Members list
Type members
FieldSelectorAttributes indicates a field limited access.
FieldSelectorAttributes indicates a field limited access. Webhook authors are encouraged to * ensure rawSelector and requirements are not both set * consider the requirements field if set * not try to parse or consider the rawSelector field if set. This is to avoid another CVE-2022-2880 (i.e. getting different systems to agree on how exactly to parse a query is not something we want), see for more details. For the *SubjectAccessReview endpoints of the kube-apiserver: * If rawSelector is empty and requirements are empty, the request is not limited. * If rawSelector is present and requirements are empty, the rawSelector will be parsed and limited if the parsing succeeds. * If rawSelector is empty and requirements are present, the requirements should be honored * If rawSelector is present and requirements are present, the request is invalid.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- FieldSelectorAttributes.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- FieldSelectorAttributes.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for FieldSelectorAttributes
Pointer for FieldSelectorAttributes
- Source
- FieldSelectorAttributesPointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[FieldSelectorAttributes]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
LabelSelectorAttributes indicates a label limited access.
LabelSelectorAttributes indicates a label limited access. Webhook authors are encouraged to * ensure rawSelector and requirements are not both set * consider the requirements field if set * not try to parse or consider the rawSelector field if set. This is to avoid another CVE-2022-2880 (i.e. getting different systems to agree on how exactly to parse a query is not something we want), see for more details. For the *SubjectAccessReview endpoints of the kube-apiserver: * If rawSelector is empty and requirements are empty, the request is not limited. * If rawSelector is present and requirements are empty, the rawSelector will be parsed and limited if the parsing succeeds. * If rawSelector is empty and requirements are present, the requirements should be honored * If rawSelector is present and requirements are present, the request is invalid.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- LabelSelectorAttributes.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- LabelSelectorAttributes.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for LabelSelectorAttributes
Pointer for LabelSelectorAttributes
- Source
- LabelSelectorAttributesPointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[LabelSelectorAttributes]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
LocalSubjectAccessReview checks whether or not a user or group can perform an action in a given namespace.
LocalSubjectAccessReview checks whether or not a user or group can perform an action in a given namespace. Having a namespace scoped resource makes it much easier to grant namespace scoped policy that includes permissions checking.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- LocalSubjectAccessReview.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- LocalSubjectAccessReview.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for LocalSubjectAccessReview
Pointer for LocalSubjectAccessReview
- Source
- LocalSubjectAccessReviewPointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[LocalSubjectAccessReview]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
NonResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for non-resource requests to the Authorizer interface
NonResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for non-resource requests to the Authorizer interface
- Companion
- object
- Source
- NonResourceAttributes.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- NonResourceAttributes.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for NonResourceAttributes
Pointer for NonResourceAttributes
- Source
- NonResourceAttributesPointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[NonResourceAttributes]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
NonResourceRule holds information that describes a rule for the non-resource
NonResourceRule holds information that describes a rule for the non-resource
- Companion
- object
- Source
- NonResourceRule.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- NonResourceRule.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for NonResourceRule
Pointer for NonResourceRule
- Source
- NonResourceRulePointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[NonResourceRule]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
ResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for resource requests to the Authorizer interface
ResourceAttributes includes the authorization attributes available for resource requests to the Authorizer interface
- Companion
- object
- Source
- ResourceAttributes.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- ResourceAttributes.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for ResourceAttributes
Pointer for ResourceAttributes
- Source
- ResourceAttributesPointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[ResourceAttributes]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
ResourceRule is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources.
ResourceRule is the list of actions the subject is allowed to perform on resources. The list ordering isn't significant, may contain duplicates, and possibly be incomplete.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- ResourceRule.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- ResourceRule.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for ResourceRule
Pointer for ResourceRule
- Source
- ResourceRulePointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[ResourceRule]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
SelfSubjectAccessReview checks whether or the current user can perform an action.
SelfSubjectAccessReview checks whether or the current user can perform an action. Not filling in a spec.namespace means "in all namespaces". Self is a special case, because users should always be able to check whether they can perform an action
- Companion
- object
- Source
- SelfSubjectAccessReview.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- SelfSubjectAccessReview.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for SelfSubjectAccessReview
Pointer for SelfSubjectAccessReview
- Source
- SelfSubjectAccessReviewPointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[SelfSubjectAccessReview]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec is a description of the access request.
SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec is a description of the access request. Exactly one of ResourceAuthorizationAttributes and NonResourceAuthorizationAttributes must be set
- Companion
- object
- Source
- SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec
Pointer for SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec
- Source
- SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpecPointer.scala
- Supertypes
SelfSubjectRulesReview enumerates the set of actions the current user can perform within a namespace.
SelfSubjectRulesReview enumerates the set of actions the current user can perform within a namespace. The returned list of actions may be incomplete depending on the server's authorization mode, and any errors experienced during the evaluation. SelfSubjectRulesReview should be used by UIs to show/hide actions, or to quickly let an end user reason about their permissions. It should NOT Be used by external systems to drive authorization decisions as this raises confused deputy, cache lifetime/revocation, and correctness concerns. SubjectAccessReview, and LocalAccessReview are the correct way to defer authorization decisions to the API server.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- SelfSubjectRulesReview.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- SelfSubjectRulesReview.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for SelfSubjectRulesReview
Pointer for SelfSubjectRulesReview
- Source
- SelfSubjectRulesReviewPointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[SelfSubjectRulesReview]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec defines the specification for SelfSubjectRulesReview.
SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec defines the specification for SelfSubjectRulesReview.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec
Pointer for SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpec
- Source
- SelfSubjectRulesReviewSpecPointer.scala
- Supertypes
SubjectAccessReview checks whether or not a user or group can perform an action.
SubjectAccessReview checks whether or not a user or group can perform an action.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- SubjectAccessReview.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- SubjectAccessReview.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for SubjectAccessReview
Pointer for SubjectAccessReview
- Source
- SubjectAccessReviewPointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[SubjectAccessReview]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
SubjectAccessReviewSpec is a description of the access request.
SubjectAccessReviewSpec is a description of the access request. Exactly one of ResourceAuthorizationAttributes and NonResourceAuthorizationAttributes must be set
- Companion
- object
- Source
- SubjectAccessReviewSpec.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- SubjectAccessReviewSpec.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for SubjectAccessReviewSpec
Pointer for SubjectAccessReviewSpec
- Source
- SubjectAccessReviewSpecPointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[SubjectAccessReviewSpec]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Companion
- object
- Source
- SubjectAccessReviewStatus.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- SubjectAccessReviewStatus.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for SubjectAccessReviewStatus
Pointer for SubjectAccessReviewStatus
- Source
- SubjectAccessReviewStatusPointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[SubjectAccessReviewStatus]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
SubjectRulesReviewStatus contains the result of a rules check.
SubjectRulesReviewStatus contains the result of a rules check. This check can be incomplete depending on the set of authorizers the server is configured with and any errors experienced during evaluation. Because authorization rules are additive, if a rule appears in a list it's safe to assume the subject has that permission, even if that list is incomplete.
- Companion
- object
- Source
- SubjectRulesReviewStatus.scala
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Source
- SubjectRulesReviewStatus.scala
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Pointer for SubjectRulesReviewStatus
Pointer for SubjectRulesReviewStatus
- Source
- SubjectRulesReviewStatusPointer.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait Pointer[SubjectRulesReviewStatus]class Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all