object ConfigDescriptor extends ConfigDescriptorFunctions

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ConfigDescriptor
  2. ConfigDescriptorFunctions
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class PartiallyAppliedEnumeration[D] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def bigDecimal(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[BigDecimal]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a big-decimal from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a big-decimal from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "COST" : 111111111
    val config = bigDecimal("COST")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(111111111)
  6. val bigDecimal: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[BigDecimal]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a big-decimal.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a big-decimal.

    Note that there is no path associated with it. However, an example can give you more idea on what's going on.

    val valueConfig: ConfigDescriptor[Either[BigDecimal, String]] = bigDecimal.orElseEither(string)
    // Describes fetching a map that is under the path "key-values" where the value of each can be either a BigDecimal or
    // if it's not try to fetch it as a String. An example source config
    val sourceString =
              key-values : {
                 key1 : "usa"
                 key2 : "111111111111"
                 key3 : "australia"
    val hoconSource = TypesafeConfigSource.fromHoconString(sourceString)
    val mapConfig = map("key-values")(valueConfig)
    val getMapConfig: ConfigDescriptor[Map[String, Either[BigDecimal, String]] =
       hoconSource.flatMap(source => read(mapConfig from source)
  7. def bigInt(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[BigInt]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a BigInt from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a BigInt from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "COST" : 111111111
    val config = bigInt("COST")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(111111111)
  8. val bigInt: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[BigInt]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a BigInt.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a BigInt.

    Note that there is no path associated with it. However, an example can give you more idea on what's going on.

    val valueConfig: ConfigDescriptor[Either[BigInt, String]] = bigInt.orElseEither(string)
    // Describes fetching a map that is under the path "key-values" where the value of each can be either a BigDecimal or
    // if it's not try to fetch it as a String. An example source config
    val sourceString =
              key-values : {
                 key1 : "usa"
                 key2 : "111111111111"
                 key3 : "australia"
    val hoconSource = TypesafeConfigSource.fromHoconString(sourceString)
    val mapConfig = map("key-values")(valueConfig)
    val getMapConfig: ConfigDescriptor[Map[String, Either[BigInt, String]] =
       hoconSource.flatMap(source => read(mapConfig from source)
  9. def boolean(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Boolean]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Boolean from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Boolean from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "IS_TRUE" : true
    val config = boolean("IS_TRUE")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(true)
  10. val boolean: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Boolean]
  11. def byte(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Byte]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Byte from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Byte from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "KEY" : 11
    val config = byte("KEY")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(11)
  12. val byte: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Byte]
  13. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  14. def collectAll[A](head: => ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A], tail: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]*): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[List[A]]

    collectAll is an alias to sequence.

    collectAll is an alias to sequence. In Functional Programming terms, it is a Traverse implementation for ConfigDescriptor. In other words, it allows us to convert a List of ConfigDescriptor[A] to ConfigDescriptor[List[A]].


    final case class Variables(variable1: Int, variable2: Option[Int])
    object CollectAllExample extends App with EitherImpureOps {
      val listOfConfig: List[ConfigDescriptor[Variables]] =
        List("GROUP1", "GROUP2", "GROUP3", "GROUP4")
            group =>
              (int(s"${group}_VARIABLE1") |@| int(s"${group}_VARIABLE2").optional)(Variables.apply, Variables.unapply)
      val configOfList: ConfigDescriptor[List[Variables]] =
        collectAll(listOfConfig.head, listOfConfig.tail: _*)
      val map =
          "GROUP1_VARIABLE1" -> "1",
          "GROUP1_VARIABLE2" -> "2",
          "GROUP2_VARIABLE1" -> "3",
          "GROUP2_VARIABLE2" -> "4",
          "GROUP3_VARIABLE1" -> "5",
          "GROUP3_VARIABLE2" -> "6",
          "GROUP4_VARIABLE1" -> "7"
      // loadOrThrow here is only for the purpose of example
      val result: List[Variables] = read(configOfList from ConfigSource.fromMap(map, "constant")).loadOrThrow
      val written: PropertyTree[String, String] = write(configOfList, result).loadOrThrow
        result == List(Variables(1, Some(2)), Variables(3, Some(4)), Variables(5, Some(6)), Variables(7, None))
    Definition Classes
  15. def double(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Double]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Double from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Double from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "COST" : 11.11
    val config = double("COST")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(11.11)
  16. val double: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Double]
  17. def duration(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Duration]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a duration from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a duration from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "DURATION" : "3 seconds"
    val config = duration("DURATION")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(3 seconds)
  18. val duration: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Duration]
  19. def enumeration[D]: PartiallyAppliedEnumeration[D]

    enumeration allows user to up-cast all the subtypes to its super type defined by D.

    enumeration allows user to up-cast all the subtypes to its super type defined by D. This is mainly useful in defining coproducts (sealed trait)


    sealed trait D
    case class A(a: String) extends D
    case class B(b: Int) extends D
    case class C(c: Double) extends D
    val config: ConfigDescriptor[D] =
        string("a")(A.Apply, A.unapply),
        int("b")(B.apply, B.unapply),
        double("c")(C.apply, C.unapply)

    Currently enumeration supports to a maximum of 9 terms. If you have more terms, use orElse to combine the terms.

    enumeration[D](a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) orElse enumeration[D](i, j, k)


    Use zio-config-magnolia for better compile time safety when it comes to sealed trait, as it has strong compile time behaviour and makes sure all subtypes are being handled. On the other hand, enumeration doesn't complain at compile time if you forgot to pass the config descriptor of any of the subtype.


    import zio.config.magnolia._
    val config = descriptor[D]
    Definition Classes
  20. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  21. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  22. def file(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[File]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a file from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a file from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "FILE_PATH" : "/user/file.txt"
    val config = file("FILE_PATH")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(/user/file.txt)
  23. val file: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[File]
  24. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  25. def float(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Float]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Float from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Float from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "COST" : 1.2
    val config = float("COST")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(1.2f)
  26. val float: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Float]
  27. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  28. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  29. def head[A](path: ConfigStringModule.K)(desc: => ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]

    head describes getting the head of a possible list value

    head describes getting the head of a possible list value


      final case class Config(userName: String, port: Option[Int])
    object Config {
      val source =
        ConfigSource.fromMap(Map("USERNAME" -> "af,sa", "PORT" -> "1"), valueDelimiter = Some(','))
      val databaseConfig: ConfigDescriptor[Config] =
        (head("USERNAME")(string) |@| int("PORT").optional)(Config.apply, Config.unapply)
    read(Config.databaseConfig from Config.source)
    // returns Config("af", 1)
    Definition Classes
  30. def head[A](desc: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]

    head describes getting the head of a possible list value

    head describes getting the head of a possible list value


      final case class Config(userName: String, port: Option[Int])
    object Config {
      val source =
        ConfigSource.fromMap(Map("USERNAME" -> "af,sa", "PORT" -> "1"), valueDelimiter = Some(','))
      val databaseConfig: ConfigDescriptor[Config] =
        (head(string("USERNAME")) |@| int("PORT").optional)(Config.apply, Config.unapply)
    read(Config.databaseConfig from Config.source)
    // returns Config("af", 1)
    Definition Classes
  31. def instant(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Instant]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Instant from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Instant from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "TIME" : 2020-11-24T23:21:33.034557Z
    val config = instant("TIME")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right( 2020-11-24T23:21:33.034557Z)
  32. val instant: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Instant]
  33. def int(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Int]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Int from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Int from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "COST" : 10
    val config = int("COST")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(10)
  34. val int: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Int]
  35. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  36. def javaFilePath(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Path]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a javaFilePath from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a javaFilePath from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "FILE_PATH" : "/Users/abc/xyz.txt"
    val config = javaFilePath("COST")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(/Users/abc/xyz.txt)
  37. val javaFilePath: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Path]
  38. def list[A](path: ConfigStringModule.K)(desc: => ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[List[A]]

    list("xyz")(confgDescriptor) represents just a list variant of configDescriptor within the key xyz.

    list("xyz")(confgDescriptor) represents just a list variant of configDescriptor within the key xyz. Note that, nested("xyz")(list(configDescriptor)) is same as list("xyz")(configDescriptor).

    For example: list("key")(string) implies value of key is of the type List[String]

    Here is a more detailed example.

    We know val config = string("USERNAME") from source represents a program that says, there exists a key called "USERNAME" (in some ConfigSource called source) with a value that is of the type String.

    list("xyz")(config) would then imply, there exists a list of USERNAME -> value pair within the key "xyz".

    val json =
          | xyz : [
          |   {
          |     "USERNAME" : "value1"
          |   },
          |   {
          |     "USERNAME" : "value2"
          |   }
          | ]
     val getSource: Either[ReadError[String], ConfigSource] =
     val config = string("USERNAME")
     // Within the key "xyz", we have a list of key-value pair, where key is always "USERNAME"
     // NOTE: In HOCON, there is always a need of key (in this case, xyz) at parent level.
     val listConfig = list("xyz")(config)
     val userNames: Either[ReadError[String], List[String]] =
       getSource.flatMap(source => read(listConfig from source))


    Right(List(value1, value2))
    Definition Classes
  39. def list[K, V, A](desc: => ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[List[A]]

    list(confgDescriptor) represents just a list variant of configuration extraction.

    list(confgDescriptor) represents just a list variant of configuration extraction.

    For example, we know val config = string("USERNAME") from source represents a program that says, there exists a key called "USERNAME" (in some ConfigSource called source) with a value that is of the type String.

    list(config) would then imply, there exists a list of USERNAME -> value pair.

    Given below is a complete example:

    val json =
          | xyz : [
          |   {
          |     "USERNAME" : "value1"
          |   },
          |   {
          |     "USERNAME" : "value2"
          |   }
          | ]
     val getSource: Either[ReadError[String], ConfigSource] =
     val config = string("USERNAME")
     // Within the key "xyz", we have a list of key-value pair, where key is always "USERNAME"
     // NOTE: In HOCON, there is always a need of key (in this case, xyz) at parent level.
     val listConfig = nested("xyz")(list(config))
     val userNames: Either[ReadError[String], List[String]] =
       getSource.flatMap(source => read(listConfig from source))


    Right(List(value1, value2))


    nested("xyz")(list(string("USERNAME")) is same as list("xyz")(string("USERNAME"))

    Definition Classes
  40. def listOrSingleton[A](path: ConfigStringModule.K)(desc: => ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[List[A]]

    listOrSingleton is a flexible version of list.

    listOrSingleton is a flexible version of list. This means, even if the value is not of the type List it considers the value a singleton and returns List(singleValue)

    We list("xyz")(confgDescriptor) represents just a list variant of configDescriptor within the key xyz. That is list("key")(string) implies value of key is of the type List[String]

    However if the value of key was not a list, but instead a simple string, and if we are using listOrSingleton it will be considered as a List.

    Here is a more detailed example.

     val json =
         | USERNAME : {
         |     "USERNAME" : "abc"
         |   }
    val getSource: Either[ReadError[String], ConfigSource] =
    val config = string("USERNAME")
    val usernames: Either[ReadError[String], List[String]] =
        source => read(listOrSingleton("configs")(config) from source)


    Definition Classes
  41. def localDate(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[LocalDate]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a LocalDate from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a LocalDate from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "date" : "2020-01-01"
    val config = localDate("date")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(2020-01-01)
  42. val localDate: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[LocalDate]
  43. def localDateTime(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[LocalDateTime]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a LocalDateTime from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a LocalDateTime from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "time" : "2020-11-25T10:26:32.482299"
    val config = localDateTime("time")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(2020-11-25T10:26:32.482299)
  44. val localDateTime: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[LocalDateTime]
  45. def localTime(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[LocalTime]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a LocalTime from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a LocalTime from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "LOCAL_TIME" : "10:29:02.278213"
    val config = localTime("LOCAL_TIME")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(10:29:02.278213)
  46. val localTime: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[LocalTime]
  47. def long(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Long]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Long from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Long from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "COST" : 111111111
    val config = long("COST")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(111111111)
  48. val long: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Long]
  49. def map[A](path: ConfigStringModule.K)(desc: => ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Map[ConfigStringModule.K, A]]

    map("xyz")(confgDescriptor) represents retrieving a map (of key value pairs) that exists within the key "xyz"

    map("xyz")(confgDescriptor) represents retrieving a map (of key value pairs) that exists within the key "xyz"

    Let's explain this in detail with an example: int("URL") implies there exists a value of the type string under the key "URL" On similar lines, map("URL")(int) implies there exists a value of the type Map under the key URL and the type of the value of each key in the map is of the type Int.

    Sidee note: Obviously, for complex types such as Map, you can also rely on zio-config-magnolia that allows you to retrieve any value of the type Map[String, A] for all type A, that has an instance of Description (refer zio-config-magnolia api docs)

    val config = map("xyz")(int)
    val sourceOrFailed: Either[ReadError[String], ConfigSource] =
        "xyz" : {
           "key1" : "1"
           "key2" : "2"
           "key3" : "3"
    // Forming a TypesafeConfigSource from string returned an Either (being able to capture errors) because
    // the HOCON string can be an invalid string.
    val result =  sourceOrFailed.flatMap(source => read(config from source))
    // Right(Map("key1" -> 1, "key2" -> 2, "key3" -> 3))

    We explained map using TypesafeConfigSource. However, for zio-config source doesn't really matter. For example, lets try to fetch a map from a flattened scala Map.

     val source = ConfigSource.fromMap(
          "xyz_key1" -> "1",
          "xyz_key2" -> "2",
          "xyz_key3" -> "3"
        ), keyDelimiter = Some('_')
    val config = read(config from source)
    // Right( Map("key1" -> 1, "key2" -> 2, "key3" -> 3))
    Definition Classes
  50. def map[A](desc: => ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Map[ConfigStringModule.K, A]]

    Retrieve a Mapgiven an existing ConfigDescriptor.

    Retrieve a Mapgiven an existing ConfigDescriptor.

    map(configDescriptor) is similar to map(path)(configDescriptor) except that there is no path associated with it. For the same reason, you would need the second version given below: def map[A](path: K)(desc: => ConfigDescriptor[A])

    Before we try to understand the semantics of map(configDescriptor), let's understand the semantics of map(path)(configDescriptor); a function with the same name given below, but it takes a path as well.

    map("xyz")(confgDescriptor) represents retrieving a map (of key value pairs) that exists within the key "xyz"

    Let's explain this in detail with an example: int("URL") implies there exists a value of the type string under the key "URL" On similar lines, map("URL")(int) implies there exists a value of the type Map under the key URL and the type of the value of each key in the map is of the type Int.

    Sidee note: Obviously, for complex types such as Map, you can also rely on zio-config-magnolia that allows you to retrieve any value of the type Map[String, A] for all type A, that has an instance of Description (refer zio-config-magnolia api docs)

    val config = map("xyz")(int)
    val sourceOrFailed: Either[ReadError[String], ConfigSource] =
        "xyz" : {
           "key1" : "1"
           "key2" : "2"
           "key3" : "3"
    // Forming a TypesafeConfigSource from string returned an Either (being able to capture errors) because
    // the HOCON string can be an invalid string.
    val result =  sourceOrFailed.flatMap(source => read(config from source))
    // Right(Map("key1" -> 1, "key2" -> 2, "key3" -> 3))

    We explained map using TypesafeConfigSource. However, for zio-config source doesn't really matter. For example, lets try to fetch a map from a flattened scala Map.

     val source = ConfigSource.fromMap(
          "xyz_key1" -> "1",
          "xyz_key2" -> "2",
          "xyz_key3" -> "3"
        ), keyDelimiter = Some('_')
    val config = read(config from source)
    // Right( Map("key1" -> 1, "key2" -> 2, "key3" -> 3))

    Now what does it mean if we say val config = map(int("id")) instead of val config = map("id")(int)

    The difference is map("id")(int) implies there exists a map within the key id, whose values of are of the type Int On the other hand map(int("id")) implies there exists a map hose value is of the type {"id" : "Int"}


    val mapConfig = map(int("id"))
    // This means there exists a Map whose value is of the type {"String" : "Int"}.
    val sourceOrFailure: Either[ReadError[String], TypesafeConfigSource] = TypesafeConfigSource.fromHoconString(
       "abc" : {
        "key1" : { "id" :  "2" },
        "key2" : { "id" : "3" }
    val result = sourceOrFailure.flatMap(s => read(nested("abc")(map(int("id"))) from s))
    // Right(Map("key1" -> 1, "key2" -> 2))

    This is really useful when the config source consist of a map but you need to fetch the value of the keys in the map from an nested key within itself. In this example it is "id".

    Definition Classes
  51. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  52. def nested[A](path: ConfigStringModule.K)(desc: => ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]

    nested allows us to retrieve a config from a path K, where K is typically String.

    nested allows us to retrieve a config from a path K, where K is typically String.

    Example :

    val config = nested("key")(string)
    val mapSource = ConfigSource.fromMap(
       "key" : "value"
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right("value")

    Note that string("key") is same as that of nested("key")(string)

    Definition Classes
  53. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  54. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  55. def set[A](path: ConfigStringModule.K)(desc: => ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Set[A]]

    set("xyz")(confgDescriptor) represents just a set variant of configDescriptor within the key xyz.

    set("xyz")(confgDescriptor) represents just a set variant of configDescriptor within the key xyz. Note that, nested("xyz")(set(configDescriptor)) is same as set("xyz")(configDescriptor).

    For example: set("key")(string) implies value of key is of the type Set[String]

    Here is a more detailed example.

    list("xyz")(string) would then imply, there exists a set of type String under "xyz"

     val json =
           | xyz : ["a", "b"]
     val sourceOrFailure: Either[ReadError[String], TypesafeConfigSource] =
    sourceOrFailure.flatMap(source => read(set("xyz")(string) from source))


    Right(List(value1, value2))
    Definition Classes
  56. def set[K, V, A](desc: => ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[A]): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Set[A]]

    set("xyz")(confgDescriptor) represents just a set variant of configDescriptor within the key xyz.

    set("xyz")(confgDescriptor) represents just a set variant of configDescriptor within the key xyz. Note that, nested("xyz")(set(configDescriptor)) is same as set("xyz")(configDescriptor).

    For example: set("key")(string) implies value of key is of the type Set[String]

    Here is a more detailed example.

    list("xyz")(string) would then imply, there exists a set of type String under "xyz"

     val json =
           | xyz : ["a", "b"]
     val sourceOrFailure: Either[ReadError[String], TypesafeConfigSource] =
    sourceOrFailure.flatMap(source => read(set("xyz")(string) from source))


    Right(List(value1, value2))
    Definition Classes
  57. def short(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Short]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Short from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Short from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "ID" : "1"
    val config = short("ID")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(1)
  58. val short: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Short]
  59. def string(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[String]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a String from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a String from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "COUNTRY" : "Australia"
    val config = string("COUNTRY")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(Australia)
  60. val string: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[String]
  61. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  62. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  63. def uri(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[URI]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Uri from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Uri from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "URI" : "www.bla.com"
    val config = uri("URI")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(www.bla.com)
  64. val uri: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[URI]
  65. def url(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[URL]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Url from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Url from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "URL" : "www.bla.com"
    val config = bigInt("COST")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(111111111)
  66. val url: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[URL]
  67. def uuid(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[UUID]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Uuid from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a Uuid from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "ID" : "a0f25f26-95b3-4124-8f7f-67fb04f714b7"
    val config = uuid("ID")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(a0f25f26-95b3-4124-8f7f-67fb04f714b7)
  68. val uuid: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[UUID]
  69. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  70. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  71. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  72. def zioDuration(path: String): ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Duration]

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a zioDuration from a given path.

    A config descriptor that describes retrieving a zioDuration from a given path.

    val mapSource =
        "DURATION" : "3 seconds"
    val config = zioDuration("DURATION")
    val result = read(config from mapSource)
    // Right(PT3S)
  73. val zioDuration: ConfigStringModule.ConfigDescriptor[Duration]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
