Class PdfBoxGraphics2D

  • public class PdfBoxGraphics2D
    extends Graphics2D
    Graphics 2D Adapter for PDFBox.
    • Field Detail


        public static boolean ENABLE_CHILD_CREATING_DEBUG
        Global Flag: If set to true the Callstack when creating a context is recorded.

        Note: Setting this to true will slow down the library. Use this only for debugging.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PdfBoxGraphics2D

        public PdfBoxGraphics2D​(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument document,
                                int pixelWidth,
                                int pixelHeight)
                         throws IOException
        Create a PDfBox Graphics2D. This size is used for the BBox of the XForm. So everything drawn outside the rectangle (0x0)-(pixelWidth,pixelHeight) will be clipped.

        Note: pixelWidth and pixelHeight only define the size of the coordinate space within this Graphics2D. They do not affect how big the XForm is finally displayed in the PDF.

        document - The document the graphics should be used to create a XForm in.
        pixelWidth - the width in pixel of the drawing area.
        pixelHeight - the height in pixel of the drawing area.
        IOException - if something goes wrong with writing into the content stream of the PDDocument.
      • PdfBoxGraphics2D

        public PdfBoxGraphics2D​(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument document,
                                float pixelWidth,
                                float pixelHeight)
                         throws IOException
        Create a PDfBox Graphics2D. This size is used for the BBox of the XForm. So everything drawn outside the rectangle (0x0)-(pixelWidth,pixelHeight) will be clipped.

        Note: pixelWidth and pixelHeight only define the size of the coordinate space within this Graphics2D. They do not affect how big the XForm is finally displayed in the PDF.

        document - The document the graphics should be used to create a XForm in.
        pixelWidth - the width in pixel of the drawing area.
        pixelHeight - the height in pixel of the drawing area.
        IOException - if something goes wrong with writing into the content stream of the PDDocument.
      • PdfBoxGraphics2D

        public PdfBoxGraphics2D​(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument document,
                                org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle bbox)
                         throws IOException
        document - The document the graphics should be used to create a XForm in.
        bbox - Bounding Box of the graphics
        IOException - when something goes wrong with writing into the content stream of the PDDocument.
    • Method Detail

      • setColorMapper

        public void setColorMapper​(IPdfBoxGraphics2DColorMapper colorMapper)
        Set a new color mapper.
        colorMapper - the color mapper which maps Color to PDColor.
      • setImageEncoder

        public void setImageEncoder​(IPdfBoxGraphics2DImageEncoder imageEncoder)
        Set a new image encoder
        imageEncoder - the image encoder, which encodes a image as PDImageXForm.
      • setPaintApplier

        public void setPaintApplier​(IPdfBoxGraphics2DPaintApplier paintApplier)
        Set a new paint applier. You should always derive your custom paint applier from the IPdfBoxGraphics2DPaintApplier and just extend the paint mapping for custom paint.

        If the paint you map is a paint from a standard library and you can implement the mapping using reflection please feel free to send a pull request to extend the default paint mapper.

        paintApplier - the paint applier responsible for mapping the paint correctly
      • setDrawControl

        public void setDrawControl​(IPdfBoxGraphics2DDrawControl drawControl)
        Set a new draw control. This allows you to influence fill() and draw() operations. drawString() is only influence if the text is drawn as vector shape.
        drawControl - the draw control
      • setFontTextDrawer

        public void setFontTextDrawer​(IPdfBoxGraphics2DFontTextDrawer fontTextDrawer)
        Set an optional text drawer. By default, all text is vectorized and drawn using vector shapes. To embed fonts into a PDF file it is necessary to have the underlying TTF file. The java.awt.Font class does not provide that. The FontTextDrawer must perform the java.awt.Font <=> PDFont mapping and also must perform the text layout. If it can not map the text or font correctly, the font drawing falls back to vectoring the text.
        fontTextDrawer - The text drawer, which can draw text using fonts
      • getXFormObject

        public getXFormObject()
        the PDAppearanceStream which resulted in this graphics
      • disposeDanglingChildGraphics

        public void disposeDanglingChildGraphics()
        Sometimes the users of create() don't correctly dispose() the child graphics they create. And you may not always be able to fix this uses, as it may be in some 3rdparty library. In this case this method can help you. It will cleanup all dangling child graphics. The child graphics can not be used after that. This method is a workaround for a buggy old code. You should only use it if you have to.

        Note: You can only call this method on the "main" graphics, not on a child created with create()

      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Specified by:
        dispose in class Graphics
      • drawImage

        public boolean drawImage​(Image img,
                                 int dx1,
                                 int dy1,
                                 int dx2,
                                 int dy2,
                                 int sx1,
                                 int sy1,
                                 int sx2,
                                 int sy2,
                                 ImageObserver observer)
        Specified by:
        drawImage in class Graphics
      • drawImage

        public boolean drawImage​(Image img,
                                 int dx1,
                                 int dy1,
                                 int dx2,
                                 int dy2,
                                 int sx1,
                                 int sy1,
                                 int sx2,
                                 int sy2,
                                 Color bgcolor,
                                 ImageObserver observer)
        Specified by:
        drawImage in class Graphics
      • create

        public PdfBoxGraphics2D create()
        Creates a copy of this graphics object. Please call dispose() always on the copy after you have finished drawing with it.

        Never draw both in this copy and its parent graphics at the same time, as they all write to the same content stream. This will create a broken PDF content stream. You should get an IllegalStateException if you do so, but better just don't try.

        The copy allows you to have different transforms, paints, etc. than the parent graphics context without affecting the parent. You may also call create() on a copy, but always remember to call dispose() in reverse order.
        Specified by:
        create in class Graphics
        a copy of this Graphics.
      • translate

        public void translate​(int x,
                              int y)
        Specified by:
        translate in class Graphics2D
      • setXORMode

        public void setXORMode​(Color c1)
        XOR Mode is currently not implemented as it's not possible in PDF. This mode is ignored.
        Specified by:
        setXORMode in class Graphics
        c1 - the XORMode Color
      • clipRect

        public void clipRect​(int x,
                             int y,
                             int width,
                             int height)
        Specified by:
        clipRect in class Graphics
      • setClip

        public void setClip​(int x,
                            int y,
                            int width,
                            int height)
        Specified by:
        setClip in class Graphics
      • copyArea

        public void copyArea​(int x,
                             int y,
                             int width,
                             int height,
                             int dx,
                             int dy)
        Specified by:
        copyArea in class Graphics
      • drawLine

        public void drawLine​(int x1,
                             int y1,
                             int x2,
                             int y2)
        Specified by:
        drawLine in class Graphics
      • fillRect

        public void fillRect​(int x,
                             int y,
                             int width,
                             int height)
        Specified by:
        fillRect in class Graphics
      • clearRect

        public void clearRect​(int x,
                              int y,
                              int width,
                              int height)
        Specified by:
        clearRect in class Graphics
      • drawRoundRect

        public void drawRoundRect​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int width,
                                  int height,
                                  int arcWidth,
                                  int arcHeight)
        Specified by:
        drawRoundRect in class Graphics
      • fillRoundRect

        public void fillRoundRect​(int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int width,
                                  int height,
                                  int arcWidth,
                                  int arcHeight)
        Specified by:
        fillRoundRect in class Graphics
      • drawOval

        public void drawOval​(int x,
                             int y,
                             int width,
                             int height)
        Specified by:
        drawOval in class Graphics
      • fillOval

        public void fillOval​(int x,
                             int y,
                             int width,
                             int height)
        Specified by:
        fillOval in class Graphics
      • drawArc

        public void drawArc​(int x,
                            int y,
                            int width,
                            int height,
                            int startAngle,
                            int arcAngle)
        Specified by:
        drawArc in class Graphics
      • fillArc

        public void fillArc​(int x,
                            int y,
                            int width,
                            int height,
                            int startAngle,
                            int arcAngle)
        Specified by:
        fillArc in class Graphics
      • drawPolyline

        public void drawPolyline​(int[] xPoints,
                                 int[] yPoints,
                                 int nPoints)
        Specified by:
        drawPolyline in class Graphics
      • drawPolygon

        public void drawPolygon​(int[] xPoints,
                                int[] yPoints,
                                int nPoints)
        Specified by:
        drawPolygon in class Graphics
      • fillPolygon

        public void fillPolygon​(int[] xPoints,
                                int[] yPoints,
                                int nPoints)
        Specified by:
        fillPolygon in class Graphics
      • translate

        public void translate​(double tx,
                              double ty)
        Specified by:
        translate in class Graphics2D
      • rotate

        public void rotate​(double theta)
        Specified by:
        rotate in class Graphics2D
      • rotate

        public void rotate​(double theta,
                           double x,
                           double y)
        Specified by:
        rotate in class Graphics2D
      • scale

        public void scale​(double sx,
                          double sy)
        Specified by:
        scale in class Graphics2D
      • shear

        public void shear​(double shx,
                          double shy)
        Specified by:
        shear in class Graphics2D