
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FIELD])
annotation class LinkText(val locator: String = "", val cacheLookup: Boolean = true)

Instructs kolibrium-codegen to generate source code for locating a single element using the "linkText" locator strategy.

This annotation allows you to specify link text for locating an element in the generated code. If locator is empty, the name of the enum entry will automatically be used as the property name in the generated code.


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val cacheLookup: Boolean = true

If true (default), the element will be looked up only once and cached for subsequent accesses, similarly to Page Factory's @CacheLookup annotation. If false, a new lookup will be performed each time the element is accessed.

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The exact link text to match against. If left empty, the enum entry name will be used as the property name in the generated code.