


package lucre

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract final class AnyTxn extends Txn[AnyTxn]
  2. trait Caching extends AnyRef

    A marker trait for events that maintain a cache.

    A marker trait for events that maintain a cache. Events mixing in this trait are guaranteed to participate in the pullUpdate phase, even if no live observer is attached to them.

  3. trait Copy[In <: Txn[In], Out <: Txn[Out]] extends AnyRef
  4. trait DataStore extends Closeable
  5. trait Durable extends DurableLike[lucre.Durable.Txn]
  6. trait DurableLike[Tx <: lucre.DurableLike.Txn[Tx]] extends Sys with Cursor[Tx]
  7. trait Elem[T <: Txn[T]] extends Form[T] with Writable with Disposable[T] with Publisher[T, Any]

    An Elem is any type that is globally registered via Elem.addType and can be de-serialized through Elem.read.

  8. trait Event[T <: Txn[T], +A] extends EventLike[T, A] with Writable

    Event is not sealed in order to allow you define traits inheriting from it, while the concrete implementations should extend either of Event.Constant or Event.Node (which itself is sealed and split into Event.Invariant and Event.Mutating.

  9. trait EventLike[T <: Txn[T], +A] extends Observable[T, A]
  10. trait ExprLike[T <: Exec[T], +A] extends Form[T]

    This is the current compromise for unifying Ex/IExpr and Expr in terms of their usability through runWith vs.

    This is the current compromise for unifying Ex/IExpr and Expr in terms of their usability through runWith vs. obj.attr.

  11. trait IChangeEvent[T <: Exec[T], +A] extends IEvent[T, Change[A]]
  12. trait IChangePublisher[T <: Exec[T], +A] extends IPublisher[T, Change[A]]
  13. trait IEvent[T <: Exec[T], +A] extends Observable[T, A]

    In-memory (non-serializable) event.

  14. trait IExpr[T <: Exec[T], +A] extends ExprLike[T, A] with IChangePublisher[T, A] with Disposable[T]
  15. trait IPublisher[T <: Exec[T], +A] extends AnyRef
  16. trait IPull[T <: Exec[T]] extends AnyRef
  17. trait ITargets[T <: Exec[T]] extends AnyRef

    Interconnection management for in-memory events.

    Interconnection management for in-memory events. A centralized instance that combines the functionality of Targets with ReactionMap.

  18. trait InMemory extends InMemoryLike[lucre.InMemory.Txn]

    A thin in-memory (non-durable) wrapper around Scala-STM.

  19. trait InMemoryLike[Tx <: lucre.InMemoryLike.Txn[Tx]] extends Sys with Cursor[Tx]
  20. trait MapObj[T <: Txn[T], K, Repr[~ <: Txn[~]] <: Form[~]] extends MapObjLike[T, K, Repr[T]] with Obj[T] with Publisher[T, Update[T, K, Repr]]
  21. trait MapObjLike[T <: Exec[T], K, V] extends Disposable[T]
  22. trait Obj[T <: Txn[T]] extends Elem[T] with Mutable[T]

    An Obj is a type of element that has an S#Id identifier and an attribute map.

    An Obj is a type of element that has an S#Id identifier and an attribute map. It can be the origin of event dispatch.

  23. trait Observable[Tx, +A] extends AnyRef
  24. trait Observer[T <: Exec[T], -A] extends Disposable[T]
  25. trait Publisher[T <: Txn[T], +A] extends AnyRef
  26. trait Pull[T <: Txn[T]] extends AnyRef
  27. trait RandomObj[T <: Exec[T]] extends Random[T] with Mutable[T]

    A transactional pseudo-random number generator which behaves numerically like java.util.Random.

  28. trait ReactionMap[T <: Txn[T]] extends AnyRef
  29. trait Sys extends Base

    A system in LucreSTM describes a particular mode of representing values in time and of persisting values to disk.

    A system in LucreSTM describes a particular mode of representing values in time and of persisting values to disk. The Sys trait contains types for variables, identifiers, access paths, and transactions which are unique to each system (such as ephemeral in-memory, confluently persistent etc.).

  30. trait Txn[T <: Txn[T]] extends Exec[T] with TxnLike
  31. trait TxnLike extends AnyRef

    This is a minimal trait for any type of transactions that wrap an underlying Scala-STM transaction.

Value Members

  1. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  2. object Copy
  3. object DataStore
  4. object Durable
  5. object DurableLike
  6. object Elem
  7. object Event
  8. object IExpr
  9. object IPull
  10. object IPush
  11. object ITargets
  12. object InMemory
  13. object InMemoryLike
  14. object InTxnRandom
  15. object Log
  16. object MapObj extends Type
  17. object MapObjLike
  18. object Obj
  19. object Observable
  20. object Observer
  21. object Push
  22. object RandomObj
  23. object ReactionMap
  24. object Txn
