
trait Server
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Offline

Value members

Abstract methods

def !(p: Packet): Unit

Sends out a packet immediately without synchronization

Sends out a packet immediately without synchronization

def !!(b: Bundle): Future[Unit]

Sends out a packet with an added sync message. The returned future is completed with the sync message's reply having arrived.

Sends out a packet with an added sync message. The returned future is completed with the sync message's reply having arrived.

def acquireSynthDef(graph: UGenGraph, nameHint: Option[String])(tx: RT): SynthDef

Acquires a synth def to be used in this transaction on the server. If the ugen graph was already sent to the server, it returns the corresponding synth def, and no recv() is necessary. The internal use counter is increment. Otherwise produces a fresh synth def and stores it in the cache.

Acquires a synth def to be used in this transaction on the server. If the ugen graph was already sent to the server, it returns the corresponding synth def, and no recv() is necessary. The internal use counter is increment. Otherwise produces a fresh synth def and stores it in the cache.

If the number of synth definitions on the server would exceed the maximum, a number of synth-def disposals are issued for those that have a use count of zero.

def addEdge(edge: Edge)(tx: RT): Boolean
def addVertex(node: NodeRef)(tx: RT): Unit
def allocAudioBus(numChannels: Int)(tx: RT): Int
def allocBuffer(numConsecutive: Int)(tx: RT): Int
def allocControlBus(numChannels: Int)(tx: RT): Int
def clientConfig: Config
def commit(future: Future[Unit]): Unit

Signalizes that no more messages are sent from the currently committing transaction. The offline server collects these futures, in order to allow an outside process to eventually wait for these to be completed, before closing the OSC file and carrying on. The realtime server just ignores these futures.

Signalizes that no more messages are sent from the currently committing transaction. The offline server collects these futures, in order to allow an outside process to eventually wait for these to be completed, before closing the OSC file and carrying on. The realtime server just ignores these futures.

def counts: StatusReply
def freeAll(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
def freeAudioBus(index: Int, numChannels: Int)(tx: RT): Unit
def freeBuffer(index: Int, numConsecutive: Int)(tx: RT): Unit
def freeControlBus(index: Int, numChannels: Int)(tx: RT): Unit
def isLocal: Boolean
def isRealtime: Boolean
def maxPacketSize: Int
def mkSynthDefName(nameHint: Option[String])(tx: RT): String
def nextNodeId(tx: RT): Int
def peer: Group
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
def peer: Server
def play(target: Node, addAction: AddAction)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
def removeEdge(edge: Edge)(tx: RT): Unit
def removeVertex(node: NodeRef)(tx: RT): Unit
def sampleRate: Double
def topology(tx: RT): Topology[NodeRef, Edge]

Queries the current topology

Queries the current topology

Concrete methods

Inherited methods

def dispose(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def fill(data: ControlFillRange*)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def free(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def isOnline(tx: RT): Boolean
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def map(assoc: (ControlBus, String))(tx: RT): ControlBusNodeSetter
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def map(assoc: (AudioBus, String))(tx: RT): AudioBusNodeSetter
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def mapan(pairs: ControlABusMap*)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def mapn(pairs: ControlKBusMap*)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def moveAfter(target: Node)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def moveBefore(target: Node)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def moveToHead(group: Group)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def moveToTail(group: Group)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def node(tx: RT): Node
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Refers to itself

Refers to itself

Inherited from
def onEnd(code: => Unit)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def onEndTxn(fun: RT => Unit)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def play(target: Node, args: Seq[ControlSet], addAction: AddAction, dependencies: List[Resource])(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def read(assoc: (ControlBus, String))(tx: RT): ControlBusNodeSetter
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def read(assoc: (AudioBus, String))(tx: RT): AudioBusNodeSetter
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def readWrite(assoc: (ControlBus, String))(tx: RT): ControlBusNodeSetter
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def readWrite(assoc: (AudioBus, String))(tx: RT): AudioBusNodeSetter
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def release(releaseTime: Double)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Value Params

the optional release time in seconds within which the synth should fade out, or -1 (default) if the envelope should be released at its nominal release time. If the EnvGen has a doneAction of freeSelf, the synth will be freed after the release phase.

Inherited from
def run(state: Boolean)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def set(pairs: ControlSet*)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def setn(pairs: ControlSet*)(tx: RT): Unit
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def write(assoc: (ControlBus, String))(tx: RT): ControlBusNodeSetter
Implicitly added by defaultGroup
Inherited from
def write(assoc: (AudioBus, String))(tx: RT): AudioBusNodeSetter
Implicitly added by defaultGroup

Associates an audio bus with this node such that the node writes to this bus. This creates a DynamicAudioBusUser which will be freed automatically when this node ends.

Associates an audio bus with this node such that the node writes to this bus. This creates a DynamicAudioBusUser which will be freed automatically when this node ends.

Inherited from



implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext