Package jflex.core

Class NFA

  • public final class NFA
    extends Object
    Non-deterministic finite automata representation in JFlex.

    Contains algorithms RegExp → NFA.

    JFlex 1.8.1
    Gerwin Klein
    • Constructor Detail

      • NFA

        public NFA​(int numInput,
                   int estSize)
        Constructor for NFA.
    • Method Detail

      • epsilon

        public StateSet epsilon​(int i)
      • numEntryStates

        public int numEntryStates()
      • numInput

        public int numInput()
      • numLexStates

        public int numLexStates()
      • numStates

        public int numStates()
      • reachableStates

        public StateSet reachableStates​(int currentState,
                                        int nextChar)
        Returns the set of states that can be reached from currentState with an input nextChar.
      • tempStateSet

        public StateSet tempStateSet()
      • addStandaloneRule

        public void addStandaloneRule()
        Add a standalone rule that has minimum priority, fires a transition on all single input characters and has a "print yytext" action.
      • addRegExp

        public void addRegExp​(int regExpNum)
        Add a regexp to this NFA.
        regExpNum - the number of the regexp to add.
      • addTransition

        public void addTransition​(int start,
                                  int input,
                                  int dest)
      • addEpsilonTransition

        public void addEpsilonTransition​(int start,
                                         int dest)
      • containsFinal

        public boolean containsFinal​(StateSet set)
        Returns true, iff the specified set of states contains a final state.
        set - the set of states that is tested for final states.
      • getAction

        public Action getAction​(StateSet set)
        Returns the action with highest priority in the specified set of states.
        set - the set of states for which to determine the action
      • epsilonFill

        public void epsilonFill()
      • dumpTable

        public void dumpTable()
      • writeDot

        public void writeDot​(File file)
      • dotFormat

        public String dotFormat()
      • insertNFA

        public IntPair insertNFA​(RegExp regExp)
        Constructs an NFA for regExp such that the NFA has

        exactly one start state, exactly one end state, no transitions leading out of the end state no transitions leading into the start state

        regExp - the regular expression to construct the NFA for
        a pair of integers denoting the index of start and end state of the NFA.