Klasse UiDockLayout

public class UiDockLayout extends UiLayout
A layout that docks components to one or both sides of a center component, either in horizontal or in vertical direction. The side components must have a corresponding size value (width or height) set because the center component will fill the remaining space.
  • Konstruktordetails

    • UiDockLayout

      public UiDockLayout(de.esoco.lib.property.Orientation orientation, boolean allowResize)
      Creates a new instance.
      orientation - The layout orientation
      allowResize - TRUE to provide controls for the resizing of the components in the layout direction (split panel)
  • Methodendetails

    • addComponent

      protected void addComponent(UiComponent<?,?> component)
      Internal method to initially add a component to the layout. This will add a dummy layout cell to the component that is not positioned in the layout but can be used to set layout parameters on the component by querying it with UiComponent.cell(). The actual layout is performed by the method UiLayout.layoutComponent(UiComponent).

      Invoked by UiContainer.addComponent(UiComponent).

      Setzt außer Kraft:
      addComponent in Klasse UiLayout
      component - The component that has been added to the container
    • applyToContainer

      protected void applyToContainer(UiContainer<?> container)
      Applies this layout to the given container.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      applyToContainer in Klasse UiLayout
      container - The container
    • createCell

      protected UiLayout.Cell createCell(UiLayout.Row row, UiLayout.Column column)
      Creates a new layout cell. Can be overridden by subclasses to create layout-specific cell types. The default implementation returns an instance of the inner class UiLayout.Cell.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      createCell in Klasse UiLayout
      row - The row of the cell
      column - The column of the cell
      Gibt zurück:
      The new cell