Class PdfBoxGraphics2DFontTextDrawer

    • Constructor Detail

      • PdfBoxGraphics2DFontTextDrawer

        public PdfBoxGraphics2DFontTextDrawer()
    • Method Detail

      • close

        public void close()
        Close / delete all resources associated with this drawer. This mainly means deleting all temporary files. You can not use this object after a call to close.

        Calling close multiple times does nothing.

        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
      • registerFont

        public void registerFont​(String fontName,
                                 InputStream fontStream)
                          throws IOException
        Register a font. If possible, try to use a font file, i.e. registerFont(String, File). This method will lead to the creation of a temporary file which stores the font data.
        fontName - the name of the font to use. If null, the name is taken from the font.
        fontStream - the input stream of the font. This file must be a ttf/otf file! You have to close the stream outside, this method will not close the stream.
        IOException - when something goes wrong with reading the font or writing the font to the content stream of the PDF:
      • registerFont

        public void registerFont​(String fontName,
                                 File fontFile)
        Register a font.
        fontName - the name of the font to use. If null, the name is taken from the font.
        fontFile - the font file. This file must exist for the live time of this object, as the font data will be read lazy on demand
      • registerFont

        public void registerFont​(File fontFile)
        Override for registerFont(null,fontFile)
        fontFile - the font file
      • registerFont

        public void registerFont​(InputStream fontStream)
                          throws IOException
        Override for registerFont(null,fontStream)
        fontStream - the font file
        IOException - when something goes wrong with reading the font or writing the font to the content stream of the PDF:
      • registerFont

        public void registerFont​(String name,
                                 org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont font)
        Register a font which is already associated with the PDDocument
        name - the name of the font as returned by Font.getFontName(). This name is used for the mapping the java.awt.Font to this PDFont.
        font - the PDFont to use. This font must be loaded in the current document.
      • hasDynamicFontMapping

        protected boolean hasDynamicFontMapping()
        true if the font mapping is populated on demand. This is usually only the case if this class has been derived. The default implementation just checks for this.