


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait Operators
object sidup.type
object synchron.type
object toposort.type
object unmanaged.type
object default.type
object IncrementalApi.type
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Type members


trait Flatten[-A, R]


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def firstFiringEvent[B, T <: (IterableOps), Evnt <: ([A1] =>> ReadAs[<none>, Option[A1]])](implicit ticket: <none>): Flatten[Signal[T[Evnt[B]]], Event[B]]

Flatten a Signal[Traversable[Event[B]]] into a Event[B]. The new Event fires the value of any inner firing Event. If multiple inner Events fire, the first one in iteration order is selected.

Flatten a Signal[Traversable[Event[B]]] into a Event[B]. The new Event fires the value of any inner firing Event. If multiple inner Events fire, the first one in iteration order is selected.


Inherited from:
def traversableOfAllOccuringEventValues[B, T <: (IterableOps), Evnt <: (<none>)](implicit ticket: <none>): Flatten[Signal[T[Evnt[B]]], Event[T[Option[B]]]]

Flatten a Signal[Traversable[Event[B]]] into a Event[Traversable[Option[B]]] where the new Event fires whenever any of the inner events fire

Flatten a Signal[Traversable[Event[B]]] into a Event[Traversable[Option[B]]] where the new Event fires whenever any of the inner events fire


Inherited from:



implicit def flattenImplicitForarraySignals[B : ClassTag, Sig <: (<none>)](implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[B], ticket: <none>): Flatten[Signal[Array[Sig[B]]], Signal[Array[B]]]

Flatten a Signal[Array[Signal[B]]] into a Signal[Array[B]] where the new Signal updates whenever any of the inner or the outer signal updates

Flatten a Signal[Array[Signal[B]]] into a Signal[Array[B]] where the new Signal updates whenever any of the inner or the outer signal updates


implicit def flattenImplicitForevent[A, B, Evnt <: (<none>)](implicit ticket: <none>): Flatten[Signal[Evnt[B]], Event[B]]

Flatten a Signal[Event[B]]] into a Event[B] where the new Event fires whenever the current inner event fires

Flatten a Signal[Event[B]]] into a Event[B] where the new Event fires whenever the current inner event fires


implicit def flattenImplicitForoption[A, B](implicit ticket: <none>): Flatten[Event[Option[B]], Event[B]]

Flatten a Event[Option[B]] into a Event[B] that fires whenever the inner option is defined.

Flatten a Event[Option[B]] into a Event[B] that fires whenever the inner option is defined.


implicit def flattenImplicitForoptionSignal[B, Sig <: (<none>)](implicit ticket: <none>): Flatten[Signal[Option[Sig[B]]], Signal[Option[B]]]

Flatten a Signal[Option[Signal[B]]] into a Signal[Option[B]] where the new Signal updates whenever any of the inner or the outer signal updates

Flatten a Signal[Option[Signal[B]]] into a Signal[Option[B]] where the new Signal updates whenever any of the inner or the outer signal updates


implicit def flattenImplicitForsignal[B](implicit ticket: <none>): Flatten[Signal[Signal[B]], Signal[B]]

Flatten a Signal[Signal[B]] into a Signal[B] that changes whenever the outer or inner signal changes.

Flatten a Signal[Signal[B]] into a Signal[B] that changes whenever the outer or inner signal changes.


Inherited implicits

implicit def flattenImplicitFortraversableSignals[B, T <: (IterableOps), Sig <: (<none>)](implicit ticket: <none>): Flatten[Signal[T[Sig[B]]], Signal[T[B]]]

Flatten a Signal[Traversable[Signal[B]]] into a Signal[Traversable[B]] where the new Signal updates whenever any of the inner or the outer signal updates

Flatten a Signal[Traversable[Signal[B]]] into a Signal[Traversable[B]] where the new Signal updates whenever any of the inner or the outer signal updates


Inherited from: