
interface EntitySupplier

An abstraction that allows for requesting Discord entities.

See also


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abstract fun getActiveThreads(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<ThreadChannel>
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open suspend fun getApplicationCommandPermissions(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): ApplicationCommandPermissions
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abstract suspend fun getApplicationCommandPermissionsOrNull(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): ApplicationCommandPermissions?
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open suspend fun getChannel(id: Snowflake): Channel
Requests the Channel with the given id.
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abstract suspend fun getChannelOrNull(id: Snowflake): Channel?
Requests the Channel with the given id, returns null when the channel isn't present.
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abstract fun getChannelPins(channelId: Snowflake): Flow<Message>
Requests the pinned messages of the Channel with the given channelId.
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abstract fun getChannelWebhooks(channelId: Snowflake): Flow<Webhook>
Requests the webhooks of the MessageChannel with the given channelId.
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abstract fun getCurrentUserGuilds(limit: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): Flow<Guild>
Requests the guild emojis of the Guild with the given guildId.
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open suspend fun getEmoji(guildId: Snowflake, emojiId: Snowflake): GuildEmoji
Requests the GuildEmoji with the emojiId in the Guild wit the given guildId.
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abstract suspend fun getEmojiOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, emojiId: Snowflake): GuildEmoji?
Requests the GuildEmoji with the emojiId in the Guild wit the given guildId, returns null when the emoji isn't present.
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abstract fun getEmojis(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<GuildEmoji>
Requests the guild emojis of the Guild with the given guildId.
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open suspend fun getGlobalApplicationCommand(applicationId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): GlobalApplicationCommand
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abstract suspend fun getGlobalApplicationCommandOrNull(applicationId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): GlobalApplicationCommand?
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abstract fun getGlobalApplicationCommands(applicationId: Snowflake): Flow<GlobalApplicationCommand>
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open suspend fun getGuild(id: Snowflake): Guild
Requests the Guild with the given id.
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open suspend fun getGuildApplicationCommand(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): GuildApplicationCommand
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abstract suspend fun getGuildApplicationCommandOrNull(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): GuildApplicationCommand?
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abstract fun getGuildApplicationCommandPermissions(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake): Flow<ApplicationCommandPermissions>
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abstract fun getGuildApplicationCommands(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake): Flow<GuildApplicationCommand>
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open suspend fun getGuildBan(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake): Ban
Requests the Ban for the user the given userId in the Guild wit the given guildId, returns null when the ban isn't present.
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abstract suspend fun getGuildBanOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake): Ban?
Requests the Ban for the user the given userId in the Guild wit the given guildId, returns null when the ban isn't present.
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abstract fun getGuildBans(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<Ban>
Requests the bans of the Guild with the given guildId.
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abstract fun getGuildChannels(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<TopGuildChannel>
Requests the channels of the Guild with the given guildId, channels with an Unknown type will be filtered out of the list.
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abstract fun getGuildMembers(guildId: Snowflake, limit: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): Flow<Member>
Requests the members of the Guild with the given guildId.
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abstract suspend fun getGuildOrNull(id: Snowflake): Guild?
Requests the Guild with the given id, returns null when the guild isn't present.
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open suspend fun getGuildPreview(guildId: Snowflake): GuildPreview
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abstract suspend fun getGuildPreviewOrNull(guildId: Snowflake): GuildPreview?
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abstract fun getGuildRoles(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<Role>
Requests the roles of the Guild with the given guildId.
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abstract fun getGuildVoiceRegions(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<Region>
Requests the regions of the Guild with the given guildId.
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abstract fun getGuildWebhooks(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<Webhook>
Requests the webhooks of the Guild with the given guildId.
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open suspend fun getGuildWidget(guildId: Snowflake): GuildWidget
Requests to get the widget of this guildId.
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abstract suspend fun getGuildWidgetOrNull(guildId: Snowflake): GuildWidget?
Requests to get the widget of this guild through the strategy, returns null if the GuildWidget isn't present.
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abstract fun getJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads(channelId: Snowflake, before: Snowflake, limit: Int): Flow<ThreadChannel>
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open suspend fun getMember(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake): Member
Requests the Member with the given userId in the Guild wit the given guildId.
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abstract suspend fun getMemberOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake): Member?
Requests the Member with the given userId in the Guild wit the given guildId, returns null when the member isn't present.
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open suspend fun getMessage(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake): Message
Requests the Message with the given messageId in the MessageChannel with the given channelId.
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abstract suspend fun getMessageOrNull(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake): Message?
Requests the Message with the given messageId in the MessageChannel with the given channelId, returns null when the message isn't present.
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abstract fun getMessagesAfter(messageId: Snowflake, channelId: Snowflake, limit: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): Flow<Message>
Requests a flow of messages created after the Message with the messageId in the channel with the channelId.
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abstract fun getMessagesAround(messageId: Snowflake, channelId: Snowflake, limit: Int = 100): Flow<Message>
Requests a flow of messages created around the Message with the messageId in the channel with the channelId.
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abstract fun getMessagesBefore(messageId: Snowflake, channelId: Snowflake, limit: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): Flow<Message>
Requests a flow of messages created before the Message with the messageId in the channel with the channelId.
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abstract fun getPrivateArchivedThreads(channelId: Snowflake, before: Instant, limit: Int): Flow<ThreadChannel>
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abstract fun getPublicArchivedThreads(channelId: Snowflake, before: Instant, limit: Int): Flow<ThreadChannel>
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open suspend fun getRole(guildId: Snowflake, roleId: Snowflake): Role
Requests the Role with the given roleId in the Guild wit the given guildId.
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abstract suspend fun getRoleOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, roleId: Snowflake): Role?
Requests the Role with the given roleId in the Guild wit the given guildId, returns null when the role isn't present.
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open suspend fun getSelf(): User
Requests the User this bot represents.
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abstract suspend fun getSelfOrNull(): User?
Requests the User this bot represents, returns null when the user isn't present.
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open suspend fun getStageInstance(channelId: Snowflake): StageInstance
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abstract suspend fun getStageInstanceOrNull(channelId: Snowflake): StageInstance?
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open suspend fun getTemplate(code: String): Template
Requests the Template with the given code.
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abstract suspend fun getTemplateOrNull(code: String): Template?
Requests the Template with the given code.
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abstract fun getTemplates(guildId: Snowflake): Flow<Template>
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abstract fun getThreadMembers(channelId: Snowflake): Flow<ThreadMember>
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open suspend fun getUser(id: Snowflake): User
Requests the User with the given id.
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abstract suspend fun getUserOrNull(id: Snowflake): User?
Requests the User with the given id, returns null when the user isn't present.
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open suspend fun getWebhook(id: Snowflake): Webhook
Requests the Webhook with the given id.
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abstract suspend fun getWebhookOrNull(id: Snowflake): Webhook?
Requests the Webhook with the given id, returns null when the webhook isn't present.
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open suspend fun getWebhookWithToken(id: Snowflake, token: String): Webhook
Requests the Webhook with the given id using the token for authentication.
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abstract suspend fun getWebhookWithTokenOrNull(id: Snowflake, token: String): Webhook?
Requests the Webhook with the given id using the token for authentication, returns null when the webhook isn't present.


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abstract val guilds: Flow<Guild>
Requests all guilds this bot is known to be part of.
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abstract val regions: Flow<Region>
Requests all regions known to this bot.


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inline suspend fun <T : Channel> EntitySupplier.getChannelOf(id: Snowflake): T
Requests the Channel with the given id as type T.
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inline suspend fun <T : Channel> EntitySupplier.getChannelOfOrNull(id: Snowflake): T?
Requests the Channel with the given id as type T, returns null if the channel isn't present or if the channel is not of type T.
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inline suspend fun <T : GlobalApplicationCommand> EntitySupplier.getGlobalApplicationCommandOf(applicationId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake): T
Requests the GlobalApplicationCommand with the given id as type T.
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inline suspend fun <T : GlobalApplicationCommand> EntitySupplier.getGlobalApplicationCommandOfOrNull(applicationId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake): T?
Requests the GuildApplicationCommand with the given id as type T, returns null if the command application isn't present or if the channel is not of type T.
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inline suspend fun <T : GlobalApplicationCommand> EntitySupplier.getGlobalApplicationOf(applicationId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake): T
Requests the GlobalApplicationCommand with the given id as type T.
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inline suspend fun <T : GlobalApplicationCommand> EntitySupplier.getGlobalApplicationOfOrNull(applicationId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake): T?
Requests the GlobalApplicationCommand with the given id as type T, returns null if the command application isn't present or if the channel is not of type T.
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inline suspend fun <T : GuildApplicationCommand> EntitySupplier.getGuildApplicationCommandOf(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake): T
Requests the GuildApplicationCommand with the given id as type T.
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inline suspend fun <T : GuildApplicationCommand> EntitySupplier.getGuildApplicationCommandOfOrNull(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake): T?
Requests the GuildApplicationCommand with the given id as type T, returns null if the command application isn't present or if the channel is not of type T.
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infix fun EntitySupplier.withFallback(other: EntitySupplier): EntitySupplier
Creates supplier providing a strategy which will first operate on this supplier.


jvm source
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