
sealed abstract
class PureOp extends Op
class Op
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Abs
object Acos
object Ampdb
object Asin
object Atan
object BitNot
object Ceil
object Cos
object Cosh
object Cpsmidi
object Cpsoct
object Cubed
object Dbamp
object Distort
object Exp
object Floor
object Frac
object HannWindow
object Log
object Log10
object Log2
object Midicps
object Midiratio
object Neg
object Not
object Octcps
object Ramp
object Ratiomidi
object Reciprocal
object RectWindow
object Scurve
object Signum
object Sin
object Sinh
object Softclip
object Sqrt
object Squared
object Tan
object Tanh
object TriWindow

Value members

Abstract methods

def make1(a: Float): Float

Concrete methods

def make(a: GE): GE

Inherited methods

def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean
Inherited from
def id: Int
Inherited from
def methodName: String

The name one would call on GEOps to obtain this operator. For example, for Neg this would be unary_-.

The name one would call on GEOps to obtain this operator. For example, for Neg this would be unary_-.

Inherited from
def name: String

The name one would use to display the operator in a user friendly way. For example, for Neg this would be -.

The name one would use to display the operator in a user friendly way. For example, for Neg this would be -.

Inherited from
def prefix: Boolean

Whether the operator should be written in prefix position. For example, Ampdb is '''not''' in prefix position, you would write signal.ampDb, whereas Neg is prefix position, as you would write -signal.

Whether the operator should be written in prefix position. For example, Ampdb is '''not''' in prefix position, you would write signal.ampDb, whereas Neg is prefix position, as you would write -signal.

Inherited from
final override
def productArity: Int
Definition Classes
Op -> Product
Inherited from
final override
def productElement(n: Int): Any
Definition Classes
Op -> Product
Inherited from
def productElementName(n: Int): String
Inherited from
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from
final override
def productPrefix: String
Definition Classes
Op -> Product
Inherited from