
Type members


final case
class Apply[A](in: Pat[Pat[A]], idx: Pat[Int]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class ArithmSeq[A1, A2, A](start: Pat[A1], step: Pat[A2])(implicit widen: Widen2[A1, A2, A], num: Num[A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts

A pattern that generates an arithmetic series. Corresponds to Pseries in SuperCollider.

A pattern that generates an arithmetic series. Corresponds to Pseries in SuperCollider.

object BinaryOp
final case
class BinaryOp[A1, A2, A3, A](op: Op[A3, A], a: Pat[A1], b: Pat[A2])(implicit widen: Widen2[A1, A2, A3]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
object Bind
final case
class Bind(entries: (String, Pat[_])*) extends Pattern[Event]
final case
class Brown[A1, A2, A](lo: Pat[A1], hi: Pat[A1], step: Pat[A2])(implicit widen: Widen2[A1, A2, A], num: Num[A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
final case
class Bubble[A](in: Pat[A]) extends Pattern[Pat[A]]
final case
class Cat[A1, A2, A](a: Pat[A1], b: Pat[A2])(implicit widen: Widen2[A1, A2, A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
final case
class Choose[A](in: Pat[A]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class Combinations[A](in: Pat[A], n: Pat[Int]) extends Pattern[Pat[A]]
final case
class Constant[A](value: A) extends Pat[A]
final case
class Differentiate[A](in: Pat[A])(implicit num: Num[A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
final case
class Distinct[A](in: Pat[A]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class Drop[A](in: Pat[A], length: Pat[Int]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class Empty() extends Pat[Nothing]
final case
class ExpExp[A1, A2, A](in: Pat[A1], inLo: Pat[A1], inHi: Pat[A1], outLo: Pat[A2], outHi: Pat[A2])(implicit widen: Widen2[A1, A2, A], num: NumDouble[A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
final case
class ExpLin[A1, A2, A](in: Pat[A1], inLo: Pat[A1], inHi: Pat[A1], outLo: Pat[A2], outHi: Pat[A2])(implicit widen: Widen2[A1, A2, A], num: NumDouble[A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
final case
class FlatMap[A1, A] extends Pattern[A]
final case
class Flatten[A](in: Pat[Pat[A]]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class FoldLeft[B, A](outer: Pat[Pat[B]], z: Pat[A], itIn: It[B], itCarry: It[A], inner: Pat[A]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class Format(s: Pat[String], args: Pat[_]*) extends Pattern[String]
final case
class Gate[A](in: Pat[A], gate: Pat[Boolean]) extends Pattern[A]

A pattern that filters elements on an in input pattern based on a gate predicate. Whenever gate is true, the input element is passed to output, otherwise it is dropped.

A pattern that filters elements on an in input pattern based on a gate predicate. Whenever gate is true, the input element is passed to output, otherwise it is dropped.

final case
class GeomSeq[A1, A2, A](start: Pat[A1], factor: Pat[A2])(implicit widen: Widen2[A1, A2, A], num: Num[A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
final case
class Grouped[A](in: Pat[A], size: Pat[Int]) extends Pattern[Pat[A]]
final case
class Hold[A](in: Pat[A], hold: Pat[Boolean]) extends Pattern[A]

A pattern that holds (and repeats) input values whenever hold is true. With the default of constant true, the pattern will repeat the first input element forever.

A pattern that holds (and repeats) input values whenever hold is true. With the default of constant true, the pattern will repeat the first input element forever.

final case
class IndexOfSlice[A1, A2](in: Pat[A1], sub: Pat[A2], from: Pat[Int]) extends Pattern[Int]
class Indices[A](in: Pat[A]) extends Pattern[Int]
final case
class It[A](token: Int) extends Pattern[A]

A glue element to make map and flatMap work.

A glue element to make map and flatMap work.

final case
class Length[A](in: Pat[A]) extends Pattern[Int]
final case
class LinExp[A1, A2, A](in: Pat[A1], inLo: Pat[A1], inHi: Pat[A1], outLo: Pat[A2], outHi: Pat[A2])(implicit widen: Widen2[A1, A2, A], num: NumDouble[A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
final case
class LinLin[A1, A2, A](in: Pat[A1], inLo: Pat[A1], inHi: Pat[A1], outLo: Pat[A2], outHi: Pat[A2])(implicit widen: Widen2[A1, A2, A], num: NumFrac[A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
final case
class LoopWithIndex[A] extends Pattern[A]
final case
class MapWithIndex[A1, A] extends Pattern[Pat[A]]
final case
class Par(in: Pat[Pat[Event]]) extends Pattern[Event]

A simplified version of Ppar.

A simplified version of Ppar.

object Pat
trait Pat[+A] extends Product

The main trait used to define pattern elements.

The main trait used to define pattern elements.

A lot of operations on Pat are defined separately in PatOps.

See also
final case
class PatMap[A1, A] extends Pattern[Pat[A]]
final case
class PatSeq[A](elems: A*) extends Pattern[A]
class Pattern[+A] extends Pat[A]

A pattern is a pattern element (Pat) that caches it's iterator expansion.

A pattern is a pattern element (Pat) that caches it's iterator expansion.

final case
class Poll[A](in: Pat[A], gate: Pat[Boolean], label: Pat[String]) extends Pattern[A]

A pattern that prints snapshots of its input to the console. The pattern passes its input through to the output.

A pattern that prints snapshots of its input to the console. The pattern passes its input through to the output.

Value Params

a signal that whenever high causes the pattern to print the corresponding value of the input.


the input to be pulled. If this is a constant, the UGen will close after polling it. This is to prevent a dangling Poll whose trigger is infinite (such as Impulse). If you want to avoid that, you should wrap the input in a DC.


an identifying label to prepend to the printing.

final case
class Shuffle[A](in: Pat[A]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class Sliding[A](in: Pat[A], size: Pat[Int], step: Pat[Int]) extends Pattern[Pat[A]]
final case
class SortWith[A](outer: Pat[Pat[A]], it: It[(A, A)], lt: Pat[Boolean]) extends Pattern[Pat[A]]
final case
class Sorted[A](in: Pat[A])(implicit ord: ScalarOrd[A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
final case
class Stutter[A](in: Pat[A], n: Pat[Int]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class Sum[A](in: Pat[A])(implicit num: Num[A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
final case
class Take[A](in: Pat[A], length: Pat[Int]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class Tap[A, A1](in: Pat[A], side: Pat[A1]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class Tuple2_1[A, A1](in: Pat[(A, A1)]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class Tuple2_2[A1, A](in: Pat[(A1, A)]) extends Pattern[A]
object UnaryOp
final case
class UnaryOp[A1, A](op: Op[A1, A], a: Pat[A1]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class Updated[A1, A >: A1](in: Pat[A1], idx: Pat[Int], elem: A) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class UpdatedAll[A1, A >: A1](in: Pat[A1], idx: Pat[Int], elem: Pat[A]) extends Pattern[A]
final case
class White[A](lo: Pat[A], hi: Pat[A])(implicit num: Num[A]) extends Pattern[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts
final case
class Zip2[A1, A2](a: Pat[A1], b: Pat[A2]) extends Pattern[(A1, A2)]