See theJobAPI companion class
object JobAPI extends NamespacedResourceAPI[Job, JobList]
- Companion
- class
- Source
- JobAPI.scala
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait Producttrait Mirrorclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Self type
Members list
Type members
Inherited classlikes
trait ClusterwideAPIBuilders
- Inherited from:
- ResourceAPIBase
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
object ClusterDaemonSetAPIobject ClusterDeploymentAPIobject ClusterReplicaSetAPIobject ClusterStatefulSetAPIobject ClusterCronJobAPIobject ClusterJobAPIobject ClusterConfigMapAPIobject ClusterEventAPIobject ClusterLimitRangeAPIobject ClusterPodAPIobject ClusterResourceQuotaAPIobject ClusterSecretAPIobject ClusterServiceAPIobject ClusterServiceAccountAPIobject ClusterIngressAPIobject ClusterNetworkPolicyAPIShow all
case class Create(namespace: String, configmap: RES, dryRun: Option[String], fieldManager: Option[String], fieldValidation: Option[String]) extends CreateRequest[RES]
- Inherited from:
- NamespacedResourceAPI
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass CreateRequest[RES]trait HttpRequest[RES]trait Requestclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
case class Delete(namespace: String, name: String, options: Option[DeleteOptions], dryRun: Option[String], gracePeriodSeconds: Option[Int], propagationPolicy: Option[String]) extends DeleteRequest[RES]
- Inherited from:
- NamespacedResourceAPI
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass DeleteRequest[RES]trait HttpRequest[RES]trait Requestclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
case class DeleteCollection(namespace: String, options: Option[DeleteOptions], continue: Option[String], dryRun: Option[String], fieldSelector: List[String], gracePeriodSeconds: Option[Int], labelSelector: List[String], limit: Option[Int], propagationPolicy: Option[String], resourceVersion: Option[String], resourceVersionMatch: Option[String], timeoutSeconds: Option[Int]) extends DeleteCollectionRequest[RES]
- Inherited from:
- NamespacedResourceAPI
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass DeleteCollectionRequest[RES]trait HttpRequest[RES]trait Requestclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Inherited from:
- NamespacedResourceAPI
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait HttpRequest[RES]trait Requestclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Inherited from:
- NamespacedResourceAPI
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass GetRequest[RES]trait HttpRequest[RES]trait Requestclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
case class ListAll(allowWatchBookmarks: Option[Boolean], continue: Option[String], fieldSelector: List[String], labelSelector: List[String], limit: Option[Int], resourceVersion: Option[String], resourceVersionMatch: Option[String], timeout: Option[FiniteDuration]) extends ListingRequest[RES, COL]
- Inherited from:
- ResourceAPIBase
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait HttpRequest[COL]trait Requestclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
case class ListInNamespace(namespace: String) extends ListingRequest[RES, COL]
- Inherited from:
- NamespacedResourceAPI
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait HttpRequest[COL]trait Requestclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
trait NamespacedAPIBuilders extends NamespacedAPI
- Inherited from:
- NamespacedResourceAPI
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class DaemonSetAPIclass DeploymentAPIclass ReplicaSetAPIclass StatefulSetAPIclass CronJobAPIclass JobAPIclass ConfigMapAPIclass EventAPIclass LimitRangeAPIclass PodAPIclass ResourceQuotaAPIclass SecretAPIclass ServiceAPIclass ServiceAccountAPIclass IngressAPIclass NetworkPolicyAPIShow all
- Inherited from:
- NamespacedResourceAPI
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass ReplaceRequest[RES]trait HttpRequest[RES]trait Requestclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
case class ServerSideApply(name: String, namespace: String, body: RES, fieldManager: String, dryRun: Option[String], fieldValidation: Option[String], force: Option[Boolean]) extends PartialUpdateRequest[RES, RES]
- Inherited from:
- NamespacedResourceAPI
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalstrait HttpRequest[RES]trait Requestclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Inherited types
The names of the product elements
The name of the type
Value members
Inherited methods
- Inherited from:
- NamespacedResourceAPI
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
- Inherited from:
- NamespacedResourceAPI
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
Inherited fields
- Inherited from:
- ResourceAPIBase
- Source
- NamespacedAPI.scala
In this article