
object Util
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def add(in: Array[Double], inOff: Int, out: Array[Double], outOff: Int, len: Int): Unit

Adds input to output.

Adds input to output.

def add(buf: Array[Double], off: Int, len: Int, value: Double): Unit

Adds a scalar to a buffer.

Adds a scalar to a buffer.

def clear(buf: Array[Double], off: Int, len: Int): Unit

Fills buffer with zeroes.

Fills buffer with zeroes.

def clear(buf: Array[Int], off: Int, len: Int): Unit

Fills buffer with zeroes.

Fills buffer with zeroes.

def copy(in: Array[Array[Float]], inOff: Int, out: Array[Array[Double]], outOff: Int, len: Int): Unit
def copy(in: Array[Array[Double]], inOff: Int, out: Array[Array[Float]], outOff: Int, len: Int): Unit
def copy(in: Array[Double], inOff: Int, out: Array[Double], outOff: Int, len: Int): Unit

Copies input to output.

Copies input to output.

def copy(in: Array[Int], inOff: Int, out: Array[Int], outOff: Int, len: Int): Unit

Copies input to output.

Copies input to output.

def fill(buf: Array[Array[Double]], off: Int, len: Int, value: Double): Unit
def fill(buf: Array[Boolean], off: Int, len: Int, value: Boolean): Unit

Fills buffer with a constant value.

Fills buffer with a constant value.

def fill(buf: Array[Int], off: Int, len: Int, value: Int): Unit

Fills buffer with a constant value.

Fills buffer with a constant value.

def fill(buf: Array[Double], off: Int, len: Int, value: Double): Unit

Fills buffer with a constant value.

Fills buffer with a constant value.

def formatTemplate(template: URI, index: Int): URI
def max(in: Array[Double], off: Int, len: Int): Double
def min(in: Array[Double], off: Int, len: Int): Double
def mkLogicName(base: String, uri: URI): String
def mkTemplate(in: URI): URI

If the input contains placeholder %, returns it unchanged, otherwise determines an integer number in the name and replaces it by %d.

If the input contains placeholder %, returns it unchanged, otherwise determines an integer number in the name and replaces it by %d.

def mul(buf: Array[Double], off: Int, len: Int, value: Double): Unit

Multiplies buffer with a scalar.

Multiplies buffer with a scalar.

def mul(in: Array[Double], inOff: Int, out: Array[Double], outOff: Int, len: Int): Unit

Multiplies input with output and replaces output.

Multiplies input with output and replaces output.

def reverse(buf: Array[Double], off: Int, len: Int): Unit
def reverse[A <: AnyRef](buf: Array[A], off: Int, len: Int): Unit

Concrete fields

val log2: Double
val sqrt2: Double