
final case class JsonCodec[A](encoder: JsonEncoder[A], decoder: JsonDecoder[A])

A JsonCodec[A] instance has the ability to encode values of type A into JSON, together with the ability to decode such JSON into values of type A.

Instances of this trait should satisfy round-tripping laws: that is, for every value, instances must be able to successfully encode the value into JSON, and then successfully decode the same value from such JSON.

For more information, see JsonDecoder and JsonEncoder.

{{ val intCodec: JsonCodec[Int] = JsonCodec[Int]

intCodec.encodeJson(intCodec.encodeJson(42)) == Right(42) }}

trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

final def *>[B](that: => JsonCodec[B])(implicit ev: Unit <:< A): JsonCodec[B]
final def <*(that: => JsonCodec[Unit]): JsonCodec[A]
final def <*>[B](that: => JsonCodec[B]): JsonCodec[(A, B)]

An alias for JsonCodec#zip.

An alias for JsonCodec#zip.

final def <+>[B](that: => JsonCodec[B]): JsonCodec[Either[A, B]]

An alias for JsonCodec#orElseEither.

An alias for JsonCodec#orElseEither.

final def <>(that: => JsonCodec[A]): JsonCodec[A]

An alias for JsonCodec#orElse.

An alias for JsonCodec#orElse.

final def decodeJson(str: CharSequence): Either[String, A]
final def encodeJson(a: A, indent: Option[Int]): CharSequence
final def orElse(that: => JsonCodec[A]): JsonCodec[A]
final def orElseEither[B](that: => JsonCodec[B]): JsonCodec[Either[A, B]]
final def transform[B](f: A => B, g: B => A): JsonCodec[B]
final def transformOrFail[B](f: A => Either[String, B], g: B => A): JsonCodec[B]
final def zip[B](that: => JsonCodec[B]): JsonCodec[(A, B)]
final def zipLeft(that: => JsonCodec[Unit]): JsonCodec[A]
final def zipRight[B](that: => JsonCodec[B])(implicit ev: Unit <:< A): JsonCodec[B]

Inherited methods

Inherited from: