


package cli

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait Args[+A] extends AnyRef

    A Args represents arguments that can be passed to a command-line application.

  2. sealed trait BuiltInOption extends Product with Serializable
  3. sealed trait CliApp[-R, +E, +Model] extends AnyRef

    A CliApp[R, E] is a complete description of a command-line application, which requires environment R, and may fail with a value of type E.

  4. final case class CliConfig(caseSensitive: Boolean, autoCorrectLimit: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    A CliConfig describes how arguments from the command-line are to be parsed by ZIO CLI.

    A CliConfig describes how arguments from the command-line are to be parsed by ZIO CLI.


    Whether or not to be case sensitive.


    Threshold for when to show auto correct suggestions

  5. sealed trait Command[+A] extends AnyRef

    A Command represents a command in a command-line application.

    A Command represents a command in a command-line application. Every command-line application will have at least one command: the application itself. Other command-line applications may support multiple commands.

  6. sealed trait CommandDirective[+A] extends AnyRef
  7. sealed trait Exists extends AnyRef

    Describes whether the command-line application wants a file/directory to exist or not exist.

  8. sealed trait HelpDoc extends AnyRef

    A HelpDoc models the full documentation for a command-line application.

    A HelpDoc models the full documentation for a command-line application.

    HelpDoc is composed of optional header and footers, and in-between, a list of HelpDoc-level content items.

    HelpDoc-level content items, in turn, can be headers, paragraphs, description lists, and enumerations.

    A HelpDoc can be converted into plaintext, JSON, and HTML.

  9. sealed trait Options[+A] extends AnyRef

    A Flag[A] models a command-line flag that produces a value of type A.

  10. sealed trait PathType extends AnyRef

    Describes whether the command-line application wants a path to be a file or a directory.

  11. sealed trait PrimType[+A] extends AnyRef

    A PrimType represents the primitive types supported by ZIO CLI.

    A PrimType represents the primitive types supported by ZIO CLI.

    Each primitive type has a way to parse and validate from a string.

  12. trait Reducable[-A, -B] extends AnyRef
  13. trait ReducableLowPriority1 extends ReducableLowPriority2
  14. trait ReducableLowPriority2 extends AnyRef
  15. sealed trait ShellType extends AnyRef
  16. trait SingleModifier extends AnyRef
  17. sealed trait UsageSynopsis extends AnyRef
  18. final case class ValidationError(validationErrorType: ValidationErrorType, error: HelpDoc) extends Product with Serializable
  19. sealed trait ValidationErrorType extends AnyRef
  20. trait ZIOCli extends ZIOApp
  21. trait ZIOCliDefault extends ZIOCli with ZIOAppDefault
