value - The property value
      Gibt zurück:
      This instance for concatenation
    • set

      protected final E set(de.esoco.lib.property.PropertyName<Integer> property, int value)
      Sets an integer property.
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