Package jflex.core

Class RegExp1

  • public class RegExp1
    extends RegExp
    Stores a regular expression from the rules section of a JFlex specification.

    This class provides storage for one Object of content. It is used for all regular expressions that are constructed from one object.

    For instance: a* is new RegExp1(sym.STAR, 'a');

    JFlex 1.8.1
    Gerwin Klein
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegExp1

        public RegExp1​(int type,
                       Object content)
        Constructs a new regular expression with one child object.
        type - a value from the cup generated class sym, defining the kind of this regular expression
        content - the child of this expression
    • Method Detail

      • print

        public String print​(String tab)
        Description copied from class: RegExp
        Returns a String-representation of this regular expression with the specified indentation.
        print in class RegExp
        tab - a String that should contain only space characters and that is inserted in front of standard String-representation pf this object.
        a String object.