Klasse UiDataTable

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
UiHasActionEvents<SelectionDataElement,UiDataTable>, UiHasFocusEvents<SelectionDataElement,UiDataTable>, UiHasUpdateEvents<SelectionDataElement,UiDataTable>, org.obrel.core.Relatable

A table that displays a static collection of HierarchicalDataObject that is stored in the validator of a SelectionDataElement.
  • Konstruktordetails

    • UiDataTable

      public UiDataTable(UiContainer<?> container)
      Creates a new instance.
      container - The parent container
    • UiDataTable

      public UiDataTable(UiContainer<?> container, Collection<HierarchicalDataObject> data, Collection<de.esoco.lib.model.ColumnDefinition> columns)
      Creates a new instance.
      container - The parent container
      data - The table data
      columns - The table columns
  • Methodendetails

    • getSelection

      public HierarchicalDataObject getSelection()
      Returns the currently selected data object or NULL for none.
      Gibt zurück:
      The current selection (NULL for none)
    • onAction

      public UiDataTable onAction(Consumer<SelectionDataElement> eventHandler)
      Registers an event handler that will be invoked on action events with the new component value.
      Angegeben von:
      onAction in Schnittstelle UiHasActionEvents<SelectionDataElement,UiDataTable>
      eventHandler - The event handler to be invoked
      Gibt zurück:
      The component the handler has been registered on
    • onSelection

      public final UiDataTable onSelection(Consumer<HierarchicalDataObject> eventHandler)
      Sets the event handler for selection events of this table. The handler will receive the currently selected data object or NULL if no object is selected.
      eventHandler - The event handler
      Gibt zurück:
      This instance for concatenation
    • onSelectionConfirmed

      public final UiDataTable onSelectionConfirmed(Consumer<HierarchicalDataObject> eventHandler)
      Sets the event handler for selection confirmed events (e.g. by double click) of this table. The handler will receive the currently selected data object or NULL if no object is selected.
      eventHandler - The event handler
      Gibt zurück:
      This instance for concatenation
    • onUpdate

      public UiDataTable onUpdate(Consumer<SelectionDataElement> eventHandler)
      Registers an event handler that will be invoked on update events with the new component value.
      Angegeben von:
      onUpdate in Schnittstelle UiHasUpdateEvents<SelectionDataElement,UiDataTable>
      eventHandler - The event handler to be invoked
      Gibt zurück:
      The component the handler has been registered on
    • setColumns

      public void setColumns(Collection<de.esoco.lib.model.ColumnDefinition> columns)
      Sets the table columns.
      columns - The table column definitions
    • setData

      public void setData(Collection<HierarchicalDataObject> data)
      Sets the table data as a list of hierarchical data objects that will be rendered as the table rows.
      data - A list of table data objects
    • applyProperties

      protected void applyProperties()
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: UiComponent
      Will be invoked to apply all properties of this component to the corresponding process parameter before it is rendered.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      applyProperties in Klasse UiComponent<SelectionDataElement,UiDataTable>
      Siehe auch: