



package magnolia

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. magnolia
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait DeriveConfigDescriptor extends AnyRef
  2. case class Descriptor[T](desc: config.ConfigDescriptor[T], isObject: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable
  3. type describe = derivation.describe
  4. type name =

Value Members

  1. val describe: derivation.describe.type
  2. def descriptor[A](implicit config: Descriptor[A]): config.ConfigDescriptor[A]

    descriptor[A] allows the user to automatically derive ConfigDescriptor instead of using the ConfigDescriptor dsl explicitly (i.e, manual implementation).

    descriptor[A] allows the user to automatically derive ConfigDescriptor instead of using the ConfigDescriptor dsl explicitly (i.e, manual implementation). While manual implementation can be verbose, it is a recommended to use it when it comes to simple configurations.

    On the other hand, automatic derivation can become handly when the config is complex with relatively larger number of parameters, or when it is constantly changing during the software lifecycle, or it's just complex structure with nested products and coproducts.

    Below given is a small example to show the usage of descriptor[A].

    Example :

    final case class MyConfig(appName: String, port: Int, jdbcUrl: String)
    val configDesc: ConfigDescriptor[MyConfig]
    val config = read(configDesc from ConfigSource.fromMap(Map.empty))

    descriptor[MyConfig] works only if all the types that forms MyConfig has an instance of Descriptor. For almost all the important types, zio-config-magnolia already provides implicit instances for Descriptor.

    However, say you have a type ZonedDateTime, for which zio-config hasn't provided instance of Descriptor, then it will fail to compile.

    case class MyConfig(x: ZonedDateTime)

    In this case, define a Descriptor for ZonedDateTime using

    implicit def deriveForZonedDateTime: Descriptor[ZonedDateTime] =
     Descriptor[String].transformOrFail(string => Try(ZonedDateTime.parse(string), r => Right(r.toString))
    descriptor[MyConfig] // then works

    descriptor[A] can also handle sealed traits, maps list etc.


    sealed trait A
    object A {
      case class B(x: String, y: String) extends A
      case class C(z: String) extends A
      case object D extends A
    val config = descriptor[A]
    val mapSource = ConfigSource.fromMap(Map("B.x" -> "l", "B.y" -> "m")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(B("x", "y"))
    val typesafeSource = TypesafeConfigSource.fromHoconString(
          B : {
             x : l
             y : m
      val result = typesafeSource.flatMap(source => read(config from source))
      // Right(B("x", "y"))

    While sealed trait can be fairly straight forward, there are historical errors users make with any advanced config libraries.

    Example: What happens if there is another B in the same package but for a different parent sealed trait name ?

    sealed trait X
    object X {
      case class B(x: String, y: String) extends X
      case class C(z: String) extends X
      case object D extends X
    sealed trait Y
    object Y {
      case class B(x: String, y: String) extends Y
      case class Z(value: String) extends Y
    final case class MyConfig(xOrY: Either[X, Y])
    val typesafeSource =
         xOrY: {
           B : {
              x : l,
              y : m

    For zio-config, Either[X, Y] implies, it tries to fetch X and if it fails, it falls over to trying to read Y.

    However, in the above case, the output will be always X while user might have intended to provide Y.

    This was just an example, but similar conflicts can occur and zio-config-magnolia has strong semantics to handle such scenarios. The best way is to indicate the name of the sealed trait itself.

    That is


     import zio.config._
     // This implies, not only we are making use of the names of the case classes (or case objects) but the actual
     // name of the sealed trait as well.
     val betterDerivation = new DeriveConfigDescriptor {
        override def sealedTraitStrategy: Descriptor.SealedTraitStrategy =
          wrapSubClassName && wrapSealedTraitName

    If the source is HOCON, then


    can read:

    xOrY: {
      X : {
         B : {
            x : xyz
            y : xyz

    Providing the name of the sealed traits is least commonly used. This is why the default derivation of sealed trait doesn't consider it.

    There is a third way of config derivation, especially for those who would like to migrate pure-config's implementation. In this case, we ignore the sealed-trait name, but we consider the sub-class name but not as a parent but part of the product itself.

     import zio.config._
     val customDerivation = new DeriveConfigDescriptor {
       override def sealedTraitStrategy: Descriptor.SealedTraitStrategy =
         labelSubClassName("type") && ignoreSealedTraitName

    If the source is HOCON, then


    can read:

     x: {
       type : B
       x : r
       y : z

    customDerivation.descriptor[MyConfig] }}}

     x: {
       type : B
       x : r
       y : z

    betterDerivation.descriptor[MyConfig] }}}

    xOrY: {
      X : {
         B : {
            x : xyz
            y : xyz

    Providing the name of the sealed traits is least commonly used. This is why the default derivation of sealed trait doesn't consider it.

    There is a third way of config derivation, especially for those who would like to migrate pure-config's implementation. In this case, we ignore the sealed-trait name, but we consider the sub-class name but not as a parent but part of the product itself.

     import zio.config._
     val customDerivation = new DeriveConfigDescriptor {
       override def sealedTraitStrategy: Descriptor.SealedTraitStrategy =
         labelSubClassName("type") && ignoreSealedTraitName

    If the source is HOCON, then


    can read:

     x: {
       type : B
       x : r
       y : z

    customDerivation.descriptor[MyConfig] }}}

     x: {
       type : B
       x : r
       y : z
  3. def getDescriptor[A](desc: config.ConfigDescriptor[A]): Descriptor[A]
  4. val name:
  5. object DeriveConfigDescriptor extends DeriveConfigDescriptor
  6. object Descriptor extends DeriveConfigDescriptor with Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
