Klasse UiMultiSelectionButtonGroup<T,B extends UiMultiSelectionButtonGroup<T,B>>

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
de.esoco.lib.property.HasSelection<List<T>>, UiHasActionEvents<List<T>,B>, UiHasFocusEvents<List<T>,B>, org.obrel.core.Relatable
Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:
UiCheckBoxes, UiToggleButtons

public abstract class UiMultiSelectionButtonGroup<T,B extends UiMultiSelectionButtonGroup<T,B>> extends UiButtonControl<List<T>,B> implements de.esoco.lib.property.HasSelection<List<T>>
A base class for groups of buttons that allow to select multiple buttons.
  • Konstruktordetails

    • UiMultiSelectionButtonGroup

      public UiMultiSelectionButtonGroup(UiContainer<?> parent, Class<T> elementType, de.esoco.lib.property.ListStyle listStyle)
      Creates a new instance.
      parent - The parent container
      elementType - The datatype of the button labels
      listStyle - The style for the button rendering
  • Methodendetails

    • addButtons

      public void addButtons(T... buttonLabels)
      Adds certain buttons.
      buttonLabels - The labels of the buttons to add
    • addButtons

      public void addButtons(Collection<T> buttonLabels)
      Adds a collection of buttons.
      buttonLabels - The collection of button labels to add
    • disableButtons

      public void disableButtons(Collection<T> disabledButtons)
      Disables certain values of the parameter enum.
      disabledButtons - disabledElements A collection of the elements to disable
    • disableButtons

      public void disableButtons(T... disabledButtons)
      Disables certain values of the parameter enum.
      disabledButtons - disabledElements The elements to disable
    • enableAllButtons

      public void enableAllButtons()
      Enables all Buttons.
    • getSelection

      public List<T> getSelection()
      Returns the current selection. Depending on the datatype of this instance it will either be a single value or a collection of values.
      Angegeben von:
      getSelection in Schnittstelle de.esoco.lib.property.HasSelection<T>
      Gibt zurück:
      The current selection
    • setButtons

      public void setButtons(Collection<T> newLabels)
      Sets the buttons of this instance, overriding any previously set buttons. This can also be used to remove the current buttons by setting an empty collection.
      newLabels - The new collection of button labels
    • setSelection

      public void setSelection(List<T> newSelection)
      Sets the selection of this button group. Depending on the datatype of this instance this either needs to be a single value or a collection of values.
      Angegeben von:
      setSelection in Schnittstelle de.esoco.lib.property.HasSelection<T>
      newSelection - The new selection