
See theMiddleware companion trait
object Middleware


trait HeaderModifier[HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


final case class CorsConfig(allowedOrigin: Origin => Option[AccessControlAllowOrigin], allowedMethods: AccessControlAllowMethods, allowedHeaders: AccessControlAllowHeaders, allowCredentials: AccessControlAllowCredentials, exposedHeaders: AccessControlExposeHeaders, maxAge: Option[AccessControlMaxAge])

Configuration for the CORS aspect.

Configuration for the CORS aspect.


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all

Value members

Concrete methods

def cors: Middleware[Any]

Creates a aspect for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) using default options.

Creates a aspect for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) using default options.


See also
def cors(config: CorsConfig): Middleware[Any]

Creates a aspect for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

Creates a aspect for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).


See also

Creates a middleware for managing the flash scope.

Creates a middleware for managing the flash scope.


def logAnnotate(key: => String, value: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any]
def logAnnotate(logAnnotation: => LogAnnotation, logAnnotations: LogAnnotation*)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any]
def logAnnotate(logAnnotations: => Set[LogAnnotation])(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any]
def logAnnotate(fromRequest: Request => Set[LogAnnotation])(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any]

Creates a middleware that will annotate log messages that are logged while a request is handled with log annotations derived from the request.

Creates a middleware that will annotate log messages that are logged while a request is handled with log annotations derived from the request.


def logAnnotateHeaders(headerName: String, headerNames: String*)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any]

Creates a middleware that will annotate log messages that are logged while a request is handled with the names and the values of the specified headers.

Creates a middleware that will annotate log messages that are logged while a request is handled with the names and the values of the specified headers.


def logAnnotateHeaders(header: HeaderType, headers: HeaderType*)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any]

Creates middleware that will annotate log messages that are logged while a request is handled with the names and the values of the specified headers.

Creates middleware that will annotate log messages that are logged while a request is handled with the names and the values of the specified headers.


def metrics(concurrentRequestsName: String, totalRequestsName: String, requestDurationName: String, requestDurationBoundaries: Boundaries, extraLabels: Set[MetricLabel])(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any]

Creates middleware that will track metrics.

Creates middleware that will track metrics.

Value parameters


A set of extra labels all metrics will be tagged with.


Boundaries for the HTTP request duration metric.


HTTP request duration metric name.


Total HTTP requests metric name.


def serveDirectory(path: Path, docRoot: File)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any]

Creates a middleware for serving static files from the directory docRoot at the url path path.

Creates a middleware for serving static files from the directory docRoot at the url path path.

Example: val serveDirectory = Middleware.serveDirectory(Path.empty / "assets", new File("/some/local/path"))

With this middleware in place, a request to https://www.domain.com/assets/folder/file1.jpg would serve the local file /some/local/path/folder/file1.jpg.


def serveResources(path: Path)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any]

Creates a middleware for serving static files from resources at the path path.

Creates a middleware for serving static files from resources at the path path.

Example: val serveResources = Middleware.serveResources(Path.empty / "assets")

With this middleware in place, a request to https://www.domain.com/assets/folder/file1.jpg would serve the file src/main/resources/folder/file1.jpg.


def timeout(duration: Duration)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any]

Inherited methods

def addCookie(cookie: Response): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Sets a cookie in the response headers

Sets a cookie in the response headers


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def addCookieZIO[Env](cookie: ZIO[Env, Nothing, Response])(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Sets an effectfully created cookie in the response headers.

Sets an effectfully created cookie in the response headers.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
final def addHeader(name: CharSequence, value: CharSequence): A


Inherited from:
final def addHeader(header: Header): A


Inherited from:
final def addHeaders(headers: Headers): A


Inherited from:
def allow: Allow

Creates a middleware which can allow or disallow access to an http based on the predicate

Creates a middleware which can allow or disallow access to an http based on the predicate


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)

Creates a middleware which can allow or disallow access to an http based on the effectful predicate.

Creates a middleware which can allow or disallow access to an http based on the effectful predicate.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def basicAuth(u: String, p: String): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates a middleware for basic authentication that checks if the credentials are same as the ones given

Creates a middleware for basic authentication that checks if the credentials are same as the ones given


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def basicAuth(f: Credentials => Boolean): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates a middleware for basic authentication

Creates a middleware for basic authentication


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def basicAuthZIO[Env](f: Credentials => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Creates a middleware for basic authentication using an effectful verification function

Creates a middleware for basic authentication using an effectful verification function


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def bearerAuth(f: String => Boolean): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates a middleware for bearer authentication that checks the token using the given function

Creates a middleware for bearer authentication that checks the token using the given function

Value parameters


function that validates the token string inside the Bearer Header


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def bearerAuthZIO[Env](f: String => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Creates a middleware for bearer authentication that checks the token using the given effectful function

Creates a middleware for bearer authentication that checks the token using the given effectful function

Value parameters


function that effectfully validates the token string inside the Bearer Header


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def beautifyErrors: HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Beautify the error response.

Beautify the error response.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def customAuth(verify: Request => Boolean, responseHeaders: Headers, responseStatus: Status): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated requests to be passed on to the app.

Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated requests to be passed on to the app.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
final def customAuthProviding[Context](provide: Request => Option[Context], responseHeaders: Headers, responseStatus: Status): HandlerAspect[Any, Context]

Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated requests to be passed on to the app, and provides a context to the request handlers.

Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated requests to be passed on to the app, and provides a context to the request handlers.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def customAuthProvidingZIO[Env, Context](provide: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, Option[Context]], responseHeaders: Headers, responseStatus: Status): HandlerAspect[Env, Context]

Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated requests to be passed on to the app, and provides a context to the request handlers.

Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated requests to be passed on to the app, and provides a context to the request handlers.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def customAuthZIO[Env](verify: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean], responseHeaders: Headers, responseStatus: Status): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated requests to be passed on to the app using an effectful verification function.

Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated requests to be passed on to the app using an effectful verification function.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def debug: HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that debugs request and response.

Creates middleware that debugs request and response.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def dropTrailingSlash(onlyIfNoQueryParams: Boolean): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that drops trailing slashes from the request URL.

Creates middleware that drops trailing slashes from the request URL.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)

Creates middleware that drops trailing slashes from the request URL.

Creates middleware that drops trailing slashes from the request URL.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def fail(response: Response): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that aborts the request with the specified response. No downstream middleware will be invoked.

Creates middleware that aborts the request with the specified response. No downstream middleware will be invoked.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def failWith(f: Request => Response): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that aborts the request with the specified response. No downstream middleware will be invoked.

Creates middleware that aborts the request with the specified response. No downstream middleware will be invoked.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def ifHeaderThenElse[Env, Ctx](condition: Headers => Boolean)(ifTrue: HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx], ifFalse: HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx]): HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx]

Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and another based on the result of the predicate, applied to the incoming request's headers.

Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and another based on the result of the predicate, applied to the incoming request's headers.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def ifMethodThenElse[Env, Ctx](condition: Method => Boolean)(ifTrue: HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx], ifFalse: HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx]): HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx]

Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and another based on the result of the predicate, applied to the incoming request's method.

Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and another based on the result of the predicate, applied to the incoming request's method.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def ifRequestThenElse[Env, CtxOut](predicate: Request => Boolean)(ifTrue: HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut], ifFalse: HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut]): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut]

Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and another based on the result of the predicate, applied to the incoming request.

Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and another based on the result of the predicate, applied to the incoming request.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def ifRequestThenElseZIO[Env, CtxOut](predicate: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean])(ifTrue: HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut], ifFalse: HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut]): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut]

Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and another based on the result of the predicate, effectfully applied to the incoming request.

Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and another based on the result of the predicate, effectfully applied to the incoming request.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def intercept(fromRequestAndResponse: (Request, Response) => Response): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that modifies the response, potentially using the request.

Creates middleware that modifies the response, potentially using the request.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def interceptHandler[Env, CtxOut](incoming0: Handler[Env, Response, Request, (Request, CtxOut)])(outgoing0: Handler[Env, Nothing, Response, Response]): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut]

Creates middleware that will apply the specified stateless handlers to incoming and outgoing requests. If the incoming handler fails, then the outgoing handler will not be invoked.

Creates middleware that will apply the specified stateless handlers to incoming and outgoing requests. If the incoming handler fails, then the outgoing handler will not be invoked.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def interceptHandlerStateful[Env, State0, CtxOut](incoming0: Handler[Env, Response, Request, (State0, (Request, CtxOut))])(outgoing0: Handler[Env, Nothing, (State0, Response), Response]): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut]

Creates middleware that will apply the specified stateful handlers to incoming and outgoing requests. If the incoming handler fails, then the outgoing handler will not be invoked.

Creates middleware that will apply the specified stateful handlers to incoming and outgoing requests. If the incoming handler fails, then the outgoing handler will not be invoked.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def interceptIncomingHandler[Env, CtxOut](handler: Handler[Env, Response, Request, (Request, CtxOut)]): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut]

Creates middleware that will apply the specified handler to incoming requests.

Creates middleware that will apply the specified handler to incoming requests.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def interceptOutgoingHandler[Env](handler: Handler[Env, Nothing, Response, Response]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Creates middleware that will apply the specified handler to outgoing responses.

Creates middleware that will apply the specified handler to outgoing responses.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def interceptPatch[S](fromRequest: Request => S): InterceptPatch[S]

Creates a new middleware using transformation functions

Creates a new middleware using transformation functions


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def interceptPatchZIO[Env, S](fromRequest: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, S]): InterceptPatchZIO[Env, S]

Creates a new middleware using effectful transformation functions

Creates a new middleware using effectful transformation functions


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def patch(f: Response => Patch): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates a middleware that produces a Patch for the Response

Creates a middleware that produces a Patch for the Response


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def patchZIO[Env](f: Response => ZIO[Env, Response, Patch]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Creates a middleware that produces a Patch for the Response effectfully.

Creates a middleware that produces a Patch for the Response effectfully.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def redirect(url: URL, isPermanent: Boolean): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates a middleware that will redirect requests to the specified URL.

Creates a middleware that will redirect requests to the specified URL.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def redirectTrailingSlash(isPermanent: Boolean): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that will redirect requests with trailing slash to the same path without trailing slash.

Creates middleware that will redirect requests with trailing slash to the same path without trailing slash.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
final def removeHeader(name: String): A


Inherited from:
final def removeHeader(headerType: HeaderType): A


Inherited from:
final def removeHeaders(headers: Set[String]): A


Inherited from:
def requestLogging(level: Status => LogLevel, loggedRequestHeaders: Set[HeaderType], loggedResponseHeaders: Set[HeaderType], logRequestBody: Boolean, logResponseBody: Boolean, requestCharset: Charset, responseCharset: Charset)(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that will perform request logging.

Creates middleware that will perform request logging.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def runAfter[Env](effect: ZIO[Env, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Creates middleware that will run the specified effect after every request.

Creates middleware that will run the specified effect after every request.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def runBefore[Env](effect: ZIO[Env, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Creates middleware that will run the specified effect before every request.

Creates middleware that will run the specified effect before every request.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
final def setHeaders(headers: Headers): A


Inherited from:
def signCookies(secret: String): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates a middleware for signing cookies

Creates a middleware for signing cookies


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def status(status: Status): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that will update the status of the response.

Creates middleware that will update the status of the response.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
override def updateHeaders(update: Headers => Headers)(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that will update the headers of the response.

Creates middleware that will update the headers of the response.


Definition Classes
HandlerAspects -> HeaderModifier
Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def updateMethod(update: Method => Method): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that will update the method of the request.

Creates middleware that will update the method of the request.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def updatePath(update: Path => Path): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that will update the path of the request.

Creates middleware that will update the path of the request.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def updateRequest(update: Request => Request): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that will update the request.

Creates middleware that will update the request.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def updateRequestZIO[Env](update: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, Request]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Creates middleware that will update the request effectfully.

Creates middleware that will update the request effectfully.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def updateResponse(update: Response => Response): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that will update the response.

Creates middleware that will update the response.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def updateResponseZIO[Env](update: Response => ZIO[Env, Nothing, Response]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Creates middleware that will update the response effectfully.

Creates middleware that will update the response effectfully.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def updateURL(update: URL => URL): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Creates middleware that will update the URL of the request.

Creates middleware that will update the URL of the request.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def when[Env](condition: Request => Boolean)(middleware: HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Applies the middleware only if the condition function evaluates to true

Applies the middleware only if the condition function evaluates to true


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def whenHeader[Env](condition: Headers => Boolean)(middleware: HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Applies the middleware only when the header-based condition evaluates to true.

Applies the middleware only when the header-based condition evaluates to true.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def whenResponse(condition: Response => Boolean)(f: Response => Response): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

Applies the middleware only if the condition function evaluates to true

Applies the middleware only if the condition function evaluates to true


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def whenResponseZIO[Env](condition: Response => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean])(f: Response => ZIO[Env, Response, Response]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Applies the middleware only if the condition function effectfully evaluates to true

Applies the middleware only if the condition function effectfully evaluates to true


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)
def whenZIO[Env](condition: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean])(middleware: HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit]

Applies the middleware only if the condition function effectfully evaluates to true

Applies the middleware only if the condition function effectfully evaluates to true


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)

Inherited fields

val identity: HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]

The identity middleware, which has no effect on request or response.

The identity middleware, which has no effect on request or response.


Inherited from:
HandlerAspects (hidden)