See theSecureFtpSettings companion object
final case class SecureFtpSettings(host: String, port: Int, credentials: FtpCredentials, sftpIdentity: Option[SftpIdentity], strictHostKeyChecking: Boolean, knownHosts: Option[String], proxy: Option[Proxy], sshConfig: Config)
Settings to connect to a secure Ftp server (Ftp over ssh)
Value parameters
- credentials
auth credentials
- host
hostname of ftp server (ipAddress / dnsName)
- knownHosts
known hosts file to be used when connecting
- port
port of communication used by the server
- sftpIdentity
private/public key config to use when connecting
- sshConfig
configuration of ssh client
- strictHostKeyChecking
sets whether to use strict host key checking.
- Companion
- object
- Graph
- Supertypes
Members list
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