Package jflex.core

Class RegExp

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    RegExp1, RegExp2

    public class RegExp
    extends Object
    Stores a regular expression of rules section in a JFlex-specification.

    This base class has no content other than its type.

    JFlex 1.8.1
    Gerwin Klein
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegExp

        public RegExp​(int type)
        Create a new regular expression of the specified type.
        type - a value from the cup generated class sym.
    • Method Detail

      • print

        public String print​(String tab)
        Returns a String-representation of this regular expression with the specified indentation.
        tab - a String that should contain only space characters and that is inserted in front of standard String-representation pf this object.
        a String object.
      • typeName

        public String typeName()
        String representation of the type of this regular expression.
      • isCharClass

        public boolean isCharClass()
        Find out if this regexp is a char class or equivalent to one.
        true if the regexp is equivalent to a char class.
      • size

        public int size​(Macros macros)
        The approximate number of NFA states this expression will need (only works correctly after macro expansion and without negation)
        macros - macro table for expansion
        a int.
      • resolveTilde

        public final RegExp resolveTilde()
        Recursively convert tilde (upto) expressions into negation and star.
        new RegExp equivalent to the current one, but without upto expressions.
      • anyChar

        public static RegExp anyChar()
        Returns a regexp that matches any character: [^]
        the regexp for [^]
      • checkPrimClass

        public static RegExp1 checkPrimClass​(RegExp r)
        Confirms that the parameter is a RegExp1 of type sym.PRIMCLASS.
        r - the RegExp to check
        r cast to RegExp1
        CharClassException - if r is not a RegExp1 or of type sym.PRIMCLASS.
      • performClassOp

        public static IntCharSet performClassOp​(int op,
                                                IntCharSet l,
                                                IntCharSet r,
                                                RegExp ctxt)
        Performs the given set operation on the two IntCharSet parameters.
        op - the operation to perform (as @{link sym} constant)
        l - the left operator of the expression
        r - the right operator of the expression
        ctxt - the regular expression containing the provided operator
        a new IntCharSet
        RegExpException - for ctxt if the operator is not supported
      • normalise

        public final RegExp normalise​(Macros m)
        Normalise the regular expression to eliminate macro use (expand them), and compound character class expression (compute their content).
        a regexp that contains only IntCharSet char classes and no sym.MACROUSE.
      • makeCCLs

        public final void makeCCLs​(CharClasses c,
                                   boolean caseless)
        Make character class partitions based on the classes mentioned in this regexp.

        Assumption: regexp is normalised.

      • rev

        public final RegExp rev()
        Creates a new regexp that matches the reverse text of this one.
        the reverse regexp