
expect class KordBuilder(val token: String) : BaseKordBuilder(source)
actual class KordBuilder(val token: String) : BaseKordBuilder(source)
actual class KordBuilder(val token: String) : BaseKordBuilder(source)


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expect constructor(token: String)
actual constructor(token: String)
actual constructor(token: String)


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var applicationId: Snowflake?
var applicationId: Snowflake?
var applicationId: Snowflake?
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The CoroutineDispatcher kord uses to launch suspending tasks. Dispatchers.Default by default.

The CoroutineDispatcher kord uses to launch suspending tasks. Dispatchers.Default by default.

The CoroutineDispatcher kord uses to launch suspending tasks. Dispatchers.Default by default.

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The default strategy used by entities to retrieve entities. EntitySupplyStrategy.cacheWithRestFallback by default.

The default strategy used by entities to retrieve entities. EntitySupplyStrategy.cacheWithRestFallback by default.

The default strategy used by entities to retrieve entities. EntitySupplyStrategy.cacheWithRestFallback by default.

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Enable adding a Runtime.addShutdownHook to log out of the Gateway when the process is killed.

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The event flow used by Kord.eventFlow to publish events.

The event flow used by Kord.eventFlow to publish events.

The event flow used by Kord.eventFlow to publish events.

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The client used for building Gateways and RequestHandlers. A default implementation will be used when not set.

The client used for building Gateways and RequestHandlers. A default implementation will be used when not set.

The client used for building Gateways and RequestHandlers. A default implementation will be used when not set.

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Enables stack trace recovery on the currently defined RequestHandler.

Enables stack trace recovery on the currently defined RequestHandler.

Enables stack trace recovery on the currently defined RequestHandler.

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open suspend fun build(): Kord
open suspend fun build(): Kord
open suspend override fun build(): Kord
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fun cache(builder: KordCacheBuilder.(resources: ClientResources) -> Unit)

Configures the DataCache for caching.

fun cache(builder: KordCacheBuilder.(resources: ClientResources) -> Unit)

Configures the DataCache for caching.

fun cache(builder: KordCacheBuilder.(resources: ClientResources) -> Unit)

Configures the DataCache for caching.

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fun gateways(gatewayBuilder: (resources: ClientResources, shards: List<Int>) -> List<Gateway>)

Configures the Gateway for each shard.

fun gateways(gatewayBuilder: (resources: ClientResources, shards: List<Int>) -> List<Gateway>)

Configures the Gateway for each shard.

fun gateways(gatewayBuilder: (resources: ClientResources, shards: List<Int>) -> List<Gateway>)

Configures the Gateway for each shard.

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fun requestHandler(handlerBuilder: (resources: ClientResources) -> RequestHandler)

Configures the RequestHandler for the RestClient.

fun requestHandler(handlerBuilder: (resources: ClientResources) -> RequestHandler)

Configures the RequestHandler for the RestClient.

fun requestHandler(handlerBuilder: (resources: ClientResources) -> RequestHandler)

Configures the RequestHandler for the RestClient.

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fun sharding(shards: (recommended: Int) -> Shards)

Configures the shards this client will connect to, by default 0 until recommended. This can be used to break up to client into multiple processes.

fun sharding(shards: (recommended: Int) -> Shards)

Configures the shards this client will connect to, by default 0 until recommended. This can be used to break up to client into multiple processes.

fun sharding(shards: (recommended: Int) -> Shards)

Configures the shards this client will connect to, by default 0 until recommended. This can be used to break up to client into multiple processes.