
final implicit
class Ops(gr: Ex[Grapheme]) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def add[A](time: Ex[Long], elem: Ex[A])(implicit source: Source[A]): Act
def addAll[A](pairs: Ex[Seq[(Long, A)]])(implicit source: Source[A]): Act
def clear: Act
def eventAfter(time: Ex[Long]): Ex[Option[Long]]
def eventBefore(time: Ex[Long]): Ex[Option[Long]]
def firstEvent: Ex[Option[Long]]

If the grapheme is non-empty, the time of the first event.

If the grapheme is non-empty, the time of the first event.

def lastEvent: Ex[Option[Long]]

If the grapheme is non-empty, the time of the last event.

If the grapheme is non-empty, the time of the last event.

def remove(time: Ex[Long], elem: Ex[Obj]): Act
def removeAt(time: Ex[Long]): Act

Removes all elements at a given time (if any exist)

Removes all elements at a given time (if any exist)

def valueAt(time: Ex[Long]): Ex[Option[Obj]]

Queries the element valid for the given point in time. Unlike get, if there are no objects at the exact point in time, returns the last object before that point in time.

Queries the element valid for the given point in time. Unlike get, if there are no objects at the exact point in time, returns the last object before that point in time.